August 2021 Newsletter
State of the Economy: Preparing to Sell
Current Economic Forecast

Most economic forecasts still predict a positive future. With that being said, some uncertainties are clouding how positive it can be, such as inflation and financial policies that could stunt growth. 

Selling a business always has its uncertainties, but at the same time, there’s no guarantee the risks with the business will be mitigated with time. The market at this time may no longer be a seller’s market, but there are still plenty of strategic and financial buyers looking for profitable opportunities. 

If you’ve been thinking of selling your business, the current market and future outlook show a positive picture for you to make that move.

Dialogue or Discussion?
Are your meetings more dialogue than discussion? While the dialogue is essential, it doesn’t always help come to a conclusion or decision. A discussion always has the intent for a decision. Are your meetings structured to come to decisions and conclusions, or just for the exchange of decisions that don’t lead to anything? Learn more about how to construct efficient and productive meetings from us.

Mastermind Sessions - Sign Up for More info
CHV Group has been contemplating hosting Mastermind Sessions for groups of five or six people from multiple industries. The goal would be to exchange experiences to learn about the respective industries of one another. If you’re in Greer, Greenville, Columbia, let us know if you’re interested. Email if you would be interested in attending a Mastermind Session!

We will also be posting plenty of Blogs and Resources on our LinkedIn Page! Click Here to Connect with us Today!
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