Dear Supporters of Barakat,
As you know all too well that which is happening in India is on a scale unprecedented even during these dark times. People are dying like dogs on the street, families are being torn from their loved ones and the great sorrow and despair of the common people is echoing all around us.
To die for lack of oxygen; for lack of hospital beds; to have to wait days to cremate one's family members - this is a tragedy that is unfolding before our eyes. The tears, the anguish of the people who are losing their lives, the earning members of their families, their old and their young - this is a cry for help. And help we must - if we can.
Barakat as an organization is planning to re-start work in India. For the present moment, all of India is just coping and our initial conversations with the organization that we want to work with are on hold while they deal with the present crisis.
I would however urge you to give, as indeed we are, as individuals, to one of the organizations that I am listing below.
As a foreign national, you can only give to organizations that have FCRA (Foreign Currency Regulation Act) clearance. Please consider donating to one of these that are not as multi-layered, administratively top heavy as other big NGOs that are more commonly in the news. Smaller NGOs or NGOs that are manned primarily by volunteers are a more effective way of making sure that your money reaches where it is most required.