Ministering the Gospel of Jesus Christ with Praying Pelican Missions, networking with local churches around the world, and connecting mission teams to life-changing ministry opportunities.
This past month, Nathan was able to minister to 36 pastors from 12 different African countries as we began to launch PPM Global in Africa. Through this call we were able to share the vision of PPM Global with these pastors. The pastors were excited to know that they were not forgotten and that they were invited into a big vision to build up, encourage, and assist the local church. In turn, these other local pastors would be encouraged as they continue to reach and serve their community for Jesus Christ. We believe missions should be available to all, and we want to assist to make that happen all around the world!

Nate shared a familiar passage that he has previously shared in many of our pastor's conferences taken from Exodus 17. Nate shared how Praying Pelican Missions is indeed designed to be an "arm-lifter" to our partner pastors.

Next month we will meet again to challenge the pastors to GO! Would you pray with us as we continue to encourage pastors to answer the call with "Here am I. Send me!"? We believe the way to reach the entire world for Jesus is by connecting and empowering the local church. We are grateful that the Lord would allow us to play a small part in this!
Darrell to the Army!
Darrell is off, pursuing his dream of being part of the Army! We were so blessed that Darrell moved from Delaware to join us in Florida almost 2 years ago, and then made the move with us to Alabama. He is such a big part of our family, we miss him so much already. Please pray for him in this exciting chapter of his life!
August Pictures!
The kid's first day of school was August 11th. That day held lots of new things for them: new state, new school, and first time ever riding the bus! Reagan has her license and is now driving herself and Abbi to school (gasp!), but the boys continue to ride the bus.

Nathan's parents came for a visit! One of the reasons they came was to watch the kids so we could attend Praying Pelican Mission's meetings in Minnesota for a few days. It is always such a blessing to know they are in great hands when we leave them.

We had a great time in Minnesota at the PPM meetings, it's always great to spend time with our amazing friends that also work at PPM!

A couple days after returning from Minnesota, we met our friends for the day while they were vacationing an hour away from us. Robin is one of our friends who used to work at PPM, it was so great to spend time with her, her husband Cory, and her sweet baby - Asher! Love that we only live a few hours away from them now.

August also brought Hurricane Ida. We experienced lots of rain, wind, and tornado warnings. We were very blessed to not have any negative impact from the storm and are praying for all of those affected in devastating ways, just two hours west of us in New Orleans.

It has been a month full of joy, but also of heartache as we have watched devastation across the world unfold. Our hearts break for those in Haiti who once again, were majorly impacted by an earthquake. It has been heartbreaking to see the people in Afghanistan in such turmoil. We are praying for all of those in New Orleans and other places that have been devastated by Hurricane Ida.

Please join us as we continue to pray for all of these things, that God's hand would move and that we would see miracles take place. Pray that we would continue to trust Him, and that He is working even when we don't see it.

We love and appreciate each of you so much, thank you for partnering with us in the ministry God has called us to. God bless.
Check out our webpage to keep up with all of our adventures:
Nathan, Laura, Darrell, Reagan,
Abigail, Malachi & Isaiah