Indoor Worship and Holy Communion

Holy Communion will be offered at both the 8:00 am and 10:00 service.
Seating is available on a first come first serve basis.

If you attend in-person, please note:
Masks are required indoors - please wear the mask over your mouth and nose. 
The service will be about 45 minutes.
After the service, feel free to stick around outside and welcome those you have not seen in a while.  

Drive-in Church - drive up, tune your radio to 107.5 FM
Walk-up Church - bring a chair/bike/beach blanket, stay six feet from your neighbor in our garden and grassy area, and listen to the service live.
Live-stream - go to, click on the listen live button, and you will be routed to our YouTube channel. 
Zoom - go to and watch and listen live. Be sure to stick around after the service for our coffee hour chat-with-your-neighbor time. 

All Angels' 10 am service will begin with the lighting of the altar candles. If you are participating at home, you are invited to light a candle with us to create a sacred space of worship at home. 

The bulletin can be found on the All Angels Website:
or at the following link: Bulletin for Sunday, December 13
Organ Concert in the Park
Second Week of Advent, 12-10-20
Advent Readings and Carols
Reader: Ginger  
Vocalist:  Joyce
Organ: Dale

Upcoming Programs in the Park

Thursday, December 17 11 a.m. MUSIC IN THE PARK   
              Advent Organ    Dale   Vocal duet

Thursday, December 24 11 a.m.   MUSIC IN THE PARK
       Readers: Alison Jones and John Gill,  Vocalist: Joyce

Thursday, December 24   5 pm  CHRISTMAS EVE MASS
     Musical prelude: Kei Sulhi, vocalist,   Dale, organist
     5:30  Christ Mass

No services Christmas Day

Thursday, December 31, 11 a.m.   MUSIC IN THE PARK
         Christmas Pops! Organ  Frosty, Rudolph, Jingle Bells, etc.

Thursday, January 7, 11 a.m.   MUSIC IN THE PARK
         Epiphany Readings and Carols Reader: Justus Doenecke 
         Vocalist: Joyce
Flowers and Music for Christmas

There are 4 easy ways to contribute to the upcoming holiday season decorations and music:

1.For on-line giving chose the Christmas Donation button on the All Angels website

2 Send a check to the office made out to All Angels by the Sea with Christmas in the Memo Line

3. Put your check in offering plate with the above designations

4. Or, stop by or call the office, 941-383-8181, with donation information. 

If you would like to designate as Memorial or Thanksgiving of name, please enclose that information for the bulletin.

The form below will help us to make sure your flowers are designated correctly. Please return it to the office by December 16th.
Thank You of the Week:
Santa's Boot for Children First

"The boot runneth over" -over on the floor, over into the gallery. Alison and I stared with amazement at what you have provided for these children and their families. 
In addition, thanks to Sue Bassett-Klauber, we had a corporate sponsor. Hardley's children's store at St Armand Circle donated boxes of not only books and pajamas but socks in Christmas ornaments, children's umbrellas and Sue tells me more will be going directly to Children First next week. Look what you started!!!
ECW wishes to once again thank you for your giving spirit and responding to those in our community at Christmas and throughout the year. 
No matter what project we take on, from socks to soup, you are always there and continue to give more than we could ever imagine. 

Merry Christmas from ECW
Gail Clay
Alison Jones
Elaine Smith
From the Desk of Christi Marshall

If you are interested in helping individual families for Christmas, take a look at these two links. 

This one is Adopt an Angel for Christmas through the Salvation Army. Because of you, a child or senior in our community will have gifts on Christmas morning, knowing their Angel Tree gifts were thoughtfully chosen just for them.

This one is Adopt a Tree. The Salvation Army and Walmart are partnering to Rescue Christmas in 2020 with Angel Trees at Walmart stores across the nation.
Discussion Group Readings

How involved should the Church be in international politics? 
The video below, from the Wall Street Journal, is about Hong Kong businessman Jimmy Lai and his recent arrest. He is outspoken in his belief that the Church should be involved. I am interested in what you think. 

The primary source for our discussion will be the video. If you would like something to read, I have attached the accompanying article.
God's peace to you and to all in Hong Kong,
- Dave

For the Zoom meeting, go to

Online Giving
All Angels now has an electronic offertory plate! You can find the online giving link on our All Angels website by clicking the link below:
Centering Prayer
Centering Prayer invites you to pray with them, every day,
at 8 am, wherever you are. When you enter into prayer at 8 am (Eastern), you will know that others are praying at the same time. 
Prayers for our People

The Lord God’s spirit is upon us,
to bind up the brokenhearted. 
We pray for all who are in need of restoration of mind, body, or soul, especially: Downs IV, Holden, Nikolai, and Brian. Grant healing and recovery for all who have gone through surgery, especially Holly and Sandy. Give peace and strength for those going through cancer treatments, especially John, Victoria, Andres, Ginny, Alex, Colleen, Jack and Breanna. Visit and comfort all who are under the care of skilled nursing, especially Bob, Ruth, Timothy, Don, Barbara and Mike.
Be near to all who are in hospice care.

For the repose of the soul of Alice, aunt of Laurel Phillips.
May light perpetual shine on her.
Gallery Artist

The artist for November is Linda Larisch. Please stop by and enjoy the work of this talented artist.  

All checks should be written to "All Angels by the Sea."
Art Sale

Is your closet full of old art? 
We are asking you to search your closets and storage rooms for nice artwork you no longer display. Bring it to the church office in December and January and it will be displayed and potentially sold during the month of February. If your art sells, 100% of the proceeds will go to the mission and ministry of All Angels. Who knows, maybe you'll find a piece of art that you would like to take home. 
All previous services, discussion group readings and Bible study classes may be found on our website:
The Parable of the Good Samaritan-Canadian

Did you read the story about the family from Georgia who drove to Alaska? If not, here’s a summary. Lynn Marchessault packed up her two kids – 13-year-old son Payton and 10-year-old daughter Rebecca – a pair of elderly dogs and a cat named Midnight, and drove to be with her husband who is stationed at Fort Wainwright in Fairbanks. They were supposed to move in September; but, with the Canadian border closed, her travel documents were not ready until the end of November. Undeterred by the delay, they packed up their 4x4 truck, and rented a U-Haul trailer, and set off.

The first 3,000 miles were uneventful. The kids and animals were well behaved and the truck performed well. At the Saskatchewan border crossing, the Canadian authorities let her in under these pre-arranged conditions: keep to the main roads; stop only when necessary for food or gas; no eating in-person at restaurants; they had just five days to get to the Alaskan border. The drive northwest through Canada was okay until heavy snow started to come down. Being from the south, Lynn had never driven in whiteout conditions. By the time they made it to Wonowon, British Columbia, she was at her wits end. 1070 miles from the Alaska border, Lynn had been run ragged from the constant slipping and sliding. She stopped at a gas station and, while her kids were in the bathroom, she broke down in front of a complete stranger. The Canadian woman checked her tires and said they were good summer tires but won’t get any traction on snow especially towing a trailer. The good Samaritan/Canadian helped the Marchessault’s get to a tire store for winter tires and then a motel for the night. Lynn called her husband and, in her words, “threw in the towel.” She was so tired and frightened she cried that the US border patrol will have to pick her up in Wonowon.

The good Samaritans/Canadians of the town put out a plea on social media that evening for help to get this family to Alaska – which is a two-day trip for someone who knows how to handle the Alaskan Highway in snow. Gary Bath read the post and answered the call to help. He dropped what he was doing and drove the family the rest of the way.

At the end of the Advent season, we hear of weary travelers who have no place to go. The kindness of a complete stranger gave Mary and Joseph a place to rest and to give birth to the One who later on told the story of the Good Samaritan. I wonder if Jesus had in mind his own birth story when telling the story of the Samaritan who dropped everything to help a stranger. Did he think of the stable owner when telling the story of the people who asked, “When did we see you in need?” Regardless, we now have a modern version of that story. It seems to me that when the good Samaritan-Canadian Gary Bath drove the Marchessault’s to Alaska, that he did the same for Jesus.

- Fr. Dave