Re-engage this Fall with Leadership Development!
In a changing work environment, give your team the gift of new skills and perspectives
According to Gallup, 70% of a team's engagement is influenced by managers. In times of continued change and uncertainty, our classes can help your leaders and managers build their toolbox, meet peers who are grappling with similar concerns, and re-energize with new strategies and ideas.
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This virtual online series will start you in the right direction with fundamental leadership skills and ideas for how to continue your growth as a supervisor and leader.

In this class, you will learn how to turn conflict into collaborations and reach win-win resolutions. You will see conflict to clarify roles, relationships, and heighten creativity. Learning how to reach beyond the impasse and find solutions that work is one of the best tools that leaders can use.

This course is directed toward small businesses and the HR issues they face, including the laws most often violated (unknowingly) by Small Businesses (according to the Small Business Administration) and common issues encountered when dealing with employees.

For this course, you will have the opportunity to take the DiSC Personal Profile and use the results to better understand your own communication style and how to better communicate other styles. The class also focuses on developing delegation as a valuable skill that will allow you to enable your employees to willingly take more responsibility for performance and use their expanded authority well.

During this course, you will learn a set of powerful models, tools, and techniques for approaching difficult conversations with confidence and composure. 

Learn about how the brain, the body and emotions affect each other, and then how to better manage your own emotions and the emotions of others so you can have clearer, more accurate communications that create cooperation and collaboration in the workplace.

This class presents a model for managing employee performance and provides you with specific tools you can use to set performance goals, document and manage performance, maintain ongoing communication, conduct performance reviews, and develop performance improvement plans.

The essentials skills and knowledge you will gain in this series will help you better manage your own day to day project work, enhance your ability to lead projects effectively, and lead to greater success with your project outcomes.
Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Contact the UW-Madison SBDC office at or 608-263-2221 to request accommodations.

The Wisconsin SBDC Network is a proud part of the Institute for Business & Entrepreneurship in the University of Wisconsin System. It is funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration.