Presents the 23rd Annual DUI Top Gun Awards
This year the Pennsylvania DUI Association will be celebrating the 23rd Anniversary of the DUI Top Gun Awards. It is with great honor that officers around the Commonwealth have been recognized for their extraordinary efforts in removing impaired drivers from our roadways.

Our society expects a great deal from our law enforcement officers.  We ask them to be a counselor, teacher, medical technician, social worker, psychologist, mentor, negotiator, and then we expect them to enforce the laws.  The removal of offenders who drive under the influence is an integral part of the solution in the elimination of impaired drivers and the harm they can cause.  Law enforcement officers in Pennsylvania deserve a thank you for their work in reducing the threat of impaired drivers on our roads. 

Below you will find the information for the 2020 DUI Top Gun Awards.  If you believe an individual in your Department has made an outstanding contribution in the area of DUI enforcement please submit a nomination on their behalf by September 11, 2020.  

Who is Eligible?

Law enforcement officers who have excelled in the apprehension of driving under the influence offenders during the 2019 calendar year.  The officers/troopers may be employed full or part time.

How to Nominate
Officers are welcome to self-nominate; however, nominations by the Chief of Police or Commanding Officer of the law enforcement agency are suggested.  Please provide all information requested on the nomination form.  Support material MUST be attached or the nomination will not be accepted.  The material will not be returned.  The deadline for this entry is September 11, 2020.  

Absolutely no entries will be accepted after this date.
Click on the link to download the Nomination Form .


How are Entries Evaluated?

 The PA DUI Association Top Gun Award winners are selected by an independent panel of highway safety experts.  Entries are evaluated by a statistical method that considers several factors, including department size, total DUI arrests made by the department, hours worked by the officer, and number of DUI arrests made by the officer.


How are Winners Recognized?
The winners of the 2020 PA DUI Top Gun Award will be honored at PA DUI Association's 41st Annual Meeting scheduled for November 18 - 20, 2020 at the Seven Springs Mountain Resort, Champion, PA.
Winners will receive the following:
     An award recognizing their commitment and dedication to combat drunk driving, VIP Reception at the Annual Meeting, TEAM DUI item, statewide advertising and publicity announcing the award.


Pennsylvania DUI Association

2413 N. Front Street, Harrisburg, PA 17110

(717) 238-4354