November 2022

This newsletter contains news and information of interest about
Montana Rural Teacher Project. Thanks for staying informed.

MRTP Graduate Highlight

The Montana Rural Teacher Project now has 28 graduates from two cohorts and 25 are currently teaching in Montana schools. We are excited to highlight how our graduates are doing in their classrooms. This month we feature Cary Chamberlain.

Cary is in her second year of teaching 7th and 8th grade science in Clancy, MT. Her second year of teaching is running smoothly and she feels more confident in her abilities as a teacher. Outside of the classroom, Cary is involved with many extracurriculars including coaching the Science Olympiad Team as well as the Boys' Basketball Team.

Cary enjoys watching and hearing her students make connections and discoveries with the content. She loves to bring science to life outside of the textbook and encouraging her students to think like scientists. Recently students were able to use microscopes to examine different items and organisms. The students reveled in exploring the world aroudn them.

All of our MRTP participants are happy to be in the classroom and contributing to the life of their schools and communities. They are receiving two years of MRTP-provided mentoring as well as support from their local school leaders. MRTP partners--SAM, MFPE, MREA, MSSA, SSoM, WMPLC, MTSBA, OPI, and OCHE--are also providing key support for all MRTP participants. 

MRTP Participants in the Classroom

All three cohorts of the MRTP are hard at work in classrooms around Montana.


The MRTP has provided funding for its third and final cohort. This cohort is currently in their Residency Placement where they are working alongside a licensed teacher in the classroom to develop their skills. However, the Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) program will continue to provide a solid pathway for new educators who want to enter the profession. Currently, the MAT program offers applicants with a bachelor's degree a pathway to complete a teacher preparation program and become a licensed Montana teacher in as little as one year. 

The Master of Arts in Teaching degree at MSU is also available to support candidates working as teachers-of-record on a Class 5 license. Please reach out directly to Jamie O'Callaghan for questions about how we can support candidates.

Elementary track starts - January 2023

Preferred application deadline - December 1, 2022

Secondary track starts - May 2023

Preferred application deadline - March 1, 2023

If you know of prospective applicants, please invite them to contact Jamie O'Callaghan.