Rabbi Carl M. Perkins
Cantor Jamie Gloth
Melissa Rudman, Executive Director 
Arlene Bryer, President

Staying the Course

April 3, 2020 | 9 Nisan 5780

To watch Rabbi Perkins' pre-Shabbat video message,
click on the link at the bottom of this email.

Dear Friends,

We’re about to complete our third week of enforced social distancing and self-isolation. I'm reminded of the question that kids in the back seat on a family vacation typically ask: "Are we there yet?"

Well, no, not really.

Apparently — or so epidemiologists tell us — more and more of us will soon find it difficult to continue to "follow the rules.” Our minds may begin to deceive us into thinking that we can cut corners and still be doing our part to “flatten the curve.”

I am not an epidemiologist, but I think we should try to resist that impulse -- unless and until the epidemiologists tell us otherwise.

I encourage you to take 4 minutes to read “Hold the Line,” by Jonathan Smith. In simple and clear language, he presents the case for resisting temptation and staying the course.

We should stay the course in other ways as well. Just a few days ago, I got an unexpected call in my office. It was from Congressman Kennedy. He was calling to check-in on our congregation and to ask how he could be of help. I appreciated that call. His message was simple: "We all need hope to get through this difficult public health crisis. We need reassurance, faith, graciousness and generosity."

I couldn't have said it better.

Shabbat shalom!

Rabbi Carl Perkins

PS. To watch my Shabbat Shalom video message, click on the link below.