GCPC Weekly News | August 6, 2020

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to see the FULL newsletter
GCPC Alive and Well This Week!
Quilt Square Previews!!
GCPC would like to commemorate, document, and record this incredible year in the life of our church by creating, designing, and displaying our GCPC 2020 Patchwork Quilt of Grace. This is a reflection of how our church community found grace during the pandemic.

We hope you will make one. Please email Cliff if you would like to pick one up at the church. If you need other arrangements for delivery or have questions about the project, please contact Margaret Tierney at margarettierney6@gmail.com.

(We will include many ideas with the “DIRECTIONS” that will come with your square of cloth. The main thing is to just be creative, and depict something that really speaks to how this crazy time has impacted you.)          
"Masked" Wednesday Community Gardeners!
Worship Preview | Sunday, August 9, 2020

Sermon: "Getting Caught" by Marcia Mount Shoop
Scripture: Matthew 14:22-33

Live Stream Worship Service @ 10:45 AM Sunday

Click for Children’s Bulletin and coloring page for this Sunday!
GCPC Baptisms
On Saturday, August 1, GCPC celebrated in the baptisms of the Legerton/High and Legerton/Love girls. You can watch the video here.

If you would like to fill out a "virtual" Baptism card for the families, click here.
Grace Covenant's Session invites you to join in a 2020 study of Lalya Saad’s, 
Me and White Supremacy.

This 28-day study supports a deep and honest examination into the ways in which we, as a white-dominant congregation, consciously and unconsciously uphold white supremacy through action and inaction.
If you would like to join the first round of Reflection Groups, please register by August 7th!

Click here to register and read about all the ways
to get involved.
Recurring Weekly Zooms:

If you are a part of a group, Team, or Circle at GCPC and you want to have a Zoom meeting, let staff know. We will help you get set up on our GCPC Zoom account for group gatherings and meetings. You can schedule your meeting on the calendar with Sherrie, and any staff member can help you get set up for your meeting if you have questions. 
Spiritual/Pastoral Support
Deacon of the Week
In this time of physical distancing, the deacons of Grace Covenant continue to be available to talk and pray with you by phone or online and to coordinate care. If you have difficulty reaching your assigned deacon or if you do not know who your assigned deacon is, please feel free to reach out to our deacon of the week.
This week (8/2 - 8/8): Nancy Kramer email: nancykramer1981@gmail.com
Next week (8/9 - 8/15): Peter Rosal email: peterhrosal@gmail.com
Prayer List

Prayer requests will stay on the GCPC Prayer List for one month. Please let any staff member know if you (or your loved one) would like to remain on the list for longer.
Iglesia Jerusalem congregation
Marcia Zuzel (friend of Kim Hottle and Melissa Shook)
Jonathan Hettrick and family (friends of Mary Craig)
Ryan Lockett (nephew of Denise Lockett)
Eveline Damiano (Daughter of Lisette deGroot)
Jennifer Martin (Yvonne Smith's daughter)
Harold Shook (Melissa Shook’s dad)
Fred Schroeder (Penny Ponder's brother)
Brimi Jane Moffmon (daughter of Selena Hilemon and Jill Moffitt)
Debbie Willmschen and Lisa Phillips (mother and aunt of Natalie Willmschen)
John Hamel (Tim Hamel’s dad)
Hettie Lou Garland
Bob Higgins
Cory Hartbarger
Florence and Steve Riedesel
Doris Prak
Roslyn Carney
Bill McNeff
Susan Smialowicz
Laura Ross
Carol Kavalhuna
Carolyn Crew
Bob Walther
Bill Williamson
Charlie Clogston
Amanda Pressley
Leslie Sharpe
Harry Summerlin
Queen Mother Maggie Belle Gladden

From Sue Hassall:

"Bob has had a stroke. He is doing well but will be in the hospital rehab unit for several weeks for intensive therapy. He would really like to receive notes and/or cards to our address here in Durham.
Thanks so much,"

Sue Hassall
GCPC Summer Speaker Series | 7:00 PM |
4th Thursday of the month
  • Aug. 27 - DeWayne Barton (Hood Huggers International)
Summer Women’s Memoir Series | 6:00 – 7:00 PM via Zoom 
Join us for the last in a summer series of book talks focusing on memoirs written by people of faith. Open to all women of the church. Please pre-read the book to ensure lively discussion.

  • August 30 | The Yellow House by Sarah Broom | Facilitator: Amy Pike
PART (Power & Race Team)
PART encourages each of you to join us in the church-wide study of the book, Me and White Supremacy.

Tema Okun is an author and facilitator who has been helping organizations, communities, and individuals dismantle white supremacy culture for several decades. You can find more about her work here and a full list of her "Characteristics of White Supremacy Culture" here. PART has been engaging for some time with these characteristics and exploring how they show up at GCPC and in each of us. 

The sense of urgency, fear of conflict, individualism and either/ or thinking are white supremacy characteristics PART has identified in our community. We have also challenged ourselves and each of you to practice new relational ways that do not harm Black and Brown bodied people. (See past PART postings in newsletter archive here).

On August 13th at 6pm we will continue this practice by choosing a norm of white supremacy we want to eliminate and create new ways of being with each other.

~ Liz Huesemann, PART member
Enneagram Sessions for GCPC Parents

Wednesday enneagram zoom gatherings for GCPC parents, restart Wednesday, August 19th, 6:30-8:30pm.  We will continue the following Wednesdays: August 26th, September 9th & September 16th. 

Facilitated by Carol Hovis, all parents are welcome. If you don't know your enneagram type, contact Carol. Email Carol if you would like to participate. 
Presbyterian Women’s Circles are Zoom meetings.  Please join us.

Circle 1: First Tuesday of each month, 10:00 a.m.
         Carol Kavalhuna – 658-1088, carolkavalhuna@gmail.com
         Cathy Froehlich – 775-1016, oremont2@gmail.com

Circle 2:  First Tuesday of each month, 7:30 p.m.
         Barbara McLean - 254-1034, Barbaram_2@charter.net
         Heather Hudson – 501-442-6223, hehudson@charter.net

Circle 4:  First Thursday of each month, 7:00 p.m.
         Frances Johnson – 628-4742, facjohnson@gmail.com
         Connie Jones – 231-2680, Conjones@charter.net

Circle 5:  First Monday of each month, 10:00 a.m.
         Lynne Noble – 803-206-3821, lynnesnoble@gmail.com

Community Working Together
YWCA's "21 Day Racial Equity & Social Justice Challenge"
Many people are becoming newly aware of how systemic racism and violence are impacting people of color. Even if you are new to the conversation, that is OK. Our 21 Day Challenge is designed to create dedicated time and space to build more effective social justice habits, particularly those dealing with issues of race, power, privilege, and leadership. Participants who sign up for the Challenge will receive daily tasks via email to help foster their understanding and awareness, with activities such as reading an article, listening to a podcast, or reflecting on personal experience. 

Join by clicking the link to register HERE.

The Challenge begins on Sunday, August 9.

The election of 2020 is probably the most important election in our lifetimes. Numerous websites offer extremely helpful information about how to register, vote, check what’s on the ballot, and volunteer.

Check out: 

Also worried about the health risks involved in standing in long lines at the polls during the global pandemic? Absentee voting is a time-tested solution. Absentee voting is a 2-step process: (1) Request the ballot NOW (2) Receive the ballot in the fall and return it (if you choose).

To learn more about absentee voting in North Carolina, visit these links at the NC State Board of Elections 
  1. https://www.ncsbe.gov/Voting-Options/Absentee-Voting#RequestingAbsenteeBallot 
  2. https://www.ncsbe.gov/Voting-Options/Absentee-Voting#ReturningVotedBallot
Consequences of the COVID-19 virus continue to endanger the Latinx community of WNC in disproportionate numbers as individuals lose jobs; families with young children lack medical care, face food insecurity, and experience evictions.

Because many of our Latinx neighbors are ineligible to receive federal relief funds, contributions to the following agencies will provide vital assistance to support them. Mark your donation for Housing Assistance or Eviction Protection for Latinx Clients.

~ submitted by the Creating Sanctuary Team (CST)
Swannanoa Valley Museum screens history films online

Inspirational Cragmont Community Ancestors: Strength Stems from Struggle uses short films to elevate the lives of remarkable folks from the Swannanoa Valley, with an emphasis on African Americans. The films are free to watch online. 
Say Their Names exhibit arrives at YMI Cultural Center

The show will "utilize calligraphy in both prose and art form to depict Black experiences” and will be viewable Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, 1-4 p.m. Masks are required, and social distancing is enforced. Free to attend.
Asheville GreenWorks presents "Plastic: Problems, Solutions and How to Recycle Right" | Thursday, August 6 | 7 PM
A virtual presentation with the GreenWorks Plastic Reduction Task Force. Plastic, especially single-use plastic, has become a huge problem, clogging our oceans and, with incineration, raining down on us from above. Please join us to understand the local and global problem, and what you can do. REGISTER HERE.

To give you a good overview of the overwhelming problem of plastic pollution, we are offering the outstanding documentary, The Story of Plastic, for viewing at no charge. This link will be active until 11:30 pm on Aug. 6. It is highly recommended.
YMCA Community Health August Updates
They are closing out our free summer meals for kids 18 and under on August 7th. Click HERE to be directed to our schedule for the final week. 

HFA/YAV End of Year Storytelling Event!
In case you missed the Hands and Feet of AVL Storytelling event,
here is a link where you can watch!
GCPC Still Growing
New gardeners include Susan Roderick, Roslyn and Reed Carney, and Janice, Andrew, Nadia, and Vivian Kominski. Welcome!

Saturday gardeners harvested 129 lbs of green beans, green peppers, eggplant, yellow squash, collards, okra, and tomatoes for distribution by YTL. 

On Monday Mary, Paul, Barb M, and Judy staked and tied up tomato plants. They also harvested 30 lbs of tomatoes. Tuesday the garden was treated with pesticide by Paul and Judy; Judy also cleaned the garden shed. 

Wednesday gardeners harvested 117 pounds of tomatoes, yellow squash, collards, green beans, okra, and eggplant for distribution by the YWCA. In addition gardeners brought masks, hand sanitizer, and disinfectant to be distributed as well.

The planting and harvesting team provided a diagram of the layout of the garden. Click HERE to see the current garden layout.
GCPC Diaspora
Dispatches from GCPC scattered around the globe
I moved from Asheville and GCPC about three and a half years ago. It was a very difficult decision primarily because of GCPC. I loved their love of missions, and community outreach. I also liked the diversity of the congregation. Though diverse, all egos were checked at the door.

I moved to a town called Washington Terrace, UT, right next to Odgen which is about 35 miles north of Salt Lake City. I am very fortunate to have found a new home church. It is very small but it is as dedicated to missions and community outreach as GCPC.

When Covid-19 hit in March, my world became very small. I am in a very high risk group so going out is not much of an option. I have had most of my doctors’ appointments through tele-conference. One bright spot that is due to the pandemic, my PW Circle from GCPC has been meeting on line and I have been able to re-connect with the members. I look forward to seeing them every first Thursday of the month. Fortunately, my PW Circle here is also meeting via Zoom. I belong to two writing groups. Again, due to the pandemic, they have been meeting on line. I have been able to participate, where before I was not able to attend the in person meetings due to health issues. So in some ways, the pandemic had afforded me the opportunity to connect in ways I would have been able to during regular times.

I still miss GCPC and all of its wonderful members. In many ways, my heart is still in Asheville and at GCPC.

~ Jane Lee Vondette, former member of GCPC, but forever in my heart.

Stewardship & Sustainability GIVE HERE
Thank you for your generous giving! Your gifts are enabling the church to continue our important work in our community. If you have not signed up for online giving, you can do that here. You can also mail your checks to the church. Without you, the church could not continue its ministries in these difficult times. Thank you, again, for your generosity and your faithfulness! 
Remote Giving & Paperless Statements 

Here are a few different ways to stay up-to-date on your pledge remotely:

  • MAIL gifts to the office at 789 Merrimon Ave, Asheville, NC 28804
  • BANK BILL PAY mails checks remotely, one-time or on a recurring schedule - contact your bank to set this up
  • ONLINE at https://onrealm.org/gcpcusa/give/now
  • TEXT "giveGCPC" and AMOUNT to 73256 (i.e. giveGCPC $100)
  • MOBILE through the Connect - Our Church Community app

Please note, the church office is closed and staff is not there to receive payments left on-site or in the mailbox.

To sign up for paperless statements or if you have any questions, please contact Natalie in our Finance Office at 828-254-3274, ext 202 or nweaver@gcpcusa.org
Realm eGiving Transition | Self Set Up How To
Did you know that you can now to manage your directory profile, register for events, view contribution records in real time, and manage online giving, all in one place? Our new software, Realm, is a one stop shop!

Interested in setting up online recurring giving for the first time? Follow these simple step-by-step instructions to self-manage eGiving through Realm or return this signed authorization form to have our Finance Office set up on your behalf.
GCPC Out and About Online
August 2020
Virtual Enneagram Friday Gatherings 

August 7th & 14th

Topic: Relationships between different types

Click here for flyer

All are welcome; you can participate once or every week. 
Basic knowledge of your enneagram type is suggested.

Contact Carol for more information:  cmhovis@gmail.com
Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church | 828.254.3274 
789 Merrimon Ave. Asheville, NC 28804