Newsletter, December 2020
UT System Early Childhood Scholars Series
Join CCF for the University of Texas System Early Childhood Scholar Series. On December 16th at 1pm, the kickoff webinar, "Getting Off to a Healthy Start: Science and Policy to Guide Early Childhood Development," will feature Drs. Frances Champagne and Cynthia Osborne from The University of Texas at Austin. Childhood experiences can have a lasting impact on physical and mental health. Dr. Champagne will discuss the epigenetic link between experiences and development that promote risk or resilience to stress, and Dr. Osborne will discuss what the evidence shows to be the most effective policies and strategies that create the conditions that our youngest children need to thrive. Register to attend here. It's free!
Now Recruiting Parents and Children for Virtual Play With Me Program
We are now recruiting parents and their children (ages 0-3) for our virtual Play With Me programs this Spring 2021! Join us via Zoom for our 12-week program, featuring parenting conversations, music and movement activities to promote your child's development. Classes are at 10am Tuesday - Friday and begin in January. See more information here. It's free!
Feedback from our Virtual Fall 2020 Play With Me Program
"The Play with Me program has been a very important tool in my motherhood. It has given me a space to share experiences with other moms, with the feeling of being a part of a group with a common goal: the well-being of our children. The knowledge and resources the program staff provide us are very useful and practical to apply in my day-to-day life. This is the second time that I have participated in the program, first in-person, and now virtually. In both modalities, the staff have created a very engaging and educational format for children and parents. I am happy to know that there are programs that accompany families in this stage of early childhood, and I am convinced it is the best investment for our families and society."

-Laura and Luna (age 6), Mariel (age 3), and Elise (age 1)
Register to Attend Baby Day: February 7 - February 13, 2021
Baby Day is the only statewide celebration of babies and toddlers. Presented by First3Years, the third annual event will be a week-long celebration, taking place entirely online from February 7-13, 2021. CCF faculty, students, and parent participants will be providing Baby Day activities and parent education sessions, along with 100 other community partners. Parents can register to attend here. It's free!
From the Director
The Spring semester is shaping up and we're looking forward to some exciting events and programs. Details on our Spring 2021 Lecture Series will be coming out in January. In the meantime, we are reflecting upon another semester of working remotely, and connecting with students, parents, and children via our screens. We have had success in doing so, and are finding these to be bright spots in the dark times we are living in. Please consider supporting CCF during this season of giving, as we move into a new year, advancing optimal development of children and their families through outreach, student training in community-based service learning, and innovative basic and applied research. We wish you all a safe and restful holiday.