Mitegen October Newsletter
Using Serial Room Temperature Crystallography for Cancer Research
From a paper at Journal of Biological Chemistry, by Milano et al., learn how serial room temperature crystallography was used to gain insights into the molecular mechanisms of glutaminase C inhibitors in cancer cells. By using this technique researchers "were able to observe clear differences between the binding conformations of inhibitors with significantly different potencies." They also "developed a computational model to further elucidate the molecular basis of differential inhibitor potency."
Crystallography Sample Support System
In the above paper, researcher entrusted MiTeGen's Crystallography Sample Support System to enable their research.

The system is designed to be the next-generation crystal mounting system that will change how crystals can be prepared for X-ray diffraction data collection.

It has applications for a wide range of crystallography techniques including conventional, serial, In Situ and room temperature crystallography.
Crystallography for Misfit Crystals
From an article titled "Crystallography for the Misfit Crystals" at Berkeley Lab News Center, learn how small-molecule serial femtosecond X-ray crystallography (smSFX) enhances traditional crystallography to study the structures of materials that don’t form tidy single crystals.
Did You Know We Sell Cryogenic Equipment?
Did you know we sell the entire line of IC Biomedical (formerly Worthington) cryogenic equipment? This includes dryshippers, storage dewars, refrigerators, freezers as well as all supporting accessories. Whether you need a dryshipper to ship your samples or a cryogenic long term storage freezer for your lab, we have the cryogenic equipment you need.
Upcoming Events
At MiTeGen, we sponsor numerous events, conferences, workshops and symposiums throughout the year. These events include fields such as structural biology, crystallography, cryo-EM, beamline research and more. We believe in supporting researchers and our industry. Listed below are two upcoming events you might find interesting.
The Biophysical Society Annual Meeting is February 19th - 23rd. Format is in person. The meeting brings together leading scientists who work at the interface of the life, physical and computational sciences. We are exhibiting at booth number 904 and are attending the Cryo-EM subgroup meeting.
The Royal Microscopical Society's Microscopy Characterisation of Organic-Inorganic Interfaces meeting is March 1st - 2nd. Format is virtual. Features discussions concerning the challenging but increasingly important topic of studying hybrid organic–inorganic materials. We are sponsoring and giving a talk.
Looking For More Events, Workshops and Conferences
If you are looking for more events visit our events page. It lists conferences, workshops, symposiums, user meetings and more.

Topics include structural biology, material science, crystallography, cryo-EM, beamline research and more.
Looking For Cryo-EM Grids?
If you are doing Cryo-EM research, you know how difficult it can be to get your hands on grids. Availability of grids changes constantly with some grids being in stock while others are backordered for months. Let us know what grids you need, and we'll advise you of their availability as well as inform you what we have in stock and ready to ship.
Industry Resources and News
Here is a small selection of industry resources and news for your browsing.

  • Interview with Dr Louise Dawe concerning what she learned running virtual #STEM education workshops in 2020 and 2021. Provides ideas on how to continue to reach students with collaborative learning environments - Learn More
  • The Chemical Crystallography Group and the Cambridge Crystallographic Data Centre are now accepting applications for the CCG/CCDC Prize for Younger Scientists. The prize is given to a younger scientist who has excelled in the field of Chemical Crystallography - Learn More
  • The Royal Society of Chemistry is holding its annual #RSCPoster conference via Twitter. The event brings together the global chemistry community to network with colleagues across the world and at every career stage, share their research and engage in scientific debate - Learn More
  • Applications are being accepted for the Royal Microscopical Society RMS Early Career Award. The award recognizes the achievements of an outstanding early career scientist in their contribution to the imaging community - Learn More
  • For educators, the ZEISS Virtual Education Package allows students to access and work with digital microscopy slides remotely. Slides can be access via a browser or app and annotated and worked on by students as if they were in the lab - Learn More
  • Learn about the history of the Pacific Northwest Center for CryoEM (PNCC) - Learn More
  • Applications are now being accepted for the XMaS Scientist Experience national competition for Year 12 UK identifying as female Physics students to win an all expenses paid 4-day trip to the ESRF in Grenoble, France - Learn More
  • TamaTA-INNOV, a European program funded by the Horizon 2020 research and innovation program is now open to SMEs. TamaTA-INNOV aims to boost innovation in European SMEs by providing access to a range of European light source facilities to conduct their research - Learn More 
  • Call for proposals for beamtime at BESSY II MX beamlines and the EMIL. Deadline is March 1st - Learn More
  • Call for proposals for beamtime at APS Beamtime run 2022-2. Deadline is March 4th - Learn More
  • Rolling proposals are being accepted for EMBL's SAXS and macromolecular crystallography beamlines at PETRA-III for the 2022 beam year - Learn More
  • Synchrotron SOLEIL call for proposals for a beamtime allocation between September 6th, 2022 and February 27th, 2023 is open until February 15th - Learn More
Industry Jobs
Searching for a new job? Interested in knowing what positions labs and facilities are offering? Then visit our jobs board on which we list recent industry job offerings.

And remember, if you have an industry relevant job, we are happy to list it on our jobs board.
Have your lab be the first to know. Follow us on social media!