Reflections, by Murshida Khadija Goforth
Transmission, by Hakim Saul-uddin Barodofsky
Rise Up, by Murshida Rahimah Sweeney
Welcome to Murshid Himayat Inayati
Video Selections - Pir Shabda Kahn, Abraham & Halima Sussman, Omar M'Sai
Murshid Sam Archive, Selected Readings
plus Connections & Ruhaniat Pets
Beloveds All,

Based upon 45 years of Ruhaniat experience, with your permission, I offer the following for your consideration:

1) Having lived through a couple of previous Ruhaniat rebirths, I acknowledge the pain of transition; as in childbirth, it's unavoidable. As we cry out, our hearts open and life’s next mysterious facets are disclosed. Every new birth, in whatever form, invites new ways to know One Another in God.

2) In an organizational tent of 3,000-ish people, even Soofies, each person is working on at least a couple of issues. Minimally, that’s 6,000 issues, all clamoring for resolution in the great Heart Presence of our shared spiritual ideal. What an opportunity for transformation!

3) I don't know anyone of any age who isn't still working on some karmic issue or another. Our issues don’t simply disappear at some point, but with diligence and grace we become more skilled in taking responsibility for (a) facing and (b) healing them. Though initially traumatic when our (individual and collective) "stuff" arises in the light of our ideal, confidence increases with practice.

4) It is pointless to try to solve group issues at an individual level. Most of us grew up in hyper-individuated Western culture, with much to learn about groups, circles, and functional, collaborative processes. Yes, we need to address situations when our buttons get pushed, but we don’t want outer issues to become distractions. Often, they point toward some necessary inner or group change.
5) Hierarchy and circles unite everywhere in nature, God’s infinite collaboration. Sufis seek to appreciate this unified Reality. It's not about doing away with either; life’s process requires both, engaged, each perfecting its particular purpose, contributing its essential gifts, dancing in the One.

6) Sufi schools have always grown and evolved when a mature mureed's realization becomes substantial enough to birth another circle. Joined by a few close mureeds, they set up a new tent somewhere down the road, perhaps with a slightly different orientation…the same, but also different. This isn't the only thing happening with the Ruhaniat right now, but it is happening. After necessary tears are cried and after new forms arise, a celebration awaits…but not quite yet.

7) Why should we imagine that our particular community be without shadows to illuminate? May we always remember where to find the light!

Murshida Khadija Goforth • Seattle, Washington
Transmission by Murshid Saul Barodofsky

Beloved Family,

It is a great pleasure to have been asked to write an article for our Ruhaniat journal.

Today, I wish to spotlight and honor our specific transmission of Baraka.
We are so blessed to have such a lineage to call upon. From Hazrat Inayat Khan, through Murshid SAM, and Pir Moineddin Jablonski. They are all links in the Chain of Blessings (our silsila) which connects us to our lineage and with which we can connect, both in need and in thankfulness.

In addition, it is also important to honor and recognize all the G-D parents we had in those early days of our independence: Joe and Guin Miller, Frida Waterhouse, Father Blighton, Jiyu Kennett Roshi, Teddy Rich, Rev. Gene Wagner, Dr. Seo, plus all those known and unknown to us, who gave us the strength of their support and more

Do you remember Greta Thunberg? Young and alone with her pain, she was concerned about the predictions of the extinction of the planet. She was one person, listening to her inner voice, who created a ground swell around the world, moving us all Toward the One.

How long ago was that? How quickly must we move Toward the One? The wave has gathered strength and has called us to our Truth. Our eyes cannot be shut, our ears cannot be closed, our voices must learn to speak as we turn and turn. We are moving Toward the One.

The planetary call is undeniable. The call to allow all beings dignity. The personal call to be sensitive about how we apply Presence in our daily lives, so that we leave no one out of our consciousness. This is a lot! more
The Murshids' Circle Welcomes Murshid Himayat Inayati ~
Himayat Inayati received the sacred transmission of Murshid Samuel Lewis, through bayat and training with Sheikh Mansur Johnson, and received the initiation of Murshid by Pir Vilayat Inayat Khan in 2001, a post re-affirmed by the Ruhaniat Murshids’ Circle January 2020.

Himayat was a member of the Sufi Order of the West, and the Inayati Order, from the early seventies until 2020. During that time, he was a teacher in the esoteric school for several decades, the International Kefayat The Sufi Healing Order for 20 years, and a founding faculty member of Suluk more
Video Selections ~
An Interview with Pir Shabda Kahn by Peer Mudassir Nazar Shah of Islamabad, Pakistan
from the August 18th edition of #Peer Talks

Sacred Relationships with Murshid Abraham Sussman and Murshida Halima Sussman
a Dharma Talk recorded on July 14th

An Interview with Omar M'Sai by Azima Sally Mabelle of Auckland City, New Zealand
Omar talks about how he met Murshid Samuel Lewis

Selections from archivist, Murshid Tansen O'Donohoe

Excerpt from The Social Directions

"What is necessary is sympathetic understanding and this comes only with the expansion of the heart qualities. The mind analyzes, dissects, divides and categorizes. The heart unites, brings together, moves toward unity and understanding, not toward separation. When the mind proclaims Unity it does so dogmatically; the heart does the same on principle."

Photo: Murshid Sam giving Hakim Saul Barodofsky darshan (spiritual transmission through the glance) at Lama Foundation, 1970
for those who are facing financial difficulties due to the pandemic
Ruhaniat Mureeds Pandemic Relief Fund
Connections ~ virtual gatherings, recordings and online communities
Saturday, September 5
11:00 am Pacific, USA = UTC-7
Recording: Ruhaniat Family Zoom Gatherings
All Zoom Events
Your donations help us to answer the continuing call of our mission. We are grateful to our donors, volunteers, teachers, the Murshids' Circle and the Board of Trustees, who help us in our work and service. Thank you ~
Social & Earth Justice ~
Many in our Ruhaniat family are being stirred by the rising recognition of oppression and inequities in our world.

We yearn for guidance and social and earth justice communities and collaboration.

A group of mureeds are working to create a new concentration in our order that would address that yearning by creating collaborative social and earth justice circles, training, and study groups. 

Want to help?

Watch for details on the mailing lists and for an article in the next newsletter
Ruhaniat Pets ~ for delight's sake!
from Khadija Goforth of Seattle, Washington
Sunny and Champe
from Karim Raymond Smith of Chapel Hill, North Carolina
Onyx, Ruh & LaLa
from Tarana Wesley of Leicester, North Carolina
Content Submissions ~
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Include your name, city and country.

Your submission implies permission for us to use now or in the future.

We reserve the right to edit content.

We may not use all the content that we receive.
