Wednesday, August 25, 2021

When Satan knocks at your door simply ask...
"God, can you get that for me?"


May God the Father bless me.
May God the Son protect me.
May the power of the Holy Spirit enlighten me, and forgive all my sins.

Does the trinity have much meaning to you?

The trinity is impossible to fully explain in limited human terms, but maybe that’s the point. If God were small enough to fully understand and explain, He would not be big enough to be our almighty Savior.

Just because we cannot fully explain the trinity does not mean it is irrelevant. The trinity has significant meaning for how we live our lives in ways that reflect our triune God. The trinity means that God in His essence is relationship. We say that God IS love, but love does not exist without relationship. God is love because God is trinity.

Since God is relational in His very being, the implication is that relationship is at the center of living a life that reflects God.

We can see this in Creation. In creating Adam and Eve, God created us for relationship. We also see this in the Fall. What was broken by sin is the relationship. Adam immediately blames Eve, they both cover up, and their one son kills the other. We see it in Jesus’ teaching “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another” (John 13:35). We see this in the description of the church as one body with many parts (Romans 12, 1 Corinthians 12, Ephesians 4). I could go on and on.

So, when our adversary, Satan, wants to hinder the work of God in the world, as well as here at PGCC, he goes after relationships.

I have been distressed to watch how relationships, even within the church, have frayed. Republicans are good, Democrats are bad or Democrats are good, Republicans are bad. The vaccinated versus the antivaxers. I could go on and on. We think and speak in “us” against “them” language. We use positive labels for ourselves and disparaging labels for everyone who disagrees with our views. PLEASE STOP IT!

And have you noticed how easily others have taken offense at you over something trivial? It happens to me several times a month and it’s emotionally exhausting. What I don’t notice is how I take offense at someone over something trivial. I notice I’m offended, what I don’t notice is how trivial the offense is. I make it out to be a big deal. I need to STOP IT. WE need to STOP IT. PLEASE

Within our church people will have differing opinions on politics and policy. We will have different tastes in music, clothing styles, and food (I don’t like coffee, watermelon or anything that comes out of the water). We will be unintentionally offended by others. We will unintentionally offend others. (If you’re being intentional, we need to have a different conversation.) Let us not let these differences and offenses divide us, cause us to grumble and complain, or leave us with ill will towards others. If we do, the work of God is hindered and Satan cackles.

God is a trinity, a relationship of love. We reflect God, and are lights to the world, when we love others, show them love, and treat them with love rather than label them, be offended by them, and treat them as adversaries.

More important than our politics, more important than our viewpoints, more important than our preferences is our testimony to the world of the Father’s love, the Son’s salvation, and the Spirit’s transforming presence.

By this everyone will know that you are my disciples,
if you love one another.”

May it be so. Amen
Join us this Sunday for Worship at 10 AM
Doors to Worship Center will open at 9:40

There is seating, coffee & snacks in the East Hallway before the service

Or Watch us Live or On-Demand
from the link in Sunday's email, or at, or our Youtube Channel

We need contributions of:
  • Devotional thoughts (400-700 words, Pastor Phil will edit)
  • Artwork (photos, drawings, paintings, crafts, etc.)
  • Humor
  • Recipes (for Pastor Phil to try to make while filming)

Please email your contributions to:

THANKS! Our emails are a blessing because of what you contribute.
Fire Relief Collection

On Sunday, we will be collecting money for victims and evacuees of the Dixie and Caldor fires. We have already provided $1,000 in gift cards from our Benevolence Fund for a church in Placerville to give out to "fire refugee" families camping on their property. Any additional funds you give will be funneled through the churches serving these victims and/or the Red Cross and Salvation Army.

TO GIVE: Make you check out to the church and write a note that it is for fire relief, or put cash in our offering envelopes and write on the envelope "Fire Relief." Then, put it in one of the offering boxes. You can also give online at and choose the fire relief line when asked where the gift should go. Please make your gifts to fire relief "above and beyond" your giving to PGCC. Thank You.
can food

Saint Vincent DePaul is NOT accepting grocery donations at this time due to Covid safety protocols. So, we will not be collecting food this month. We thank you for your past participation and will let you know when we are able to start-up this valuable ministry.
TODAY, 10 AM in the Worship Center
For Baby Boomers
Thursday, August 26th
6:30 PM in the Worship Center
Bring a Friend!
CLICK HERE to download our Bible Study Flyer
Join a group by contacting the group facilitator
Grieving the Loss of a Loved One?
Let Grief Share Help You Heal.

Grief Share is a 10-week support group that provides a caring environment where you will find you’re not alone as you learn to walk a “new normal” after the death of a loved one. The cost for the workbook is $20.

Grief Share Meets Tuesdays at 1:00 starting September 7th

Get more information and Sign-up at church on Sunday
or contact Kay Thomson at 408-836-3311 or
This is a 12 session DVD series, taught by Christian professionals. We originally were going to use it with our Care Team, but felt it would be valuable for everyone. This series is aimed at equipping you to meet you own needs and the needs of others as you deal with the issues that come with aging.

Mondays, 11 AM, starts this Monday!
 Facilitator: Alice Anderson
Sessions are listed in the Small Group flyer. Attend the sessions you desire.
Solo Sisters, Thursday, August 26th, 11 AM

Boomer "Youth Group," Thursday, August 26th, 6:30 PM

Caring for Seniors God's Way, Mondays, 11 AM, starting this Monday

All-Church Picnic, Sunday, September 19th, after church
from Bettye Grant's Garden

Give by Mail, 1730 Pleasant Grove Blvd, Roseville, CA 95747
Give Online at, or by clicking on the blue button below.

Send your requests to

If you would like to be added to the Prayer Tree Team so you can pray for requests sent to the church, please email us a request to be added.
If you are not automatically getting these emails...
Pleasant Grove Community Church
1730 Pleasant Grove Blvd., Roseville, CA 95747
(916) 771-4447