Back2School SALE

We’re making your back-to-school shopping list as easy as ABC!
You’ll find the best deals on basic supplies and more right in our online store. Whether you're in a classroom or studying remotely, we’ll be here with everything you need!
Even though we're making music together again, certain precautions may be required or recommended. We’re fully stocked with all of these basic supplies, and more.
In this time of COVID, we need all the help we can get to keep our musical pursuits healthy. These germicides are a key ingredient in that effort. Alcohol-free, fragrance-free, destroys viruses and germs.
All our oboe, bassoon, and general interest books and methods are on sale for a limited time. Includes fingering charts, lesson books, instructional manuals, classics of double reed literature. All on sale.
Exceptional design and value – gorgeous cases feature secure closures, adequate separation. Well vented to allow fresh air to circulate through the case freely.
These brass oboe staples are our high quality beginner’s model, featuring medium thickness and bore for colorful tone and projection.