August World of Wolves
Nine Mexican Wolf Pups and How They've Grown
Last week our animal care staff caught up all nine Mexican wolf pups, who were born to F1422 (Vida) and M1360 (Kochi) this spring, for their second health check. In addition to the general physical exam, all pups received their boost of vaccines, dewormer and a microchip. The birth of this litter was a significant boost for the conservation of the critically endangered Mexican wolf. All nine pups are in great physical condition and robust weight (20.8 - 25.1 lbs), thanks to Vida and Kochi's dedicated parenting care. See pup album.
(Our Tenino sanctuary will remain closed through the remainder of the year due to coronavirus health concerns. We hope you are all staying safe and healthy.)
Wolves & other wildlife in the news
Available for three more days, profits from the sale of these shirts will provide support to Mexican Wolf Species Survival Plan facilities.
Lions, tigers, wolves - why buy?
As a guest author for our summer issue of Wolf Tracks, Tim Harrison described the heartbreaking phenomenon of Americans owning dangerous wild/exotic animals as household "pets". The organization that he founded in 2001 with a group of police officers, firefighters and paramedics was the subject of a 2010 award-winning documentary "The Elephant in the Living Room." (Reprinted by permission.)
Tim Harrison's nonprofit, Outreach for Animals, has a mission to teach young people to respect wildlife and their natural habitat.

It's coming up! Howl-a-thon 2020 September 26
Because of coronavirus health risks, our annual fundraiser, Wolves & Wine, has been postponed until 2021. Instead, Wolf Haven will host our first
Howl-a-thon online and accessible via Facebook, Zoom and YouTube. Only an hour to an hour and a half long, there are NO auction items, but wolf supporters will be able to donate online. Enjoy videos, photos of the wolves and brief introductions by Wolf Haven staff. Best of all, Jeff Kingsbury will remain our master of ceremonies!
We hope you will join us for this light, fun event! Stay tuned for further details.
Wolf Haven International ~ 3111 Offut Lake Rd SE ~ Tenino, WA ~ 98589