Registration for VBS 2020 Online is open for your children and grandchildren!
VBS is ONLINE this year
Vacation Bible School 2020 is Online and the theme is Praise - Spread the word!

Dates for Vacation Bible School 2020 have been set for August 3-5 (Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday), from 6:30-7:15 p.m. on ZOOM each day for K-5th grades. Mark your calendars and REGISTER NOW ! The theme for this year is the Praise. We will have games, crafts, music, a snack, and fun. All are welcome, so please help spread the word! 

As you will note, this is a much shorter school each evening because we are online, and the reason we are stressing early registration is because we'll need to get supplies and instructions out to participants a week before.

Your child(ren) / grandchildren can be part of the fun by registering online! As always, VBS is free, but you must register. Let your child's friends' parents know about this great opportunity, so they can be part of the fun as well.
First Presbyterian Church of Green Bay | (920) 437-8121 | |