Because Lutherans believe in peace : together we pray. Gracious One, Thank you for the promise of peace. Thank you for moments where we feel it deep in our hearts. Teach us to make peace with our words, with our hands, for our own place and all places. Amen. We are in this together. WE ARE BETTER TOGETHER. We may be apart, but we are not alone.
Sunday Worship in-person is suspended at this time for the safety of our congregation and community as COVID-19 numbers rise.
Please join us Sundays at 10:30 a.m.
The Church Council and Staff are reviewing data for safe gathering options for Christmas Eve Services. A final decision regarding time and place will be approved at the December 8, 2020 Council meeting.
As has become our practice of setting aside bread and wine or bread and juice for the celebration of Holy Communion, we invite you to set aside four candles to join in the lighting of the Advent Wreath.
These candles can be anything you have. They can be used or new, fragrant or not, similar in shape in size or completely random. Set them in the place where you worship each week and light them along with those being lit in worship.
Photos above are from Pastor Kelsie and Saraya, Lynna K,. and Sherry H. We would love to see how you are celebrating Advent in your home. Send a quick photo to
If you are feeling crafty and want to carry the conversation of Advent a bit further then try your hand at the Illustrated Children's Ministry Ornament Set. This project is a great opportunity to slow down and talk about HOPE, PEACE, JOY, LOVE and how GOD IS WITH US.
Emanuel's 2020 Annual Congregation Meeting is on Sunday, December 13, 2020 at 11:30 a.m. It will be on the front lawn of the church and online or on your phone via Zoom. For those attending in-person, you will need to wear a mask, bring a chair-unless you are comfortable in your car along the street, and a pen or pencil. Ballots will be brought to you. Voting by written ballot will take place for the approval of the 2021 Council Member Nominations. A voice vote will be used for the other actionable items on our agenda. For those at home, you may call into our meeting via your cell phone or land line or log in via a smart device or your computer. Please log in 10-15 minutes early. You may access the 2020 Annual Meeting Packet and the 2021-23 Council Nominee Bios below or on our website.
A Time to Mourn, A Time to Dance,
There is a Time for Everything
We invite you to week two of Pastor Darwin and musician David Kaufmann's Advent exploration. In this session they look at Ecclesiastes through word and song. Pastor Darwin reminds us that there is a time for everything, especially during Advent.
Advent is a time to prepare one's heart for newness, newness inbreaking amid angelic song, newness inbreaking as innocence, newness drawing the world together in hopeful anticipation. You are invited to read these devotions daily, all at once, or however the Spirit moves you. A digital download is available at the link below. Print copies are available in the church office. May the Holy Spirit guide and lead you over the season of Advent.
Build Wells - Change Lives
Emanuel's holiday giving campaign is now underway with Water To Thrive. Donations my be given as you rejoice the season, as a gift to someone special, or given in memory or honor of loved ones. Our Easter water well campaign was wildly successful, and we are excited to provide a second community across the globe with access to clean water. You can donate online at or complete the Water To Thrive giving form below. Printed forms are also in the church office. Return forms to the church by December 21, 2020 for inclusion in the Christmas Eve bulletin. Learn more about Water to Thrive and the amazing work they do here.
Order Forms due by Dec. 9th
The Emanuel's Sanctuary will be filled with beautiful poinsettias this Christmas. You may donate poinsettias as you rejoice the season, or in memory or honor of loved ones. Plants may be taken home following the final service. (If it is recorded then we will let you know when you can pick them up.) Return order forms to the office with payment made to Emanuel's Lutheran Church by December 9, 2020. Each poinsettia is $10.
Congratulations to Joe and Sharon Kane on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary! The gathering in November was smaller than anticipated when planning began last year, but the Kane's did get to spend time with their family and friends from far and wide.
Emanuel's is excited to have a TLU student serving as our Youth Ministry Intern this year. Caleb is learning the ropes of Youth Min in a congregation and is specifically working creatively with our Middle School and High School youth. (His weekly videos are fantastic!) Caleb is also helping to teach and lead confirmation.
TLU Christmas Vespers:
Sing Darkness To Light
Christmas Vespers 2020, "Sing Darkness to Light," marks the 80th anniversary of this sacred service of music and word by the TLU Choirs and TLU instrumentalists. The pandemic has impacted the performing arts in a profound way, making live performances difficult and dangerous. Indeed, singing is one of the most dangerous activities during the coronavirus; but the TLU students have been dedicated to rehearsing and making music in a new normal. All vocal/wind/brass students rehearse in 30-minute blocks with no more than 9 students in the rehearsal at a time with a one hour vacancy before and after each rehearsal. All singing and playing is done masked and at a distance. Making music in this environment is difficult, but the students and faculty meet the challenge with commitment and passion. This virtual Christmas Vespers will use some clips from Christmas Vespers 2019 in addition to performances recorded this semester during the coronavirus. You will see a stark difference between where our world was almost a year ago and today. No recording can take the place of a live performance; but, we hope that it will bring a bit of peace and light into your world. A link to view the performance virtually on TLU's YouTube channel will be available on Friday, December 4.
HOLIDAY MEAL DELIVERIES are canceled this season due to rising COVID-19 numbers. The safety of everyone is our greatest concern. Thanks to all who volunteered to assist with this annual Emanuel’s event.
Small groups at Emanuel's are patiently pivoting as new restrictions are implemented following our “We Are Better Together” COVID Safety and Gathering Policy. Rising COVID-19 numbers necessitate such action.
Please contact individual groups or the church office to see how each is creatively managing to proceed with the ministry and life of the church. Groups may be meeting online, in clusters of 2-5 people, or by other flexible means. Call first to see how best to participate.
- Jubilation Singers Choir
- Heavenly Ringers Handbell Choir
- Joy Circle
- Faith Circle
- Heritage Bible Class
- Youth Ministry
- LWR Quick Quilters
- Property Stewards
Online and other social distancing opportunities are also available.
DEVOTIONAL PODCAST every Tuesday @10am on Facebook and Soundcloud. Join our pastors and their colleagues each week for the Faces of Our Faith devotional podcast. Devotional Booklets are available here.
WWJB (What Would Jesus Brew?) meets on First Fridays at 7pm on Zoom. WWJB is our once-a-month young adult fellowship where we talk about life, faith, movies ... anything and everything. Contact Pastor Kelsie for Zoom link.
CONFIRMATION CLASS meets monthly online and in-person with students and leaders from Emanuel's. Spirit of Joy and St. John Marion.
Face masks and other Emanuel's merch is available at our Teespring ELCSD ONLINE STORE. Order at
Tuesdays at the GARDEN OF EATIN' from 9-11. Come see what the fall garden looks like and how you can dig in with us!
CHRISTIAN CUPBOARD is taking donations. Oatmeal, canned soup, empty egg cartons (esp. 18 count) , and personal care products are needed now.
CARE CLOSET in the church office meets small, immediate needs of those coming to our door seeking assistance. We are always in need of small snack bars, toiletries, new socks, and other items.
Pastor Marcus and Council President Susan Yeatts share updates about ministry happenings from the last quarter. Read The Acorn here.
Emanuel's Office Staff is working both at the office and at home. Staff may be in the office as needed or by appointment Mondays through Thursdays from 8-5. Don't forget to wear a mask on the church campus. Everyone is still accessible via email and phone.
Advent humor- funnies worth waiting for:
THANK YOU for your continued financial support of the ongoing ministries of Emanuel's Lutheran Church.
Online giving is safe, simple, and quick to do through our Vanco link. One time or recurring donations can be indicated.
You can still mail in your offering to the Church by sending a check to:
Emanuel's Lutheran Church
206 N. Travis Street
Seguin, Texas 78155
Giving comparison for 2019-2020:
November 1-30, 2019
Offering $30,952.00
Expenses $53,525.91
November 1-30, 2020
Offering $29,971.96
Expenses $51,729.41
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the church either through email or phone.
Submit a brief, yet detailed description of your event to before noon on Tuesdays for consideration for that week's email news. Late submissions will be considered for the following week's email and/or social media posts.