Roslyn Public Schools
April 13, 2021

Dear Roslyn Families,

Since the beginning of this crisis, our district has taken contact tracing very seriously. Every positive case that is reported to us is immediately and fully investigated. Not every contact is considered a close contact and we only quarantine when it is warranted. The wearing of masks by our students, faculty, and staff has been fundamental in keeping the infection rate and the need to quarantine students and/or classes to a minimum. To date, we have not had a single case of spread inside our school buildings.

Last Friday, guidance from the New York State Department of Health (NYSDOH) was revised to permit students to sit three-feet apart. However, as it applies to contact tracing, the Nassau County Department of Health (NCDOH), the CDC, and the NYSDOH is advising for the continuation of using six feet as the guideline. As I stated yesterday, each positive report is investigated on a case-by-case basis in consultation with the NCDOH and the Roslyn School District will fully comply with this guidance.

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation.


Allison Brown
Superintendent of Schools