Bring your pup to a Marcum's near you and enjoy 10% off your purchase on 
Saturday, August 25th!
(Please bring your friendly, four-legged friend on a leash!)
  • Make sure to provide adequate water to your landscape and lawn! Use fertilome Fish Emulsion Fertilizer to help struggling trees and shrubs through the summer heat.
  • Spider mites worsen with more heat and dry conditions. Treat with Hi-Yield 55% Malathion or Insecticidal Soap.
  • Apply mulch to flower beds. Mulch not only acts as a weed barrier, but also helps cool your plants roots and helps retain moisture!
  • Be on the look out for bagworms in your trees. It is easier to treat in the early stages with Hi-Yield 55% Malathion, ferti-lome 38 Plus, Catepillar Killer with BT or Spinosad.
  • Fertilize warm season grasses using Marcum's Slow Release 18-6-12 Fertilizer.
  • See Marcum's watering guidelines for new and established trees.
  • Expect some leaf fall out of trees. This can be a normal reaction to hot temperatures and drought.
  • Mowing heights for cool-season turf grasses should be 3 inches during hot, dry summer months. Gradually raise mowing height of bermuda grass lawns from 1 1/2 to 2 inches. 

Marcum's Redbud Compost
Healthy Plants are Made with Healthy Soil

Marcum's Nursery is proud to produce this organic soil amendment at our Goldsby location. Our "finished" compost is kept below 170 degrees to ensure beneficial microbes are retained and is carefully blended to provide the right ratios of carbon, nitrogen, water and oxygen for your plants. Compost can help clay soils to loosen, allowing plant's roots more available oxygen. It also helps sandier soils retain moisture and make nutrients more readily available! When should you use compost? Almost anytime you plant! Compost can be used as a top dressing, mixed with potting and garden soils, and should be used to enrich your top soil when planting trees and shrubs. We use our compost with every tree and landscape we plant. For more information on our compost, contact your local Marcum's Nursery location! 

The Summer Sale Continues!
 Kid's Corner with Chump    
  Chump wants to help get your family involved in gardening! Look
here for fun activities the whole family will enjoy!

   Leaf Rubbing Activity 

What you'll need:








Try this website to help identify the types of trees you have at your house!

Goldsby Location | 405-288-2368 | 169 N Main Ave
OKC Location | 405-691-9100  | 2121 SW 119th
Norman Location | 405-447-3100 | 17550 S Sooner Rd
Ardmore Location | 580-223-1846 | 25 S Rockford Rd

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