Helping you care for our land, water, soil, and wildlife
This Month's News
Program Spotlight
  • Farewell to Jonathan Koehler
News & Announcements
  • Napa RCD Lends a Helping Hand
  • H2O Superhero Grant comes to an end
  • October Conservation Champion: Ann Davis
In Case You Missed It
  • 2020 Post-Fire Resources
  • Mediterranean Oak Borer
  • We're Hiring an Environmental Scientist
  • Sign-up Now for Irrigation Evaluations and Carbon Farm Planning Services
  • Call for Acorns
Upcoming Programs
  • See below for complete list
Program Spotlight
Farewell to Jonathan Koehler
After 19 years with Napa RCD, we must say farewell to Jonathan Koehler, Senior Biologist. We are so thankful for his contributions to the community and wish him well on his next great adventure!

We asked those who have worked closely with Jonathan to send a few words of reflection on Jonathan's tenure. Here are a few highlights:

From Bob Zlomke, Napa RCD Board Member who was part of the hiring committee that welcomed Jonathan to the team:
"Jonathan grew in the job, by his own account, but at the same time he helped us grow into a solid professional organization. I was his direct supervisor for six years and continued to work alongside him for a couple more, and for me he was a person who helped his coworkers do their jobs by doing his own so well. One of many good collaborators on an excellent staff.
From Danny Chase, Senior Fisheries Biologist, WRA and former Napa RCD Intern:
"How do you help people connect with species they can’t easily see, touch, or interact with? For fisheries biologists, this has long been a challenge. For the 15 years I’ve known Jonathan, he has been dedicated to bridging the gap between the community at large and the watershed they live in. I have seen the community’s attitude shift from viewing the river as a dumping ground and an annual flood threat to a valuable resource that serves as home to a wide range of plant and animal species. Jonathan’s tireless work has been critical to this shift and serves as an example of the importance of outreach and community education for a generation of local biologists, ecologists, and environmentally-focused professionals."

We also asked Jonathan to share some thoughts about his time working in Napa:

What is the one accomplishment that you’re most proud of when thinking back over your time with Napa RCD?
"The Napa River fish monitoring program stands out because it provides valuable data, involves lots of volunteers and partners, and engages the public and kids. I’m going to miss working on this program."

What is your most burning question about the Napa River Ecosystem that you hope gets answered soon?
"Will there be a measurable increase in the number of steelhead and salmon in the Napa River watershed in response to all of the restoration and fish passage work that is being completed?"

After 19 years, have you found a favorite spot along the Napa River, or a favorite creek?
"My favorite creeks are probably the headwater reaches of Sulphur, Redwood, and Bear because of their relatively intact riparian forests and cool clear water that supports steelhead and other aquatic life all summer. My favorite spot on the river is the Yountville Eco-Reserve, where we can see a tiny remnant of how most of the Napa River likely looked historically."

Some final words from Jonathan:
"Thank you to all of the landowners, funders, and partner groups who have helped me over the years. Everything RCD does is a team effort, and we would not be able to do our work without you!"

Happy trails, and good tidings for your new adventure as Fisheries Program Manager at the Marin Municipal Water District!
News & Announcements
Napa RCD Lends a Helping Hand
by Ruby Stahel, Napa RCD Conservation Project Manager
Each year, Community Action of Napa Valley’s (CANV) Food Bank serves close to 7,000 people in Napa County. Since the outbreak of COVID-19 these numbers have nearly tripled. In response, Napa RCD donated $5,000 to CANV’s Food Bank for direct food purchases which will provide about 4,202 meals to our neighbors.

The cash donation was made possible by a grant from the California Association of Resource Conservation Districts (CARCD). COVID-19 Recovery Community Service Grants were awarded to RCDs with creative ideas to address hardships and support our communities in difficult times.

Napa RCD is matching the cash donation provided by the grant with a donation of staff time to help CANV distribute food to our community on pick-up days.
Looking for ways to help improve food security here in Napa County?
H2O Superhero Grant Comes to a Close
Over the past several years, Napa RCD has worked in partnership with the Napa County Library to offer a suite of programs funded by the California Coastal Commission's Whale Tail Grant called H2O Superhero: Learn, Serve, and Protect our Napa Waterways.

Together with library staff, in particular our October Conservation Champion Ann Davis, we have offered WILD presentations on local wildlife, trash talks, creek walks, creek cleanups, and even a virtual owl pellet dissection!

The library added cleanup kits and birdwatching kits for check out to their Library of Things and they added new children's books on water, rivers, oceans, recycling, reusing, refusing, the plastics in our environment, ocean pollution, and climate change.

And stay tuned for a new online watershed tour of Napa County that the Library is developing! The tour will launch October 30, 2020 at:
October Conservation Champion:
Ann Davis
This October we're celebrating the successes of the H2O Superhero programs at Napa County Library, and we can't do that without celebrating the woman spearheading it all: Ann Davis!

Ann Davis is Head of Children's Services and is the primary contact at the library for Napa RCD's WILD lectures and cleanup events. Ann has been a site captain for Coastal Cleanup and Earth Day the last two years, and has helped build out an impressive collection of children's books that connect readers to the environment around them. Ann has put into circulation books about climate change, plastics, and so much more for children of all ages- even the youngest of our children, who often are forgotten when it comes to literature about major environmental issues.

Ann always wanted to be a librarian, and so she did it! After getting a degree in Anthropology from Chico State, she completed her Master's Degree in Library and Information Science at San Jose State and started her career in Palmdale. After a five-years stint in Louisiana, Ann came back to California and landed in Napa in 2000 and the rest is history!

Libraries are vibrant places of learning and growing, and that is one thing Ann loves so much about working for Napa County Library. She loves that every day she gets to connect people to new information, interests, and things.

Ann loves working in her yard planting flowers, tomatoes, and other veggies. She's also developed a love for riding motorcycles, an activity that keeps her challenged, engaged, and helps to recharge and feed the adventurous side of her personality! With 2 granddaughters, Ann has many opportunities outside her job to wonder in the worldviews of children.

Thank you, Ann, for creating H2O Superheroes and for working tirelessly with Napa RCD to bring environmental programs and materials to Napa County!
In Case You Missed It
2020 Post-Fire Resources
Napa RCD is partnering with USDA Farm Service Agency and the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) to offer on-site assistance to fire-impacted landowners.
If you need assistance, please complete this questionnaire.

Find resources at
Keep an Eye Out for the
Mediterranean Oak Borer
Napa County has been alerted to a new infestation by the Mediterranean oak borer beetle. It was spotted in the Sacramento area, but now Napa and Sonoma Counties are the epicenter of infestation.

This beetle looks very similar to native species and needs to get an ID by experts. However, since it is a new arrival mostly affecting valley oaks and blue/black oaks if they are stressed, we are asking residents and landowners to keep an eye out for signs of infestation and then call an expert to do rapid detection work.

Specific signs (without cutting into the tree): sawdust/frass on trunk, oozing sap, foliar stress from top of the canopy (wilting, discoloration, dieback). If you notice any of these signs on your trees, please contact UCANR.

Here are guides on identifying damage in your trees:

We're Hiring!
We are seeking applicants for a full-time Environmental Scientist to be based in the Napa RCD office in Napa, CA. Please help us spread the word.
The full announcement is on our website.
Sign-up Now for Irrigation Assessments
and Carbon Farm Plans
Napa RCD currently has openings for two popular services:

Irrigation Assessments
Assessments focus on measuring uniformity of irrigation water applied throughout the vineyard. Results help you identify ways to improve water use efficiency and performance of your irrigation systems and vines. 

Carbon Farm Plans
A Carbon Farm Plan helps you maximize the transfer of excess greenhouse gases from the atmosphere into your soil and vegetation for long-term storage. Benefits of Carbon Farming include a reduction in water demand, an improvement in the health of your soils, increased erosion control, a reduction in costs, and more.
For more, contact Miguel Garcia by email or 707-690-3122.
2020 Call for Acorns
Have you seen acorns ripening on trees and falling to the ground? We are looking for volunteers to collect them and bring them to our office! More details about acorn collection are here and find the submission form here.

If you are a landowner wondering if you should be planting valley oaks on your land, take a look at the Re-Oak North Bay Strategic Plan. This document is available printed at the Napa and Sonoma RCD offices, and also online here. Or, you can contact us for a site visit! If you are interested in planting oaks on your property, please contact Frances: or 707-690-3124.

Stay tuned for more info on our fall Community Oak Planting Days!
Upcoming Programs
Did you know that we have a separate email list for volunteers?
Help support Napa RCD - Donate Today!
Napa County Resource Conservation District | 707-252-4189 |