Dear friends,
Our key COVID-19 metrics are steady. However, our daily case rates remain high, and we’re seeing increasing cases throughout our region. Despite the warmer weather and many of our residents getting vaccinated, a majority of our residents are not protected from this virus. COVID-19 variants are present in Maryland, and I encourage our residents to continue to StayCOVIDSafe by wearing a mask around people not in your household, avoiding gatherings of large groups, keeping your distance, and washing your hands.
To date in Howard County we’ve had 18,060 cases of COVID-19 and 237 deaths. We're keeping these families in our hearts. Our latest 7-day average positivity rate is 4.4% and our 7-day average case rate per 100,000 of our population is at 16.3.
Testing is still critical to our fight against COVID-19, please remember to get a COVID-19 test if you are exhibiting any flu-like symptoms or think you may have been exposed. For a list of testing locations in Howard County, including our new walk-up mobile testing sites throughout the county, please visit
We continue to monitor the staffing capacity at Howard County General Hospital and today, there are 24 COVID-19 patients in both ICU and Acute Care unit.
All residents 16+ are now eligible to receive a vaccine. To pre-register for a vaccine at a mass-vax site in Maryland. Please visit or call 1-855-634-6829 to pre-register.
Residents in all phases are also encouraged to pre-register with the Howard County Health Department at or by calling 410-313-6284.
Let’s keep working together, looking out for another, and end this pandemic.
Kari's Law
Kari’s Law requires all organizations or businesses that use a multi-line telephone system (MLTS) to provide direct access to 911. Support and education for businesses is a critical component to ensure that Kari’s Law is put into action.
The law is named after Kari Hunt, who was killed in 2013 by her estranged husband in a motel room in Texas. During the attack, her 9-year-old daughter attempted to dial 911; however, the motel phone required “9” to be dialed to reach any outside line, so the emergency call never went through.
We’re grateful to Howard County Police Department and Howard County Department of Fire and Rescue Services for their collaboration and initiative to make sure businesses and organizations are compliant and our residents and community have this vital access to 911.
New Restaurant in Historic Savage Mill!
Historic Savage Mill is a one-of-a-kind location for Dive Bar & Grill in Howard County, and this is welcome news for our residents and visitors alike who are eager to get back to enjoying meals out with family and friends. After a year of challenges and setbacks for our restaurant industry, we're excited to see this space transform and invite more foot traffic to an area we all know is unique.
Thank you Clint Kuskie, Jay Winer, Visit Howard County, and Howard County Economic Development Authority for working together to bring Dive Bar & Grill to our Savage community. We cannot wait for their grand opening in June 2021!
Celebrating Juneteenth in Howard County
Juneteenth is a historic day for our country, as the oldest known celebration commemorating the end of slavery in the United States. We’re proud to announce that Juneteenth will be an official County holiday. In Howard County, we consistently recognize that diversity is our strength, and are always working to be more equitable and inclusive, that includes making sure that our community has the opportunity to recognize and learn more about this defining day.
Funding for Ellicott City
Our Ellicott City Safe and Sound plan continues to move forward thanks to our incredible State partners, advocates Maryland State Senator Katie Fry Hester, Maryland State Delegate Courtney Watson, and our entire Howard County Delegation. I’m so proud that we have been able to secure a total of $8,996,230 in the State of Maryland FY22 Capital Budget for Historic Ellicott City.
We’re also grateful to Senator Guzzone, who as the Chairman of the Senate Budget and Taxation committee has remained a dedicated partner in prioritizing millions of dollars in funding for capital priorities in Howard County. We’re pursuing every avenue to fully fund these flood mitigation projects and ensure that Ellicott City can thrive for many years to come. This State funding is important progress to ensure that these projects come to fruition.
Creating a Culture of Health
I am so proud to announce that Howard County has been chosen as one of nine finalists for the 2021 Robert Wood Johnson Foundation - Culture of Health Prize. This prize honors and elevates U.S. communities working at the forefront of advancing health, opportunity, and equity for all.
We look forward to opportunities to share our story and lessons learned with the country through customized communication resources.
Strengthening our Internet Bandwidth
Ensuring our students and educators have reliable and accessible broadband is of the utmost importance, and our Department of Technology and Communication Services swiftly stepped in to support Howard County Public School System. These enhancements significantly increase the bandwidth available in schools, allowing for the continued use of Google Meet video tools to provide instruction to students who participate virtually in instruction simultaneously with students in the classroom.
Throughout this pandemic we've quickly adapted and responded to the ever-evolving challenges thrown our way. Despite the obstacles we've faced, we will emerge from this stronger, more resilient, and with better technology infrastructure in place for learning.
Money Matters
April is Financial Literacy Month. Join us for our second week of FREE Money Matters workshops to help improve your financial health, especially during this difficult time. Next week, our focus is on options for affordable housing.
Join us throughout the month for these informative sessions, and learn more here.
Community Sponsored Agriculture
Our Howard County Farms are hard at work planting and raising livestock to meet our community needs. Many of our farms are taking Community Sponsored Agriculture (CSA) memberships. They are a great way to connect to our local farms and get fresh produce, meat, eggs, and breads.
These farms have many different membership options to fit your needs and some even offer home delivery. I encourage you to support our farms by buying locally today!
Total Residents 65+ Vaccinated
In Howard County, we are committed to ensuring our most vulnerable populations, including older adults, receive the COVID-19 vaccine as quickly, safely, and efficiently as possible. Howard County is currently leading the State with 72.6% of residents age 65 and older who are fully vaccinated, according to the Maryland Department of Health.
I’m so grateful for our team at the Howard County Health Department, Howard County Department of Fire and Rescue Services, Howard County Department of Community Resources and Services, and the Howard County Public School System for getting shots into arms as we receive them.
We will continue to StayCOVIDSafe by working together. To register with the State, please call 1 (855) MD-GOVAX. To register with the Howard County Health Department, please call (410) 313-6284.
Population Vaccinated by County - First Dose
According to the Maryland Department of Health, to date, 42.1% of Howard County residents have received their first dose of the COVID-19 Vaccine. This percentage includes those who may have received a first dose of the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine. One thing has remained clear in Howard County – we know the only way we can go back to normal is if we look out for one another and StayCOVIDSafe.
Fully Vaccinated Residents
To date, 28.4% of Howard County residents are fully vaccinated according to the Maryland Department of Health. This includes residents who may have received the Moderna, Pfizer, or Johnson & Johnson-Janssen vaccines. We continue to work with the Howard County Health Department and the State to ensure residents receive the vaccine safely and efficiently, as we receive supply.
There are nearly 300 provider locations including regional State-run mass vax clinics, retail pharmacies and hospital operating clinics. For more information and to register, please visit or call 1 (855) 634-6829.
Let's StayCOVIDSafe and get vaccinated!
Mobile Testing Sites
We are dedicated to expanding COVID-19 testing to residents in our community who may not have adequate access. Don't forget, First Call Urgent Care and Centennial Medical Group have begun implementing five rotating mobile testing units in the following locations:
- Long Reach Village Center
- North Laurel Community Center
- Recreation and Parks Headquarters
- The Elkridge 50+ Center
- Normandy Shopping Center
Rapid testing and PCR testing will be available to residents at no cost. These new testing sites will help us promote more equitable healthcare and ensuring our most vulnerable populations have access to COVID-19 testing.
Welcome Shea Radiance
Congratulations to Shea Radiance on the grand opening of their new location in Savage. This beauty brand began when Funlayo and Shola Alabi started making products in their home to care for their family’s skin care, and has now expanded to a global operation. We’re so grateful to have thriving businesses who help strengthen our economy by providing incredible products to our community. We know it’s been a tough year for all our small businesses, but they have continued to show resilience.
Thank you to Shola and Funyalo Alabi, Jeff Cherry, Timothy Smooth, the Howard County Economic Development Authority and the Howard County Chamber. See more of their products here.
Appreciating the Beauty Around Us
For the past year, every aspect of our lives has been impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. We’ve been forced to adjust and adapt to new ways of doing things. I encourage you to take a moment and pause to appreciate the promise and the beauty of Spring.
Once again, a half-million daffodil bulbs that we planted more than a year ago as part of a county-wide beautification strategy are blooming. After the many, many months of physical and social distancing, let us appreciate their beauty as they remind us of the light we see at the end of the tunnel.
NACo Calls with the White House
On bi-weekly calls with the White House, we're discussing and coordinating the quick distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine with all levels of government.
We're joined by three officials, Intergovernmental Affairs Senior Advisor Luke McGowan, COVID-19 Intergovernmental Affairs Director Eduardo Cisneros, and White House Vaccine Coordinator Dr. Bechara Choucair.
I encourage residents to send questions for the White House Vaccination Team to that I can direct to officials during these calls. Residents should put “Question for White House Vax Team” in the subject line of their emails. The next call is Thursday, April 15, at 2:00 p.m.
Maryland Vaccination Sites
While there continues to be limited vaccine allocated to County Health Departments, we encourage ALL residents 16+ to visit one of many available locations to receive their vaccines. The State has implemented several Mass Vaccine sites to administer vaccines to residents. Pre-registration is now available to residents in all phases and all residents 16+ are eligible to receive the vaccine.
How to Register:
- Visit and click on “Pre-register for a vaccination at a mass vaccination site” tab
- Answer the required questions and enter the necessary information
- Fill out the health screening
- Select your preferred mass vaccination site
- Certify your information is true by checking the final box.
For more information and to register at any mass vaccination sites or pharmacy, please visit or call 1 (855) 634-6829.
Confirming your Vaccine Registration with HCHD
Our Howard County Health Department is working to ensure every resident can receive the vaccine as soon as possible. Once you register, the Health Department will reach out to you within seven days to confirm your registration. If you have received your vaccine elsewhere, you may unsubscribe using the link in your confirmation email.
For more information, please visit or call (410) 313-6284.
Rental Relief and Utility Assistance
Our residents still have significant needs as they manage utility bills, rent payments and mortgage payments during this challenging time. Rental delinquency data from the Maryland Multi-Housing Association and the Housing Commission estimates that 1 in 4 of the 23,000 renter households in Howard County are past due on rent.
Residents can apply to one of our four nonprofit partners to receive assistance to pay past due rent and utility expenses for up to 12 months. Residents who have applied for previous assistance are also able to apply. For more information, please click here.
Mortgage Relief for Residents
We are proud to announce a new foreclosure prevention program with $1.4 million supported through pandemic assistance funding. Residents impacted by COVID and not able to pay their mortgage payments should contact the Department of Housing and Community Development to complete an application for mortgage assistance. Applications are available here.
Residents with pending or approved forbearance plans with their mortgage lender are eligible to apply for assistance. Please note, the moratorium on filing of Notices of Intent to Foreclose also ends on 3/31.
Energy and Utility Bill Assistance
COVID-19 has devastated many households who have lost income and are trying to make ends meet to keep the heat on, feed their families, and pay their rent. There are several programs available to assist residents with current and past due energy and utility bills.
We are laser-focused on ensuring that our most vulnerable residents do not fall through the cracks this winter, as we continue to combat this virus in our community. Please share this information with friends and neighbors who may be in need.
Tax Resources
Applications for the Aging in Place and Senior Tax Credits are now available! These tax credits provide financial incentives to allow residents to stay in their homes while offering more affordable aging in place.
Homeowners can use the county's Credit Eligibility Calculator to explore all available tax credits and relevant information regarding the application and screening processes. The Credit Eligibility Calculator can be found here.
Please, share this information with an older adult in your life. For more information, you can also call the Department of Finance at (410) 313-2195.
Where to Get Tested
As residents continue to receive the vaccine, it’s important to still get tested for COVID-19. While our positivity rate and case rate per 100,000 of our population are declining, testing is a proactive way to slow and eliminate COVID-19 in our community. We have several testing locations across the county. I strongly encourage residents to get a COVID-19 test if you are exhibiting any flu-like symptoms or think you may have been exposed.
To find a testing location near you, please visit
Budget Office
Howard County Government Capital Budget Proposal Fiscal Year 2022
In case you missed it, on April 1st, I presented my proposed $304.6 million Capital Improvement Program (CIP) for Fiscal Year 2022 (FY 2022) to the Howard County Council a , including $72.5 million from General Obligation (GO) bonds. To view my proposed CIP budget, click HERE.
Despite the fiscal challenges we face as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, my proposed budget supports the strategic priorities of our community. These include investing in building new and expanded school buildings, the Ellicott City Safe and Sound flood mitigation plan, facilities for our senior residents, transportation and infrastructure, and a realistic, multi-year capital projects plan. This budget takes a pragmatic approach, while ensuring Howard County remains the best place to live, learn, work, play and grow.
The Howard County Council will hold a virtual public hearing on the CIP budget on April 20th at 4:00 p.m. To learn more about this hearing, click HERE.
Department of Community Resources and Services
Month of the Military Child – United Through Reading
During the “Month of the Military Child” throughout April, our Department of Community Resources and Services’ (DCRS) Office of Veterans and Military Families will sharing information and resources for Howard County's military families on DCRC’s Facebook page. One such program, United Through Reading (UTR), helps maintain a family’s bond and build resiliency while a family member is deployed or on military assignment. The purpose of UTR is to keep families connected, while putting a book in the hand of a child. To learn more about this free program, visit
Howard County Resource Guide, Your Source for Information on Programs, Businesses and Organizations Serving Older Adults, Caregivers and their Families
To ensure Howard County's older adults, caregivers and adults with disabilities have the support and connections they need to thrive, DCRS’ Office on Aging and Independence (OAI) has released its annual "Howard County Resource Guide" for 2021. This FREE guide contains the most up-to-date information on a variety of aging-in-place programs and disability services available in Howard County. To view the guide, a digital copy is available online at or you can request hard copy be mailed to you by calling Maryland Access Point at 410-313-1234.
Stay Active, Try Something New this April with OAI
Howard County older residents, if you are looking for something to keep you active and engaged, check out OAI’s monthly Virtual Offering Guides! Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, OAI has been working hard to provide older residents with various activities, from exercise and cooking classes to social engagement and lifelong learning classes, to help keep you moving, cooking and staying social while at home. To learn about the virtual offerings OAI has going on this month, check out its the April Virtual Offering Guide, available online now. for a list of this month’s offerings. For questions, contact OAI at
Department of Corrections
Please join me in welcoming Jama Acuff, the new Director of our County’s Department of Corrections beginning May 3rd. To the County, Jama brings 40 years of correctional experience, having previously worked for the U.S. Department of Justices’ (DOJ) Federal Bureau of Prisons and the Maryland Department of Public Safety and Correctional Services.
As Department of Corrections Director, Jama will oversee more than 170 employees and be responsible for the operation of the Howard County Detention Center, Howard County Central Booking Facility and oversight of the Howard County Pre-Trial Community Supervision Program. This includes departmental budget preparation, procurement and fiscal management, compliance with Maryland State Correctional Standards, development of Policies and Procedures, Internal Investigations, In-Service Training Programs, facility maintenance, the custody of inmates, and the security of the facility.
Through her leadership and depth of experience, I am confident Jama will continue to uphold our Department of Corrections to the highest standards and ensure a safe environment for all its custody.
Department of Finance
Tax Bills F.A.Q.’s
To help keep residents informed about their property tax bills, the County’s Department of Finance’s Property Tax Accounting Office and DCRS’ OAI have compiled a list of frequently asked questions when it comes to property tax bills, such as when are they due, what happens if I don’t pay my bill by the deadline and what happens at tax sale.
If you have any additional questions and/or wish to speak to someone further about your property tax bill, please feel free to contact Finance’s Property Tax Accounting Office at 410-313-2062 or email
Department of Fire and Rescue Services
Vote Sowell for 2021 American Hero Dog
Now through May 6th, help us share our love and appreciation for Howard County Department of Fire and Rescue Services' (HCDFRS) accelerant detection canine Sowell, by voting for him for American Humane's 2021 American Hero Dog award. This is the highest honor in all the canine world, and we’d love to be able to recognize Sowell for a job well done. In case you need a little convincing on why Sowell deserves this awesome honor, here's a little background information on our four-legged co-worker.
In 2019, K-9 Sowell met HCDFRS Captain Craig Matthews and they bonded instantly. Since then, Sowell has been hard at work, responding to more than 70 fire scenes (including fatal fires, homicides involving fire and building and vehicle fires) a year across Maryland. With his keen sense of smell (one might say he has the nose for the job), Sowell is able to sniff out a wide variety of ignitable liquids often used to accelerate a fire. Thanks to his scent discrimination abilities, Sowell is able to quickly identify evidence within a few minutes compared to the countless hours his human fire investigator friends would spend digging through fire debris to locate evidence at a fire scene. When not working a fire scene, you can find Sowell training, making public appearances to raise awareness of fire safety deterring the crime of arson, playing ball or enjoying a good old belly rub.
Bike Safety Tips from Safe Kids Worldwide
With warmer weather finally here, biking is a great way for you and your loved ones to enjoy the great outdoors. But before you head out for a ride, be sure to keep these safety tips from Safe Kids Worldwide in mind:
- Wear a properly fitted helmet; it’s the best way to prevent head injuries and death.
- Ride in the same direction as traffic and as far to the right-hand side as possible.
- Use hand signals and follow the rules of the road. Be predictable by making sure you ride in a straight line and don’t swerve between cars.
- Wear bright colors and use lights/reflectors, especially when riding at night and in the morning. Reflectors on your clothes and bike will help you be seen.
- Ride with your children. Stick together until you are comfortable that your kids are ready to ride on their own.
Training Exercises Scheduled through April 22nd
REMINDER: Now through April 22nd, HCDFRS is conducting weekly TRAINING EXERCISES in the 9500 block of Glen Oaks Lane in Columbia every Tuesday and Thursday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. As part of its training exercises, HCDFRS will be using smoke machines to create artificial smoke; there will be NO actual fires. For questions and/or more information about these exercises, contact HCDFRS at 410-313-6000.
Department of Fire and Rescue Services and Police Department
Howard County Launches Public Awareness Campaign for Kari’s Law
Back in November 2020, I introduced legislation to the Howard County Council (leading the State in implementing the law on the local level) for Kari’s Law. The law is sadly named after Kari Hunt, who was killed in 2013 by her estranged husband in a motel room in Texas. During the attack, her 9-year-old daughter attempted to dial 911; however, the motel phone required “9” to be dialed to reach any outside line, so the emergency call never went through. Passed by the County Council, per County Council Bill 59-2020, organizations or businesses that use a multi-line telephone system (MLTS) are required to provide direct access to 911.
On Tuesday, I announced the launch of our public awareness campaign to educate and make county organizaions and businesses aware of Kari’s Law and its requirements that usse MLTS, must provide phone users diret access to 911. I would like to thank our Department of Fire and Rescue Services (HCDFRS) and Police Department (HCPD), who have partnered together to educate the public on this new requirement. Beginning this month, HCDFRS' Office of the Fire Marshal will begin disseminating Kari’s Law flyers to educate businesses visited during regular scheduled inspections. If businesses are not in compliance after the initial year of education, a fine of $100 will be issued and $200 for every day not in compliance that follows.
To learn more and/or for questions about Kari’s Law, please call or visit:
Howard County Health Department
Health Department Launches CAREAPP Platform
The Howard County Health Department new online platform, CAREAPP, help connects county residents with more than 1,900 food, health, housing, transportation, education, employment assistance and other community service. The new platform provides a direct referral system to any participating organization, allowing the client to follow-up with the organization directly. Individuals seeking community programs and services can self-refer, schedule an appointment, follow the status of the referral and complete the referral. Translation functionality is also built into the platform.
Ultimately, CAREAPP provides a one-stop directory for anyone seeking community programs to locate the appropriate resource. To learn more about the services offered and how to access these services, visit
16+ Can Now Pre-Register for COVID-19 Vaccine
Pre-registration for the COVID-19 vaccine is now open to ALL Marylanders aged 16 and older. Residents can now pre-register for one of the State’s mass vaccination and/or receive the vaccine from one of the 300 providers approved by the State to issue the vaccine. Residents age 16 and 17 are reminded that the ONLY vaccine they are currently eligible to receive is the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. In accordance with the terms of the FDA's Emergency Use Authorizations, Pfizer is the ONLY vaccine that has been approved for 16- and 17-year- old. The Moderna and J&J/Janssen vaccines are ONLY approved for individuals 18 and older. When scheduling an appointment, please make sure the vaccine you are making an appointment for is the Pfizer vaccine.
While the Howard County Health Department (HCHD) continues to prioritize those in earlier phases, when supply allows, it will open more appointments. To be alerted when HCHD clinic appointments become available to your phase/phase group, be sure to complete one of HCHD's pre-registration survey's on its "COVID-19 Vaccine" website,, if you have not already done so. In the meantime, residents are strongly encouraged to register/pre-register for the State's mass vaccination sites or other approved providers.
Howard County Sources of Strength Community Sharing Session: What Helps Me
Howard County teens and adults, I invite you to join HCHD and Howard County Sources of Strength Peer Leaders on Wednesday, April 21st at 7:00 p.m. for an intergenerational opportunity to share stories of resilience, strength and coping during the COVID-19 pandemic. Through this Community Sharing Session, participants will have the opportunity to share the unique challenges they’ve faced over the last year. During the session, participants will also stories of strength and coping, with the aim of reducing stigma and opening a dialogue about mental health in our community.
This event is open to Howard County middle and high school students, parents, teachers and community members. Register today and join us to learn ways that you can promote connection with neighbors, family and friends.
Department of Housing and Community Development
Housing’s April MIHU Open Enrollment Period Accepting Applications
Interested in calling Howard County home? Our Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) is now accepting applications for its Moderate Income Housing Unit (MIHU) program April open enrollment period. Held quarterly throughout the year, this inclusionary zoning program provides individuals and families the opportunity to purchase quality new homes at reduced sale prices and rents to those eligible. Applications will be available online and completed applications can be submitted either online, mailed to 9820 Patuxent Woods Drive, Suite 224, Columbia, MD, 21046, or dropped off at DHCD’s Patuxent Woods Drive office by appointment only. The DEADLINE to apply is 5:00 p.m. Friday, April 30th.
If you missed DHCD’s MIHU Homeownership informational workshop this past Wednesday, April 7th, those interested in learning more about this program can find presentations from previous homeownership and rental informational workshops, as well as frequently asked questions and answers explaining the program’s eligibility requirements and application process, on DHCD’s “Open Enrollment” website.
Please keep in mind, if you are interested in DHCD’s MIHU rental program, prospective renters may apply directly to a participating rental community at any time during the year. For more information on the MIHU rental program, including a list of participating communities, visit DHCD’s MIHU rental website.
Office of Human Rights and Equity
Holocaust Day of Remembrance: “NEVER AGAIN”
On April 7th, on Yom HaShoah, I joined our Office of Human Rights and Equity in solemnly remembering the more than six million Jews and millions of other individuals, including members of the LGBTQ+ and disabled communities, who were murdered during the Holocaust. It is vital that we remember the past and not just honor those who came before us, but to ensure it never happens again and the lessons learned are never forgotten.
One important lesson learned is that we are always stronger united than divided. We must continue to strive to find common ground and tell the stories of our ancestors to ensure the mistakes of the past are never repeated.
Department of Planning and Zoning
Applications Now Being Accepted for Route 1 Tax Credit Program
Our Department of Planning and Zoning (DPZ) is NOW accepting applications for its Route 1 Tax Credit program. The purpose of this program is to encourage revitalization along the Route 1 corridor by helping commercial and industrial building owners renovate and improve the exterior appearance of their properties with a tax credit of up to $100,000. This past November, the Howard County Council reauthorized the program, extending it through the taxable year ending June 30, 2026.
Planning Board Virtual Meeting
DPZ’s Planning Board will be holding a VIRTUAL meeting this Thursday, April 15th at 7:00 p.m. to hear the following items:
ZB 1123M - Shri Sad Guru Krupa, LLC (7525 & 7541 Washington Boulevard, Elkridge) - petitioner requests a Zoning Map Amendment to rezone the Property from CE-CLI (Corridor Employment – Continuing Light Industrial) to the B-2 (Business - General) with a Documented Site Plan for a motor vehicle fueling facility, convenience store, fast food restaurant and retail shopping center.
2021-01 Erickson Living Properties II, LLC (MD 108, Part of 5450 Shepard Lane, and 12170 Clarksville Pike, Clarksville) - petitioners request to extend the timeline by two years of the General Plan Amendment as adopted in Council Bill No. 59-2018.
The Board recently revised its Rules of Procedures with changes in accordance with the new Virtual Public Meeting setting. Please note, significant changes in registration and document submission deadlines in the Board's Revised Rules of Procedure.
To register to testify at this meeting and/or to watch, visit DPZ’s Planning Board website.
A five-member board, the Planning Board makes recommendations to the Zoning Board or County Council on matters related to planning and zoning and renders a final decision on selected development proposals. Before recommendations or decisions are made, the Board holds a public meeting or hearing to provide interested persons the opportunity to provide comment. For details about procedures for testifying at a Planning Board meeting, click HERE. To learn more about Howard County’s Planning Board and upcoming meeting dates, click HERE.
Be Aware: Potential for Warm Weather Scams
The warm weather brings everyone out of hibernation, including scammers. Reports of scams and deception burglaries typically increase during spring and summer months. Residents should use the following tips to avoid falling victim to a scam and please be sure to share this information with family, friends, and neighbors, especially older residents, who are often targeted for scams.
If you need work done on your home, follow these tips:
- Request references from prospective contractors;
- Do NOT feel pressured to make a decision on the spot;
- Ask to see the contractors’ required license;
- Always obtain a written contract for the work;
- Do NOT share personal or financial information with prospective contractors;
- Verify the phone number and physical location of the business before agreeing to any work;
- Jot down the license plate of the company vehicle, just in case; and
- Lastly, be suspicious of unsolicited offers and services.
Common types of scams include driveway paving and resealing, tree trimming and removal, utility service for gas or water problems, and roof repairs or inspection. To learn more about common scams, how to identify a scam and protect yourself from becoming a victim, check out DCRS’ Office of Consumer Protection’s “Scam Alerts!” website.
Keep in mind, companies offering their services door-to-door, are required to possess a Howard County peddler and solicitor card. Residents should request to see this ID in addition to a company ID. To report an unregistered salesperson, or get more information about shopping for home improvement services, contact the Howard County Office of Consumer Protection by phone at 410-313-6420 or by e-mail at
Lastly, be AWARE of distraction. If someone seems eager to look inside your home, or seems to be trying to distract you, close and lock your door immediately and call 911.
Help Identify Destruction of Property/Hate-Bias Suspect from Glenwood Middle School Incident
Howard County Police Department (HCPD) is seeking the public help to identify the suspect in a destruction of property/hate-bias incident that occurred on March 12th around 7:49 p.m. at Glenwood Middle School. The suspect spray painted over the word “Black” on the school marquee that read “Black Lives Matter at GMS.” The suspect vehicle, seen in this video, is believed to be a gray SUV. Anyone with information is asked to contact HCPD at 410-313-STOP or email
Employment Opportunity Public Information Officer Wanted
HCPD is looking for a Public Information Office to join its Public Affairs team. The role combines social media, marketing and media relations duties, and requires high-level skills in writing, electronic media outreach, public speaking, creative thinking and outstanding judgment. In addition to a salary, the position is also eligible for “specialty pay.” To apply for this position, click HERE. Note, the job posting closes this Friday, April 16th.
Department of Public Works
Repurposing Leftover Concrete to Help Grow Our Reefs
This Thursday, April 8th, our Department of Public Works (DPW) will hold a virtual public meeting starting at 6:00 p.m., to discuss plans to stabilize an eroding stream bank located on Howard County open space west of Bonnie Branch Road (just opposite 4615 Bonnie Branch Road) and south of College Avenue. The informal meeting will include an overview of the design, followed by an open discussion. County staff and the project’s design consultant will be on hand to answer any questions and gather public comments. The project is expected to begin in July 2022.
To participate in the meeting by computer, go to and click “join;” the meeting number is 160 280 4509 and “Stormwater” is the password. To participate by phone, call 1-650-479-3207 (note, fees may apply) and enter the access code 160 280 4509.
Those unable to participate in the virtual meeting who would like to view the plans and/or have questions, should contact Ms. Christine Lowe with DPW’s Stormwater Management Division at 410-313-0522 or email
Michaels Way Drainage Improvement Project Public Meeting Scheduled
Valley Mede residents, I invite you to join DPW this Thursday, April 15th for a virtual public meeting to discuss its plans for a proposed drainage improvement project in your neighborhood. To reduce roadway flooding, DPW’s Bureau of Environmental Services plans to replace and upgrade the storm drain along Michaels Way between Fawnwood Drive and Plumtree Branch, in the vicinity of Longview Drive beginning July 2022.
The informal meeting will include an overview of the design followed by an open discussion. County staff and the project’s design consultant will be on hand to answer any questions and gather public comments. To participate in the meeting by computer, go to and click “join;” the meeting number is 160 963 4164 and “Stormwater” is the password. To participate by phone, call 1-650-479-3207 (note, fees may apply) and enter the access code 160 963 4164.
Those unable to participate in the virtual meeting who would like to view the plans and/or have questions, should contact Ms. Christine Lowe with DPW’s Stormwater Management Division at 410-313-0522 or email
Department of Public Works Construction Report
To learn about DPW projects currently underway, visit Searchable by project category and street name, from this site you’ll find additional project details, including news releases about the project. You can also contact DPW’s Customer Service Office at 410-313-3440 or email for further assistance.
If you have questions or are interested in finding out about a State road (numbered roadway) project in your area, visit the Maryland State Highway Administration’s (SHA) “Project Portal” website.
Maryland State Highway Administration
Two Miles of MD 103 to be Milled and Patched
REMINDER: The Maryland State Highway Administration (SHA) has begun work to improve the road surface of MD 103. Crews will be milling and patching two miles of roadway between US 1 and MD 100, as well as installing an underdrain at Kane Way to improve roadway drainage and safety. The work will take place Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. and weather permitting, is expected to be complete by May.
Flagging operations, cones and signs will be in place to alert motorists of the road work and guide them through the work zone. While SHA works hard to maintain safe traffic mobility in work zones for its crews and customers, motorists are reminded to stay alert, focus on driving and, look for reduced speed limits, as well as other driving pattern changes.
For more information about this project, click HERE and/or contact SHA at 410-545-0303.
Department of Public Works Bureau of Environmental Services
Yard Trim Collection has Resumed
Curbside yard trim collection resumed last week in Howard County. Our Bureau of Environmental Services is reminding residents that yard trim items may be placed out for collection in paper bags or reusable containers (plastic bags are not accepted), or tied or bundled with sturdy string that will not break. Each item may not exceed 40 pounds and branches must be four inches or less in diameter and less than four feet in length. Also, bundles of branches may not exceed 18 inches in diameter.
Additionally, please keep in mind, curbside recycling and yard trim collection occur on the same day; however, they are collected by separate trucks that may arrive anytime between 6:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. on your collection day.
Household Hazardous Waste Saturday Collection Resumes at Landfill
Our Bureau of Environmental Service’s resumed Saturday collections of Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) at the Alpha Ridge Landfill this past Saturday, April 3rd. Now through November, Howard County residents can properly dispose of HHW items, such as corrosive, flammable, reactive or toxic products found in most homes, garages and workshops, every Saturday from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. To learn more about this program and what is accepted/not accepted, visit
Department of Recreation and Parks
Living History and Heritage Program at the Robinson Nature Center
If you are interested in learning about the history of Howard County, I encourage you to join our Department of Recreation & Parks’ Living History and Heritage Program this Saturday, April 17th for its second annual Archaeology Fest! Centuries ago, the Simpsonville Mill, a general store and residences were located on the property of Recreation & Parks’ Robinson Nature Center. Participants will take part in an archaeological dig to look for and catalog artifacts from the time period, learn the history about the mill property and experiment with how people from the past made tools. As spaced is limited visit today to reserve your spot.
Bike Maintenance Classes at the Gary J. Arthur Community Center
Before heading out on your bike this spring, be sure to check our Recreation & Parks’ hands-on Bike Maintenance class at the Gary J. Arthur Community Center. Starting April 21 and led by expert cyclist Larry Black, during this four-session course, participants will learn everything they need to know about maintaining and repairing their bike. To register, visit
Advisory Board Meeting 4/21: Proposed Land Acquisition and Planned Roadway Improvements for Centennial Park Community
Is your dog nervous or aggressive? Join Recreation & Parks this April for a Dog Park Manners workshop, taught by Darryll Ann Buschling, at Worthington Dog Park. During this three-hour workshop, participants will learn basic obedience and socialization skills and discover how to put their furry best friend at ease when visiting a dog park. To register, visit
Former Recreation & Parks Director Wins 2021 Retired Life Award
Please join me in CONGRATULATING former Recreation & Parks Director John Byrd, on his receipt of Maryland Recreation & Parks Association's (MRPA) 2021 Retired Life Award. This annual award recognizes a retired professional who was active in parks/recreation and leisure services field for a minimum of 20 years and an MRPA member for a minimum of 15 years. Congratulations John on this well-deserved honor!
Brood X is Coming. Are you Ready?
Starting at the end of this month/early May, Maryland will experience a massive emergence of "periodical" cicadas, Brood X. For the past 17 years, these unique insects have been living underground as wingless “nymphs,” feeding on sap from tree roots. Emerging from their underground homes, once above ground, they’ll spend two to four weeks mating and laying eggs. Known for the loud sounds they make, cicadas are perfectly harmless to humans.
“Community Sports Hall of Fame” Now Being Accepted
If you know of an incredible coach, manager, league official, commissioner or behind-the-scenes contributor who live in and/or have contributed to a community sport primarily in Howard County, I encourage you to nominate them today for our Department of Recreation & Parks’ 2021 “Community Sports Hall of Fame.” Nomination forms are available on line at or by calling the Department of Recreation & Parks at 410-313-1691, and are being accepted through April 15tth.
Founded in 2005, the Community Sports Hall of Fame recognizes outstanding individuals who have gained prominence in or made substantial contributions to community recreational sports in Howard County. It is important that we recognize and thank these individuals for their tireless dedication to our athletes, especially during a time when these programs have served as a great outlet and resource to our community.
For more information about Howard County’s Community Sports Hall of Fame, including a list of past Hall of Fame inductees, visit
Catch Roaming Gnomes in Howard County Parks
Have you found the roaming gnome? This April, Recreation & Parks’ has launched its Roaming Gnomes scavenger hunt. Each week, residents can find clues on Recreation & Parks’ Facebook page that will guide them to one of four Roaming Gnomes. Find the gnome, scan the special QR code and submit your entry form to be entered in a weekly prize drawing. Prizes are awarded each week with a special grand prize to be awarded to the person or team who finds all four gnomes by the end of the month!
Howard’s Hunt Team Scavenger Hunt
If you enjoy Recreation & Parks’ scavenger hunts, but sure to join the department of its first-ever HCRP digital scavenger hunt April 23rd through April 25th. Gather a team of two to six adults for this fun, sustainable adventure that relies on teamwork, planning and problem-solving skills. Each team will receive instructions by 7:00 p.m. on April 23 and have until midnight the following Sunday to submit their entry. To register and for contest rules, visit
Office of Transportation
Proposed Bike Lanes to Centre Park Drive and Columbia 100 Parkway Public Meeting
During the current road resurfacing effort along Centre Park Drive and Columbia 100 Parkway, our Office of Transportation is proposing to implement the recommendations of the County’s Bicycle Master Plan, Bike Howard, for bike lanes on segments of these roadways. Transportation is proposing adding newly painted bike lanes on Centre Park Drive from MD 108 to Columbia 100 Parkway and along Columbia 100 Parkway from Centre Park Drive to Executive Park Drive. As part of its effort, Transportation invites the public to join them on April 21st at 7:00 p.m. for a virtual public meeting to learn more about and provide feedback regarding these proposed roadway additions. To register for the meeting, click HERE. In addition to the meeting, residents can also submit feedback to the Office of Transportation, now through May 5th,
Bikeshare Survey
Our Office of Transportation is looking for ways to improve Howard County’s Bikeshare system and is seeking to gather public feedback through a short survey. Your feedback will help Transportation improve its system now and in the future. To learn more about Howard County Bikeshare, visit
Work in Downtown Columbia? Take This Survey
As part of the development of its Transportation Demand Management Plan for Downtown Columbia (DTC), Transportation is working with the Downtown Columbia Partnership to survey those who work in DTC to better understand their transportation needs and assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on their travel patterns. To complete the survey, click HERE. Your responses will help us design new transportation options and strategies to address current needs, as well as serve commuters to Downtown Columbia into the post-COVID period.