Storm Newsletter for August 16, 2021
As you can see our team is very large and we care about your child's safety. We ask each parent to be sure only bring them to practice if they are completely well. With school fully reopening, we need to make sure everyone is healthy. We can see the athletes getting stronger every practice, Keep reminding them to hydrate and eat well at school.

If you have not uploaded your birth document we need that asap. We have to certify each new athletes' birthdate. Please complete your payment and purchase your uniform too!

The schedule for practice is below, you can also access the calendar on the website. You can add more emails to receive the Newsletter by clicking that link on the website,

Monday - 6:00 - 7:15 West Creek Park,

Tuesday - 6:00- 7:15 College of the Canyons ( Park near the track Stadium (lot 8) and walk up the access road past the baseball stadium, There is a small field near the maintenance building, we will meet there. Please do not send your athlete up the road alone.

Thursday - 6:00 - 7:15 Central Park

Saturdays- 8:00 9:15 Central Park

Safety Concerns- Please continue to practice safety procedures, wash hands, keep appropriate distance, and If your child or anyone in your house hold is sick Stay home.

Jelly Beans and Jolly Ranchers - We need parents to help pass them out after practice daily. The coaches are not able to do this. It only takes a few minutes and the kids love it! Also please bring one bag or jar to share with the team!

Cross Country age groups and racing distance:
Sub-Gremlin - birth year - 2016 & 2015 - 2k
Gremlins - birth year - 2013 & 2014 -2k
Bantams - birth year - 2011 & 2012 - 3k
Midgets - birth year - 2009 & 2010 -3k
Youth - birth year - 2007 & 2008 -4k
Young men & women -birth year - 2006 thru 2003 - 4k

Cross Country Sign Ups /Coach
We are accepting sign ups for the 2021 Cross Country program now!
Please click the button to be taken to our sign up page on our website.

We will be closing sign ups next week, so if you know anyone interested let them know.

We are also looking for new running coaches, no experience needed we will train you. All parents are welcome to come and run with us too!
Uniforms and Spirit Store
Our online store, is up on the website but does not have all items on it yet, but you can purchase and pick up at practice on Thursdays and Saturdays!

You can purchase your uniform now, They will be available on Monday and Thursday this week at practice.