NFP News Feed
NFP Program, USCCB | April 2020 | Vol. 2, No. 2



Christ is Risen!  

A blessed and joyous Easter season to you and your families!

Like all of us here in our nation’s capitol, I’m sure you are quarantined to some degree due to COVID 19. You have been spending your hours at home, alone or with family, washing hands and practicing social distancing, among other more normal tasks! Like many of we Catholics, you have also attended Mass virtually, prayed at home, and longed for the day that you can return to receive our Lord in the sacraments. You might even be tempted to think that you are still “in Lent” rather than Easter. Well, I’m here to tell you that we are in Easter—our faith is an Easter faith—Alleluia!
We are a people of hope because we know the one who lives and we are His! During this time of quarantine, let us pray for our world and each other. Let us pray to have our virtue strengthened and our faith increased! We are the Lord’s ambassadors after all. We are charged to bring His Gospel to all people!
Keeping this Easter hope in mind, this issue of the NFP News Feed is simple. It is offered to provide you with useful NFP resources, spiritual nourishment, and inspiration. You may have already seen some of these virtual resources (in fact, I have already sent some of them to you via the USCCB's YourMembership). Do be sure to check out the links that you are not familiar with. The resources below are an eclectic sampling of items that may lift the spirit. I hope they will lighten your burdens and bring a smile to your face!
Please share this newsletter with your colleagues, especially your NFP teachers and couples. The information will also be posted on the USCCB NFP Facebook page . Feel free to visit the Facebook page to add to the list. 
If you need anything, please do not hesitate to contact me at . Although I’m working from home, I have 24/7 access to my USCCB email.
Join me in lifting your voices to the Lord to thank Him for our salvation. Let’s also ask Him to convert all people through His sacred heart, heal the sick, comfort the grieving, and end this world-wide pandemic according to His divine will!
God bless you all!


Theresa Notare, PhD
Assistant Director
Natural Family Planning Program
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
3211 4th St., N. E.
Washington, DC 20017

T he USCCB website has prayer resources for you to use both personally and in your ministry during this time of quarantine.
Join with us and pray to our Blessed Mother
under the title of Our Lady of Guadelupe
Languages provided are English , Spanish, and Vietnamese.


The 2020 National NFP Week poster files are on the USCCB website. And, the postcards of the poster with ordering information have been mailed. You should receive yours soon! Other resources (e.g., homily notes, bulletin insert, etc.) are currently in development.

Reflect on God’s plan for
married love and life!
Prayerfully read Humanae vitae and encourage others to do so as well!
Study Church teaching that supports NFP use in marriage and consider new and creative ways to share the message!
Listen to some of the talks that were presented at The Catholic University of America in 2018 on the anniversary of Humanae vitae , Posted on the USCCB YouTube channel .

Learn NFP at Home!
If you have not explored virtual NFP education, contact an NFP national provide r to learn about how they offer NFP at home. Share the virtual NFP education link in your marriage preparation programs, .
Remember, any NFP teacher can also use web meeting platforms to teach a couple NFP. Prepare your teachers by helping them navigate various Internet web meting programs (use phone apps as well!).  
Share Basic NFP Information!
Although your diocesan NFP ministry may have a limited number of methods available from certified teacher, educate your people by providing basic information on the general science, methodology, and providers of NFP. Use the USCCB NFP Program's website for text (you have our permission to copy and reprint or insert into your resources with a simple reference to the USCCB). See basic information , frequently asked questions , and text from an introductory booklet (all of which can be purchased in hard copy as well).


American Academy of Fertility Care™ Professionals maintains the list of certified Creighton Model teachers. Contact them to find a teacher in your diocese. Individual teachers can discuss whether they are able to teach via the web or smart phones. See .
BOMA-USA and IIRRM (International Institute for Restorative Reproductive Medicine) are providing a webinar for their members on April 15 at 2:00PM (central time). Entitled, “Reproductive Physiology, reviewing the reproductive continuum” with Dr. Craig Turczynski, participants will: differentiate when cycle variants are part of the continuum and when they may indicate health issues; develop a better understanding of cycle variations, abnormalities, and types of bleeding through chart demonstrations; and review the follicle cell-oocyte maturation process as it relates to short or deficient luteal phases and the use of progesterone supplementation.
Couple to Couple League has online training in English and Spanish.

Cycle Power Summit free online conferenc e, April 16-20, 2020. If you had participated in the Cycle Power Summit last year (an NFP science and methodology summit), you know how useful the information is for everyone—the NFP teacher, user, medical professional, and educator. Spread the word!
FACTS continues to provide webinars, a speakers list, and much more on the science and methodology of all the NFP methods. Speakers are healthcare professionals, typically physicians and nurses. Contact FACTS to explore setting up a webinar or live stream lectures for your diocese. Visit the FACTS website .
IIRRM is a global community of NFP scientists, physicians, nurses, teachers, and promoters. IIRRM continues to provide NFP science and research webinars and other important resources for their members.  Consider joining and making this resource available for your NFP teachers.
Marquette Model users can find support and advice at the official MM Facebook page
St. Pope Paul VI Institute for the Study of Human Reproduction , medical staff continue to see their patients within some restrictions and have education programs scheduled for later in the year. Also see Dr. Thomas Hilgers’ interesting commentary on COVID 19 at .

Teen STAR Executive Director, Deacon Santiago Molina, will discuss the program with a focus on empowering young people in the next NACFLM professional training on April 16, 2020 at 1:00PM (ET). Contact, ; call, 1-937-431-5443.
Sympto-Pro by Northwest Family Services has online education.

An Invitation
for You and Your Family
Dear Friend,
I hope this finds you and your family healthy and safe. I would like to ask your participation in a social media campaign highlighting what families are doing to live out their calling as the Domestic Church in these extraordinary and difficult times. We hope this will be an encouragement to families everywhere.
Here’s how it works:

Take a photo or a video showing your family living out the call to be a Domestic Church. Some examples include watching a livestreamed Mass or liturgy, praying the Rosary as a family, reading the Bible together, observing Lenten traditions, visiting churches and holy places (as safety and government protocol allow), doing acts of service, etc.
Upload your photo or video to your Facebook or Twitter accounts with the hashtag #DomesticChurch and:
  • On Twitter - tag @foryourmarriage
  • On Facebook - tag @For Your Marriage Facebook Page
  • Invite three friends and family members by tagging them in a comment on Facebook or mentioning them in a reply on Twitter.
  • Enjoy seeing what other families are doing!
Join us in building up the Church one family at a time and spreading the Good News during these difficult times. Please let me know if you have any questions.
The campaign is from April 3 through the Octave of Easter. 
 You are in my prayers,

Julia M. Dezelski, STD
Assistant Director, Marriage & Family Life, Laity
During this time of quarantine, many religious orders,
Catholic organizations, lay and religious leaders, and clergy are currently providing spiritual resources. If you have not checked in with your favorites, be sure to do so. Meanwhile, below is a sampling of inspirational links.
Gratitude is extended to those who have sent in recommendations to share with you (a special "shout out" to Marise Frangie, from the Maronite Eparchy of Saint Maron who sent in a hefty list!). Remember,

Keep calm and pray on! 
Retreats & Reflections
“Family Prayer Service”
Archdiocse of Washington, instructional flyer for family prayer [ English , Spanish]
Check out what other dioceses have available on their websites too!

“Marriage Retreats”
Over the years the USCCB’s staff have developed marriage retreats that they have promoted during National Marriage Week (every February 8-14), see the 2018 retreat at . To view the 2020 campaign, see .
 “Be Not Afraid Self-Paced Virtual Conference,” hosted by Stacey Sumereau. "Be Not Afraid" runs for 30 days. It began on March 20, 2020. You can join any time, and those who join later will be given access to all earlier material. When you opt in, you'll receive a daily email with an inspiring video.
Knights of Columbus have launched a series on the spirituality of men. See .
Want to feed your reason and your soul? View Bishop Robert Barron and Dr. Peter Kreeft speak about faith and reason . These talks were given in 2012 at the Napa Institute conference. ( Prepare yourselves, this is a long video. You may want to break it up! ).

“Made for Love” podcasts from the USCCB’s website,

"Did God send COVID 19?" Professor of Scripture at Sacred Heart Major Seminary in Detroit, Mary Healy, STD, answers that question. She offers good suggestions for self-examination of conscience in the last part of the article.
  Sacred Music & Film
The Greek philosopher Plato saw the importance of music to the soul. He said, “musical training is a more potent instrument than any other, because rhythm and harmony find their way into the inward places of the soul” (The Republic, Book III). To read the full quote see The Republic .) I would add that God can also use good fiction, art, dance (especially ballet), and film to “speak” to us! Find something wonderful to lift your soul to the Lord God. Below are a few suggestions.
Classical and Traditional Catholic Music
“Ave Maria,” Rachmaninov: Vespers, Op. 37: VI.

“Be Thou My Vision,” traditional melody interpreted by Nathan Pacheco.
“Miserere mei,” by Gregorio Allegri.
“O Salutaris Hostia,” traditional melody by religious sisters.
  • Traditional melody interpreted with acoustic guitar in Latin and English (text shown in the video).
  • A completely different, modern but Heavenly interpretation by Ēriks Ešenvalds, sung by Trinity Choir.
“We Sing with Holy Mary,” music by Gustav Holst. ( The words are beautiful. I inserted them in a comment below the video. )
Gospel Music
If you have not checked out modern Gospel Music, listen to this Grammy Award winner below:
“Gracefully Broken” by Tasha Cobbs Leonard.

“You Know My Name,” by Tasha Cobbs Leonard.
“Your Spirit” by Tasha Cobbs Leonard.
Praise & Worship
 “Oh God Forgive Us,” for King & Country.  
“Great Are You Lord,” Casting Crowns.
“Mighty to Save,” Laura Story.
“Overwhelmed,” Big Daddy Weave.
“Rising,” Franciscan Friars of the Renewal.

Film & Videos
Everyone has their favorite religious films (e.g., Song of Bernadette, Jesus of Nazareth, The Passion, etc.) and video clips. And, sometimes, a secular film can be spiritually rich as well. You may also be inspired by the following. Remember to visit the USCCB’s NFP page on Facebook to share your favorite uplifting videos!

“The Chosen” is a new series on the life of Christ told from the perspective of His disciples. There are eight episodes posted on YouTube for the month of April (after which they will be available by subscription or on DVD on their website). See episode one at . The remaining videos can be found on the YouTube The Chosen channel.
“The Gospel of John,” this movie (2003), is a well-done representation of the entire Gospel of John.
Short Christian witness story about how God encouraged and healed a man in Ireland who had COVID 19. The man was helped by God through a janitor.
Remarkable conversion story of an atheistic Harvard Professor who became Catholic.
“The Farewell,” a surprisingly meaningful, tender, and funny story about a Chinese American family that travels back to China because the family’s grandmother has a terminal disease—but she does not know about her disease. This story is based on a true story. It highlights the importance of family and shines a loving light on inter-generational relationships. It is uplifting! Available at Amazon Prime and view the trailer here .  
The End of Bach’s Christmas Oratorio ( I know, “wrong liturgical” season, but trust me on this one, it is fantastic! ). This is the end of Hamburg Ballet’s piece with chorus and dancers. The people in white are the angels. Don’t miss the brief appearance of Mary, Joseph, and Jesus as they walk across the stage with the “every day man.”