Winning The War In Your Mind
Tuesday, April 13, 2021
Our minds are constantly being attacked. We live in a culture dedicated to destroying our peace. If advertisers can make us feel "less than", they can get from us what they want, our money, time and loyalty. The truth is, what they are selling only brings fulfillment until the newest model comes out. A second place our minds are attacked is from life experiences. Maybe even yesterday someone said something that has been playing in your mind over and over again. If not, you can be reassured it is coming. A third place our mind is attacked is by our enemy, the devil. He thrives when our thoughts aren't on the peace we can have in Jesus. A prophet named Isaiah, writing to the ancient nation of Israel, shares a promise to every one of God's people, if our minds are depending (thinking about God's trustworthiness), we can have peace that lasts for eternity.
What part of your life do you find most easily attacked by the culture, other people, or the accuser, the devil?
If your best friend called and had the same issues as you and asked you how God could help, how would you answer? Give yourself the same talk you would give your best friend.
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
The prophet Isaiah gave the nation of Israel a command. He said, "Do not think of past events." Obviously he wasn't talking about good times, great victories or sentimental memories we have others. Isaiah was warning the reader not to dwell on past sins, defeats and failures. God wants to renew our minds, meaning "to make new again." How does He do this. One way is through His Word. This week we are memorizing II Corinthians 10:3-4, "For although we live in the flesh, we do not wage war according to the flesh, since the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but are powerful through God for the demolition of strongholds." A second is for us to begin having small victories and recalling them when we are thinking unhelpful thoughts. If you wanted to lose ten pounds you would not go to the gym and stay until the weight came off, you would go for an hour a week. Spiritual victories are the same way. A little bit at a time will transform your mind.
What is one small victory you can win today?
Pray and ask God to multiply that victory over the next week so you can stop thinking of losses and start thinking of spiritual wins.
Thursday, April 15, 2021
As you read this portion of Psalm 19, read it as a prayer to God.
Friday, April 16, 2021
Maybe you are like me and catch yourself having conversations in your mind of what you might say to someone if you had the chance. Other times we think of mistakes we have made and what life would be like if we could go back in time and change the decisions we made. And regrettably, our minds sometimes drifts to sin. The truth of this Psalm 94:11 is God knows all our thoughts. God knows our deepest fears, he knows our greatest hurts, and he knows what we think on every subject. Sometimes this can bring us great comfort and other times it should bring shame. God's greatest desire is for us to think correctly so we can see Him correctly. Once we see Him correctly we begin to have our most meaningful relationship with Him and others. Daniel 2:22 reads, "He reveals the deep and hidden things; He knows what is in the darkness, and light dwells with Him." God knows everything so we must replace ungodly thoughts with His word and just be honest with Him. I want to remind you God can never be taken by surprise.
Memory Verse:
II Corinthians 10:3-4, "For although we live in the flesh, we do not wage war according to the flesh, since the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but are powerful through God for the demolition of strongholds."
Sunday Worship Gathering//10:30 AM
Wednesday Selected Bible Studies//6 PM
Wednesday Elementary Gathering//6 PM
Wednesday Student Ministry//6 PM
Thursday Mercy Band Rehearsal//6:00 PM