Activity Providers Receive Approval to Operate Under Retailer Guidelines
Outdoor activity providers have received approval to operate under retailer guidelines. Learn more on the County Variance   page. The Resilience Roadmap outlining each reopening stage can be found HERE.

As you prepare to reopen your business, please refer to State Guidance , specific to retailers. Placer County has also outlined Business Guidelines for reopening, which must be in place prior to resumed operations. The state recommends printing and posting THIS compliance checklist, we have also created a customer facing compliance checklist HERE . We are in the process of identifying cleaning guidelines and products approved for usage. Chemical cleaning products are prohibited on or near Lake Tahoe. Plastic sheeting and alcohol-based wipes are recommended for cleaning practices.
Personal Protective Equipment {PPE}
now available for your business
The North Lake Tahoe Resort Association, in conjunction with Placer County, has sourced PPE supplies for your business. This includes 3-Ply and KN95 masks, disposable gloves, hand sanitizer, and social distancing graphics.

Limited quantities are available, please submit your order today HERE . Pick-up will be begin on May 22. If you are in need of additional items, please specify quantity within the form. Payment (cash, check, credit card) will be taken at pick-up.
Tourism Recovery:
We're Stronger Together
The North Lake Tahoe Marketing Cooperative is a partnership between the North Lake Tahoe Resort Association and the Incline Village Crystal Bay Visitors Bureau. We continue to work together to support our regional tourism industry.
Learn more about the importance of tourism to North Lake Tahoe's economy HERE .
Coming Soon: Take Care Tahoe Signage & Visitor Readiness Toolkit
Take Care Tahoe has excellent resources to communicate public safety practices for visitors and locals alike. We are working with the organization on exterior signage for your business. This would include the importance of wearing masks and social distancing.

The North Lake Tahoe destination is also working on a visitor readiness toolkit to help the business community correspond with future guests: what they can expect upon arrival to North Lake Tahoe and responsible tourism guidelines. For now, refer to this Welcome Back letter from Take Care Tahoe .
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