May 2020
Direct Selling Newsletter For Companies

Not every type of product is ideal for the direct selling channel. Some are clearly better than others.

If you’re going to introduce a new product, let it be a good one for direct selling.

Watch our video to find out if your products have what it takes to sell successfully in a  direct selling , network marketing, party plan, or social selling company.

Did you know that your position has the greatest failure rate of all positions in a direct selling company? That's the bad news.

The good news is that you can do many things to improve your odds to stay in your job.

If you’re like me, when you want something done by others, you want it to be completed quickly.

Compensation plan programming is one of those projects that takes longer than we’d like, usually much longer.

If you’ve wondered why, this video is for you.

Sylvina's Recruiting Videos

Recruiting is essential to the growth of all direct selling companies.

Do you know everything you need to know about recruiting? If not, watch these Sylvina Consulting videos about recruiting.

Start Here   is our 250-page direct selling guide that teaches you how to build and grow a successful party plan or network marketing direct selling company.

Each chapter includes essential information you need to know as soon as possible, a series of thought-provoking questions to direct you to action, examples, and suggested next steps.

When you follow the path of the book, you will build and grow your business faster.

Every book includes one hour of direct selling consulting time for your business, a $200 bonus value.
Además de ayudar a compañías en los EE.UU. y alrededor del mundo crecer y mejorar sus negocios de venta directa, Sylvina ofrece una guía perspicaz para empresas de MLM y reuniones en casa nuevas o jóvenes.

Comience Aquí: La Guía para Construir y Hacer Crecer Su Empresa de Venta Directa

Nuestro libro hará más que sólo ahorrarle tiempo y dinero. Le dirá qué hacer, qué no hacer, y le enseñará lo que necesita saber para tener una empresa de venta directa exitosa. Sin nuestro libro, puede cometer errores costosos.
MLM Software Advice In A Book
Are you searching for new or replacement MLM software?

Become a better advocate for your company's needs with the knowledge you will learn by reading our 57-page Kindle eBook on MLM software.

Get your copy today. You'll be glad you did.

How Does Sylvina Consulting Help Companies?
At Sylvina Consulting, we are direct selling and compensation plan experts. We design and improve compensation plans, and we teach companies and individuals what they need to do to be successful.

Our mission is to provide owners, management teams, employees, and independent representatives of direct selling companies with information, wisdom, and solutions to increase the health, stability, and size of their businesses.

When you decide to get personal guidance from Sylvina Consulting, you will experience and benefit from our suggestions and recommendations gained from more than 30 years of experience working with more than 500 direct selling, network marketing, party plan, and social selling companies.

You are invited to experience the Sylvina difference. Our clients have given us great reviews. Some have even written letters of appreciation .

I invite you to contact me to talk about your specific needs.

Jay Leisner
President, Sylvina Consulting

Office: +1 503 244 8787
Cell: +1 503 784 7873
WhatsApp: + 1 503 784 7873
Skype: jay.leisner