
Our annual meeting is next week, Thursday, June 17, and we have our location. Please join us at Unity Park in Turners Falls. Bring a chair, something to eat, and please bring your mask.

The site we reserved is a picnic area under trees which has more distance from the children's play area. We'll have enough space to distance as necessary, and enough quiet to conduct our annual meeting business, and then get down to the business of catching up! We're so looking forward to seeing you!
Important Dates:

6/8: Mindful of Race Program begins
6:30 - 8:00pm
Registration closed

6/17: LWFC Annual Meeting
5:30 - 7:30pm
Unity Park, Turners Falls

6/21: State Redistricting Hearing, CD-1
More info below

6/24: 2021 LWVMA Convention—“Expanding the Table: Making Democracy Work for Everyone”
Special Joint Committee on Redistricting Public Hearing
Congressional District 1

Monday, June 21, 6:00pm

The Special Joint Committee on Redistricting has started holding hearings to collect public input for drawing maps for Congressional, state legislator, and Governor Council districts. The hearings are being organized by Congressional districts. The hearing for Congressional District 1, currently represented by US Rep. Richard Neal, will be held on Monday, June 21, at 6:00 pm. 
While the hearings are being held by Congressional District, the Committee wants to hear from the public regarding redistricting for the state level districts in addition to the Congressional districts. In particular, the Committee wants to hear about specific insights about your local community such as highlighting racial, ethnic, or language groups, school districts, transportation hubs, commercial districts, watersheds, and other communities of interest that should be considered in redistricting. Oral testimony is limited to 3 minutes (they cut off the video exactly at 3 minutes). You can submit written testimony, too.

We encourage you to publicize the hearing, listen to the hearing, or provide either written or oral testimony. Guidance and talking points are available! Click here to sign up to testify or get the link to watch the hearing.

Part of the business of our annual meeting includes a membership vote on the bylaws: the board updated our bylaws to remove gendered language, and now it's up to you, our membership, to vote on it. In preparation, you can find the bylaws draft here.

It's also time for board and officer elections. Are you interested in leading or joining the board? We'd love to have you! Nominate yourself or let us know if you have a recommendation—many hands make light work!
In League,

Marie Gauthier, President
Nicole Moore, Vice President
Marge Michalski, Treasurer
Laura Luker, Secretary
Jean Cherdack, Director
Christine Turner, Director
Joannah Whitney, Director