Birthdays in Music  

Jehan-Ariste Alain   2/3/1911

Carole King     2/9/1942

Harold Arlen       2/15/1905

Mark Your Calendars
Rockbridge Youth Chorale, Spring Concert,
7 PM,
Presbyterian Church

Rockbridge Chorus,
Spring Pops Concert,
7 PM
Presbyterian Church
Josh Harvey
Calling all Leaders!

     The Rockbridge Choral Society (RCS) is looking for a few good women and men to serve on the board of directors beginning this fall.  In the fall of 2019, the Board of the Friends of the RCS elected to transition from a principally fundraising board, the Friends, to a fundraising/managing board, the RCS.  What's the difference?  Well, to the singers in our choruses, nothing really.  The choruses have the same artistic directors and generally meet, rehearse, and perform in the same places.  The real difference is that our board members have the responsibility not only for raising the money to keep the operation running, but now individual board members take on all the tasks that allow singers to sing, artistic directors to direct, and audiences to hear us sing. 
     From the big stuff like liability insurance,  marketing, advertising, governing structures such as bylaws and operating policy, gathering music for every singer to have a copy, contracts for professional musicians, donor outreach and support, performance venues, the price and distribution of tickets, to the everyday needs like sufficient outside lighting and ushers for getting our audience members safely to their seats on winter evenings when the sun sets at 4:30 and it is dark by 5 the path to success is full of details large and small, and they all matter.
     If you or someone you know is interested in joining our active and hard-working board of directors, please send us an email at or contact a current board member.  We have a good time and great discussions on the path to getting it all done.  Never been on a board of directors?  Don't worry.  Many of our current board members were newbies once too.  If you can roll up your sleeves to contribute to our work, please join us.  If you are a singer, step up.  Look at it thus - without the RCS board of directors, nobody sings and nobody hears us sing.  So, come on board our Board!

With Sadness
     The RCS would like to send our sincerest condolences to our former Executive Diretor, Melanie Griffis-Hooper, and her family on the recent loss of her husband, Michael Hooper, who lost his battle with pancreatic cancer on February 7, 2020.  Michael and Melanie were significant contributors to our fundraising and endowment efforts.  Michael was Melanie's affectionate sustainer during her recent work with and for our choruses as a singer, our executive director, and literally clerk of the works during her tenure.  Much of the structure achieved by the RCS Board of Directors over the last several years is due to Melanie's help and extensive non-profit experience. We miss her expertise at all levels and hope that she will return to sing with us one day soon.  If you would like to send her a card, her mailing address is 117 Robinson Ln., Lexington, VA 24450.

One Anthem Thing
    Rick Richter, member of our bass section, is also a basketball fan, more specifically a fan of the Washington and Lee women's basketball team.  Rick recruited a group of Rockbridge Chorus singers to sing the national anthem at the team's last home game with Eastern Mennonite on 2/11/2020.  Congrats to the W&L ladies who won 80-60 and thanks to Rick for this community outreach opportunity!  Who knows?  May lead to more such gigs!

The Rockbridge Choral Society
P.O. Box 965
Lexington, VA 24450