Dear Friends,

As COVID-19 rates continue to fall, many of us are looking ahead to the future. As we begin to move away from crisis mode, we can begin to reflect on the lessons we have learned and envision how we can provide better care to older adults in the future. 

The vast majority of older adults want to remain living in their homes for as long as possible, but there are times when the care and services needed are too much to be provided at home. Loss of independence can be devastating and can contribute to depression and lower quality of life. Assisted living facilities provide needed services that promote independence and socialization, but they also come with a price tag that is out of reach for most low-income adults. 

Our feature this month is by HIGN-affiliated faculty Prof. Dan David. Prof. David illustrates the benefits of providing affordable access to assisted living facilities to low-income older adults through the story of Dorothy, a woman who lived independently until she was hospitalized. Dorothy’s placement in a Medicaid-funded assisted living facility provided support while allowing her to maintain her independence. 
