
The Weekly Word at Western Boulevard Presbyterian Church

Thursday, February 3, 2022

Much Work to Do

This past Sunday was very special for our congregation. It was a day to recognize the call we have all been issued by God to be disciples of God’s Son. It was a day when women and men answered their call to be deacons and elders at Western Boulevard for the coming years, caring for those in need, providing for our worship, nurture, and service, and serving Jesus Christ who alone is Head of the Church. And in the afternoon, I had the honor of answering those same questions as I was installed as your permanent pastor by a commission of New Hope Presbytery. It was a day to celebrate the call we all have received, a call to follow our Lord wherever he might lead us for a lifetime of service.

This Sunday, we will hear Jesus issue that call to Simon Peter, James and John along the lakeshore of Gennesaret. It is Luke’s description of the calling of the first disciples, and it reminds me of what Jesus expects of us. He expects us to trust him when at first it seems unlikely what he asks of us would make a difference. He understands that we will be afraid at first to follow him, especially when it leads us to new places. But he reassures us to not be afraid, for when we follow him, he will take us to places that transform our lives and the lives of others.

No one said this call would be easy, and there is much work that needs to be done as agents of God’s love, peace, and justice in this world. On the first day of Black History Month, several Historically Black Colleges and Universities received bomb threats for the second time in a month; how will we stand up to the forces of hatred that seek to divide? Gun violence continues to cause death and grief in our communities; how will we respond to this growing trend in our society? Sometimes it can feel overwhelming with all the challenges that we face. What is the one thing you can do, or the two or three things we can do as the church that fulfills our calling “to follow in our own life the Lord Jesus Christ, love our neighbors, and work for the reconciliation of the world?” (Book of Order, W-40404f)

There is much work to do – but it is not work we must do on our own. As we follow our calling as Jesus’ disciples, may we always lean on the Advocate, the Holy Spirit, who inspires, teaches, and empowers us to follow our Lord wherever he leads us.

With a full and grateful heart,



Breakfast – 8:00am

Parlor Class – 9:30am

Sunday School – 9:30am

Adult Sunday School Class – 9:30am

Worship Service – 10:30am – We will celebrate the Lord's Supper as part of our morning service; as a result, there will be no Children's Chapel this Sunday.

Youth Group - 5:00pm - Fellowship Hall

@TheTableWorship – 5:00pm – Click HERE for participating on Zoom and click HERE for the @TheTable bulletin for this Sunday.

Session Meeting - 6:30pm - Fellowship Hall


Rise and shine! Chef Ron and the kitchen crew are bringing breakfast to you a week early this month. Please join us Sunday, February 6 at 8:00am in the Fellowship Hall for a hot breakfast to kick off your day of worship. No need to RSVP, just show up with your smiling face and hungry tummy.


IT'S REGISTRATION TIME!! Registration has begun for the new school year at the Preschool! Registration forms can be found on the website and on the board outside the Preschool office. Registration is now open to the public.


Please click HERE for the Christian Education brochure. 


Six WBPC middle school youth are heading to Charlotte February 18-20 to work with CROSS Missions. Anna will be leading the trip, but is in need of a male chaperone to accompany her. Vaccinations and a negative PCR COVID test are required to attend. If you are interested, please let youth@wbpresbyterian.org know ASAP. Thank you in advance!


WBPC Youth are fundraising for summer trips with a t-shirt sale! T-shirts were designed by Anna Richardson Raab and will be printed on Bella + Canvas fair trade cotton t-shirts. T-shirts can be purchased for a donation of $20 each, but donations of any size are welcome. Payments won't be collected until t-shirts arrive, but pre-ordering is required so that we know how many to order. You can pre-order your shirts using this form HERE.

WBPC Youth Fundraiser Shirt .jpg


BJF meets via zoom on Mondays at noon to 1:30pm. Our current book of study is Decolonizing Wealth: Indigenous Wisdom to Heal Divides and Restore Balance by Edgar Villanueva. We plan to study this book for the next four weeks until Lent. Each week different members will lead the discussion. All are welcome to join. Click HERE for participating in Monday's meeting via Zoom.


BINGO! Yep, it’s Bingo night this coming Wednesday, February 9th with fun and prizes for everyone. We’ll start with a taco bar for dinner followed by bingo until the prizes run out. Please bring donations, food or money, for the Urban Ministries Food Bags.

Dinner will be served at 5:45pm. If you are not comfortable dining in, feel free to join us at 6:30pm for Bingo fun. Additionally, to-go plates are available if you just want a grab-and-go dinner.

We are also in need of volunteers to bring dessert and help with cleanup. Please indicate your willingness to volunteer on the Sign-Up Genius.

Please RSVP if you plan to join us for dinner, and indicate dietary restrictions by Monday, February 7 using the Sign-Up Genius link HERE, emailing the Fellowship Committee at fellowship@wbpresbyterian.org or calling the church office at 919-851-4713.


Please refer to the February Calendar if you have questions about meetings. If you want to reserve a room, please email admin@wbpresbyterian.org. If you have photos from Church events this year, please share them with us. You may upload your pictures directly to our shared Church album by clicking HERE.


If you have a prayer concern, please contact Frank Mansell (frank@wbpresbyterian.org), Marcia Bennett (sen1969@hotmail.com), or Betty Dean (betdean@nc.rr.com) and request that it be added to the Prayer Chain. Please note that any confidential prayer requests will not be added to the Prayer Chain.  


Click HERE for a list of February Birthdays!

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