Double Your Impact—Matching Gift
Tuesday, November 24, 2020
Dear Friend of Christians in Action,
Thank you for your investment in fulfilling the great commission through Christians in Action Missions International in 2020. Please consider sending your very best gift this month as generous donors have made a matching challenge pledge of $39,000—hence, your generous gift of $250 is effectively doubled to $500, or $500 to $1,000, and so on, up to $39,000, when you give by December 31, 2020.
While many expected 2020 to be a year of great vision; some are describing it as a disaster. But has 2020 really been a disaster? Where was God during the pandemic, while fires raged out of control, during devastating floods, when merciless hurricanes and typhoon upon typhoon struck various places—particularly the Philippines? Where was God when tragedy struck your house and home?
When my son died in my arms twenty years ago, I thought my life was over—all hope seemed lost. But, through God’s tender loving care, eventually, I sensed his buoyant Spirit hovering over me. I cried out, “Lord, I did not want my son to die? Why, oh why, did he have to die?”
In my heart I heard God’s gentle reply, I did not want my Son to die either; nonetheless, because of my love for the world, I sent Him to suffer and die—and now, He is at my right hand in Paradise. Trust me even when you cannot understand my ways. Believe in me, and my Son, the One I sent, and We will be with you, by the Holy Spirit, all your days, and beyond.
This is the challenge our Christians in Action Missions International (CinAMI) missionaries make on a daily basis—whether in the jungles of Thailand and Colombia, or the cosmopolitan regions of Okinawa Japan, United Kingdom, and Macau China, our nearest neighbors in Mexico and Guatemala, West Africa, or any of the twenty-one countries in which we serve. Although the obstacles we face seem immense to us, they pose no problem for our God. As the Psalmist declared his trust in the Lord, so can we, “But you, God, see the trouble of the afflicted; You consider their grief and take it in hand” (Psalm 10:14a). He is at work in and through all our conflicts and challenges, sorrows and sufferings.
You, as Christians in Action Missions International investors, are a gleaming bright spot! Thank you for your example of God’s faithfulness and grace despite today’s difficult times. I have seen other good things happen, too—right in the middle of the COVID debacle. Let me share one with you.
Our Sierra Leone husband and wife missionary team, serving in neighboring Liberia, suffered from strict COVID restrictions in their home-country. Following a brief visit with their adult children in Freetown, Sierra Leone, the authorities required they remain in quarantine—thus, barring them from returning to their place of ministry, across the border to Liberia. Despite their plight, these energetic career missionaries, Christian and Augusta Kallon, while awaiting clearance to return to Liberia, initiated evangelistic forays into various remote villages in central Sierra Leone.
One of the villages the Kallon’s visited was the very village from which their daughter, three years ago, “adopted” a young boy who tragically died suddenly, at less than eight years of age. Missionary Christian Kallon shared the story of the joy the young, adopted boy brought to his daughter and the sorrow of his untimely death, woven together with the story of Jesus, God’s Son, and His sacrifice for them. Nearly the entire village responded when our missionary invited those who would trust in Christ as their Savior and Lord. Now the work of discipleship begins as Missionary Kallon teams up with local pastors to connect them with the new converts to Christ.
Rejoice with us as these new disciples begin to drink deeply of the living water of the Gospel. As living water is vital, so also is a desperately needed clean physical water supply. Praise God, He has provided funding for a well in this village, but there are still so many more needed. Your further investment in our fresh-water ministry projects create welcome teamwork at this critical time, particularly with the advent of the COVID virus.
Have you considered what a privilege it is to team up with God to accomplish great and eternal things in the lives of those who have yet to hear of His great love? I encourage you to seek the sustainable passion of Christ when He declared to his disciples, “’The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Therefore, ask the Lord of the harvest to send out workers into his harvest’” (Matthew 9:37b-38).
Join us in fulfilling God’s Great Commission. Your donation, up to $39,000, is doubled if given by December 31st.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year,
David P. Ingerson
International President/CEO
P.S. DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT and effectively DOUBLE YOUR GIFT, online END OF YEAR CAMPGAIN or via return enclosed envelope postmarked by December 31, 2020.
P.P.S. Also DOUBLE YOUR IMPACT by giving non-cash ASSETS--stocks, bonds, life insurance, real estate, etc.…with possible tax benefits. More information? Call me, 318-470-1925.
Double Your Impact—Matching Gift
Matching Challenge 2020
Mail check(s) to CinAMI,
PO Box 25093, Fresno, CA 93729
or give online:
Register for the 937PrayerCampaign:
Text “pray4harvest” to 22828
Urge your friends to join too!