Upcoming Webinars

Plastic in PA: Unseen Threats & How We Solve Them

Stephanie Wein, PennEnvironment

Learn more about the life cycle of plastics and how you can work towards policy change in your community. You'll leave with resources that can be put to use immediately.

When: Wednesday, June 16 at 6:00 PM EST

Where: Register here!

Outside In and Inside Out... What's In The Air We Breathe?

Peter DeCarlo, PhD

We spend most of our time indoors, and consequently our exposure to outdoor air pollution mainly occurs indoors. Add to that our emissions from indoor activities like cooking or cleaning plus the emissions from our indoor spaces and we can start to better understand the chemicals we are exposed to in particulates and gases in the air we breathe.

When: Tuesday, July 13 at 6:00 PM EST

Where: Register here!

A Century of Housing Discrimination and its Legacy of Health Impacts Today

Richard Tolin, MD

We will review the history of housing discrimination going back to the New Deal. Federally mandated segregation and racist lending requirements, as well as discriminatory zoning, taxation, and land development will be discussed. We will then explain the impact of consequent housing patterns on the health of the victims and their descendants. Finally we will then offer strategies of mitigation and redress.

When: Tuesday, August 17 at 6:00 PM EST

Where: Register here!

Would you be interested in attending a half day conference on the impacts of fracking in November?

Email Tonyehn ( if there's a speaker you'd like to see in the series.

Interested in Learning More? - Check out our blogs!

Air pollution is a Preventable Danger to Health - Click here to read!

CHP-PA Statement on Fracking Waste Management in PA - Click here to read!

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