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Rev. Jon Carlisle
Please Welcome!

The Rev. Jon Carlisle will begin his ministry with us on June 28, 2020. Below is a special letter of introduction from Rev. Carlisle. Please join the Covenant Presbyterian Staff in welcoming him to our church family!

Dear Friends,
I am excited about your Session’s invitation to serve as your “Gap Pastor” during this different time. Your Session has contracted with me to work full time for at least the next three months (renewable) while your Pastoral Nominating Committee begins their search for a new called Pastor.
I retired two years ago. Sue and I moved to Blacklick to be near our daughter, a New Albany music teacher, and her family. I grew up in upstate New York, attended Colgate University and Princeton Theological Seminary. God called me to serve congregations in Waterloo, New York (in the Finger Lakes); Beaver Falls, Pa. (north of Pittsburgh); and in Coshocton, Ohio, (where I served for 17 years). Sue and I worship at the newly formed Rose Run Presbyterian Church in New Albany, where I preached and assisted for several months before they called their Transitional Pastor.
Following Jacob’s wrestling with the angel, he asked for a blessing. Throughout this past year you have been wrestling with the goals of interim ministry: grieving what has passed, maintaining the essentials, discovering the church's true identity, envisioning the future, and developing the church's leadership. Rev. Mark Gauen, Moderator of our Presbytery, recently wrote “in one way or another, all of us are doing these things during this interim time.” I’m looking forward to serving you as you take the next steps serving the Lord with imagination and joy.

Jonathan Carlisle

Church Building is Closed but...if you have to enter the building to provide a volunteer service or as a staff member please follow theses guidelines to lovingly protect one another:

SIGN IN and OUT - there are sign in sheets at each entrance
WEAR A MASK - soon we will have some available at each entrance, for now please bring your own
SANITIZE THE SURFACES YOU TOUCH -disinfectant wipes are available throughout the building.

Covenant's Virtual Worship, Prayer and Study

  • Gathering Live, Wednesdays, 7pm Facebook "Join members of the Spiritual Development commission to listen and chat about the meaning of music in your life and the life of Covenant."

  • Traditional Worship, Sundays, 11am Facebook and YouTube
  • Study and Prayer, Mon., Wed. and Fri., 11am Facebook
  • Daily Centering Prayer, 9am contact Cora Kuyvanhoven for more information.
  • Wednesday Bible Study, 1pm contact Carol Craven for more information.

American Red Cross Blood Drive will be held at Covenant Presbyterian Church (2070 Ridgecliff Road) on Monday, June 29, 2020 - 2:00-7:00 p.m. 
If you are feeling healthy and well, please make an appointment to give blood today! The need for blood is constant and volunteers are often the only source for this most precious gift. Go to to access the drive registration form and sign up as a donor! Safety procedures such as taking temperatures are in place to assure donors are not at risk for contracting COVID-19. 
Please call 1-800-RED-CROSS (1-800-733-2767) to find another donation opportunity. Hoping we see you on June 29!

Serving the Lord, Serving the Church, Serving Each Other

Covenant’s Church Officer Nominating Committee is about to begin the process of nominating candidates for the offices of Elder, Deacon, Youth Deacon, and members of the Church Nominating Committee, to begin serving in 2021.  Elders and deacons are needed for three-year terms; Youth Deacon serves one year; new members of the Church Officer Nominating Committee will serve one-year terms.

The committee would appreciate input from Covenant members to help them nominate persons to serve in these positions. Please submit names of those you consider willing and able to serve to Nan Davidson, Nominating Committee Chair/Elder (614-893-8824) by June 21st. 

If anyone has any questions about the positions or responsibilities, please contact Jeri-Lynne Bouterse , or Nan Davidson. Either of them would be happy to talk with you about these important offices. 

By serving on Session, the Board of Deacons, or the Nominating Committee, one can meet new friends or strengthen existing relationships, learn more about how the church works, and, most importantly, one can help the church operate more effectively and, therefore, strengthen the community of faith and fellowship in service of our Lord.

Thanks, Nan Davidson


The Pastor Nominating Committee was approved by the congregation on Saturday, June 6 th and we are already hard at work. The nine of us met with our presbytery liaison, Rev. Kyle Doebler and Rev. Jeri-Lynne Bouterse on Monday, June 8th for an initial training. We met again on Thursday, June 11th to begin reviewing the Mission Study report. This document will serve as our guide for completing the Ministry Information Form (MIF) and will be used to match us with potential pastoral candidates. The PNC will be led by John Griffin, who is serving as the chair of the PNC. We will be meeting weekly to work through each step of the process. We plan to provide periodic updates through various church communications to keep you abreast of our progress. We ask for your prayers of support as we discern God’s will for Covenant’s ministry and mission.

Your PNC: Sara Clark, Bob Cowman, John Griffin, Susan Imel, Terry Kennedy Mancini, Jared McCune, Judy Oeder, Tori Vazquez and Alan Yarletts


June 3, 2020

Dear Covenant members,

As you may have heard in worship services and in e-newsletters, the Mission Study Report is complete and approved. With this letter, we share two ways for you to access the entire report.  We also thank you, sincerely, for your critical role in the process.  You, the congregation, participated enthusiastically and strongly in our data gathering efforts. You also prayed for us and encouraged us. Our team is overwhelmed with gratitude to you, the priesthood of believers, for all you have contributed to this study. 

The report is over 60 pages long, and we’ve posted the PDF on our website here, under the “News, Events, Forms” tab: 

Please read or download from the website. However, if you need a paper copy, please contact the office, and a copy will be mailed to you. Leave a message requesting a copy with your name and verifying your address on the church voicemail at 614-451-6677, or email your request and information to   .

We hope that you’ll take the time to read it thoroughly, since the report summarizes what we’ve learned from you, our congregation, on these two topics:
1.      This is Covenant today
2.      What God is calling Covenant to be

We hope you will find the study to be uplifting, introspective, and aspirational.

We’ve been looking forward to this day when you can read this report. While these are times when our church and our entire world suffer greatly, we hope that in reading the Mission Study Report you’ll feel a sense of gratitude and hope. We pray that in reading the report you’ll rediscover how God truly uses our congregation to ease suffering and show Christ’s love. May this report a shine a light on the gifts we share with the world!  Jesus said: ‘No one after lighting a lamp hides it under a jar, or puts it under a bed, but puts it on a lampstand so that those who enter may see the light. For nothing is hidden that will not be disclosed, nor is anything secret that will not become known and come to light.’ Luke 8:16-17 


Mission Study Team Members:
Charlie Bergmann (co-chair), Cathy Levy (co-chair) Linda Billman, Janet Gross, John Harder,
Karen Hjelm, Megan Koeneman, Bob Lowery, Cassie Lowery, Jennifer LuPiba, John Griffin,
Jeff Roedel.
Mission Study Team Co-Chairs,

Charlie Bergmann 
Cathy Levy
Virtual Worship
June 21, 2020 @ 11am
“Sit on the Porch or Join the Party”
Luke 15:11-32
As parents, as human beings, it is sometimes hard love unconditionally, or at least to show this kind of love in our actions. It seems impossible at times to be like the father in this story, often called, "The Prodigal Son". It requires that we swallow our pride, our self-righteousness, and welcome those we love when they have caused us so much pain.
         When the younger son in our story returns home it is almost as if the father is waiting for him and he doesn’t even give his youngest son a chance to tell him the things he wants to say. Remember, the father runs to the son when he sees him, embraces, kisses him, and sends his servants to clothe him as a son and prepare a feast to celebrate! Why?
“this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found!”
It doesn’t matter what you did when you were gone, I still love you and you’re home now! This would be a great way to end the story wouldn’t it? But now we have to deal with this character the elder son. And folks I believe it is this character that Jesus wants the audience, the Pharisees and scribes to relate to. 
I hope you will join me one more time in worship and find out what we have in common with the character of the elder so n!

Christ's Peace,
Pastor Jeri-Lynne

Opportunity for Study and Prayer, Mon., Wed., Fri.,
11am Facebook
Each Monday, Wednesday and Friday I will be live streaming a study of the book of Acts and time of prayer. Join me by reading the scripture selection before the study and prayer service. Follow this simple method of study. Read once. Read the passage again underlining words or phrases that stand out for you, that make you think. How does this passage of scripture inform your life as a Christian. I will share my thoughts and I hope you will share yours!

June 19- Acts 7:54-8:3 Stephen's Stoning
June 22 - Acts 8:4-13 Philip Preaches in Samaria
June 24 - Acts 8:14-25 Philip Preaches in Samaria (Continued)

Covenant's Virtual Order of Worship
Sunday Worship Service @ 11:00 AM Facebook and YouTube
Rev. Dr. Jeri-Lynne Bouterse Preaching
This is a special virtual bulletin. There are clickable links on all of the icons words that are underlined and in blue.
Virtual Worship – Father’s Day
June 21, 2020 @ 11am

Opening Music                                             

Leader: The peace of Christ be with you.
People: And also with you.


Call to Worship
Ephesians 6:1-4                                                                                                            
Leader: Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right.
People: Honor your father and mother
Leader: this is the first commandment with a promise:
People: so that it may be well with you and you may live long on the earth.
Leader: And, fathers, do not provoke your children to anger,
People: but bring them up in the discipline and instruction of the Lord.

Opening Prayer
Almighty God, you have set us as individuals in families. May our families be
strengthened by your Spirit. Keep us close together so that no challenge can
unravel the bindings of love that unite us. On this Father's Day, we pray that
you will turn our hearts in tenderness toward one another. In the name of him
who came into the little family of Nazareth. Amen.

Hymn #395 vv.1&3
Blessed Jesus, at Your Word
Verse 1
Blessed Jesus, at your word we have come again to hear you;
let our thoughts and hearts be stirred and in glowing faith be near you.
By your gospel true and holy, teach us, Lord, to love you solely.
Verse 3
Glorious Lord, yourself impart, Light of Light, form God proceeding.
Touch our lips and ears and heart; help us by your Spirit’s pleasing.
Hear the cry your church now raises; hear, and bless our prayers and praises.

Call to Confession
From age to age is God's faithfulness. From day to day is our striving. Let us confess to our faithful God our failure and our stress.

Prayer of Confession
Faithful God, patient Friend, you are as near to us as breath and as constant as the waves on the shore. Yet how often our lives fail to mirror your ways. We are sometimes absent from our children, giving into pressures at work or yielding to the lure of success and money. We are at times distant from one another, for though we are in the same place, our hearts and minds wander and stray. We choose not to listen, to only half-hear the words of another.

Faithful God, patient Friend, restore our sense of belonging to each other. Heal our relationships and encourage us to be caring fathers, strong mothers and wise friends. Teach us the way of love and the path of Jesus. Amen.

Assurance of Pardon
Leader: Friends, believe the Good News of the Gospel!
All: In Jesus Christ we are forgiven. Amen

Message for Young Christians                                                                                
Scripture Reading           
Luke 15:11-32 [NRSV]    
Sit on the Porch or Join the Party!”    
Video Illustration – “Fatherhood”

Prayers of the People and Lord’s Prayer   
Invitation to Offering – Please continue to give to Christ’s ministry by mailing your checks to the church office or through a wide variety of online giving opportunities. Go to:
Prayer of Dedication

Hymn#733 vv. 2&3
We All Are One in Mission
Verse 2
In the just reward of labor, God’s will be done.
In the help we give our neighbor, God’s will be done.
In our worldwide task of caring for the hungry and despairing,
in the harvests we are sharing, God’s will be done.
Verse 3
For the harvests of the Spirit, thanks be to God.
For the good we all inherit, thanks be to God.
For the wonders that astound us, for the truths that still confound us,
most of all that love has found us, thanks be to God.

Charge and Blessing                                                                                               

Special Thanks to:
Cherie Brooks-Music Director/Social Media Support/Video Production
Soloist- Whitney Dodds
Erin Wise Director of Children’s and Youth Ministries
Katie Wynkoop-Assistant Music Director/
Our Mission
Covenant Presbyterian Church is an open, accepting community awakening to God's life-giving love together.
Our Vision
Covenant Presbyterian Church glorifies God and builds relationships with Christ and each other through: worship that inspires, nurture that embraces, education that challenges,
fellowship that energizes, ministry that responds.