Developing & advancing new HP MRI technology to better
detect, understand, and treat human diseases worldwide
Familiarity & Progress
The 2022 summer-fall season brought with it a familiarity from pre-COVID 2020, in-person training and collaboration. PI’s and researchers were able to meet at WMIC in Miami to collaborate and share innovative progress on the technology development of HP C-13 MRI. 

Internationally, our researchers disseminated and collaborated on recent technological advances at the Aarhus Training course on "Hyperpolarized 13C & 129Xe MRI: moving to clinical use" and in the ICMRI Meeting in South Korea in November. 

Despite the travel and in-person event limitations, online communications have still allowed us to be connected to share and grow our field of HP C-13 MRI technology. In this newsletter, we highlight the international progress of the HP C-13 MRI Consensus Group, new resources to share in HP C-13 MRI, presentations on recent publications, and the announcement of our upcoming 2023 HMTRC in-person workshop. 

Wishing you all a great fall season,
The HMTRC team & Collaborators

International Milestones & Achievements
HP C-13 MRI Consensus Group
As one major focus of our P41 Center Renewal we kicked off the HP C-13 Consensus Group at our March 2022 HMTRC workshop. Since then, the group has been gathering with members of the community, established leadership roles, and mapped four subtopic areas to reach a consensus on (Set-up & Calibration, HP Agent & Preparation, Acquisition, and Data Analysis).

Through monthly meetings the group has distilled down key topics and viewpoints which are currently being researched. Next steps are for the Subgroup Leads to author a position paper describing the state-of-the-art in human [1-13C]pyruvate studies which will support the next steps of HP C-13 Consensus group voting. A lot has happened in the last nine months since we set out on this journey, and as we come closer to a full year in this work, we look forward to working together towards a consensus.

Interested in becoming part of the HP C-13 Consensus Group or being part of the HP C-13 Consensus Voting process? Email Meetings of the Consensus Group will resume after the completion of the position paper in 2023.

Presentations on Recent Publications
Check out these recent presentations on articles to
inspire & drive your basic and clinical research

Call for Seminar Presenters
We are currently looking for January/February 2023 presenters for our International HP C-13 MRI Seminar. Present new findings, publications, or other work in preclinical and human research. Presentations are 25 minutes with a 5-minute Q&A. Email us at

The HMTRC Website. What's New?
New Acquisition Software & Data Analysis Resources!
Hosted on our Resources Page under "Acquisition Software" we have new resources now consolidated and under version control at GitHub HMTRC. This now includes multiple Bruker Pulse Sequence Programs (3T EPSI, 2D CSI, Slab Spectroscopy) available by request. Also newly hosted under our "Data Analysis" section is the HP C-13 EPI HOSVD Denoising MATLAB code. Check out more details on our Research Tools & Dissemination Page. While you are there, visit the whole host of resources the center shares publicly through GitHub such as SIVIC and the HP MRI Toolbox which contains pulse sequence construction tools such as the Spectral-Spatial RF Pulse Design for MRI and MRSI MATLAB Package.
Save-the-Date: HMTRC Workshop
Hyperpolarized Carbon-13 MRI Technology Development
April 13-14th 2023
The April 2023 Hyperpolarized Carbon-13 MRI Technology Development Workshop includes lectures, hands-on training and discussions on dissolution DNP methodology, polarizer instrumentation, MR Sequence and Acquisitions, Pre-clinical HP Chemistry Preps, Human HP Investigational Dose Formulation & Production, Clinical Translation Methods, Clinical Trial Support, and Analysis & Display Software.
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The Hyperpolarized MRI Technology Resource Center (HMTRC) is supported by the National Institute of Biomedical Imaging and Bioengineering
(NIH P41EB013598) and focuses on the development and dissemination of new advances in dissolution DNP techniques and instrumentation, specialized data acquisition methodology, and analysis software for biomedical research. 
Copyright © 2020 HMTRC, All rights reserved.