Camden Extension Connections
March 2021 Recap
Wheat Q & A Session
With temperatures beginning to warm to springtime weather now is the time many people start to think about as "planting season". We are quickly approaching when some of our most abundant crops are planted such as corn and soybeans. However in Camden County some farmers are producing a crop year round, as they grow winter wheat. The winter wheat growing season runs from October-June. To assist area farmers with mid-season management decisions, a Wheat Q&A meeting was held on March 9th, with local Extension experts teaming up with state Extension specialists from NC State University. Thirty people attended the meeting live and to date a recording has garnered sixty-three views.
4-H Youth Development
Solar Robots
Seven (7) FOCUS youth participated in building a solar robot which increased STEM knowledge in science, technology and alternative power sources.
4-H Youth Explore
Ten (10) participants increased STEM knowledge by designing, planning and constructing a leprechaun trap using a variety of materials.
Nature Hike
Eight (8) FOCUS participants took a hike at the Dismal Swamp State Park and learned environmental awareness and improved communication skills through a team building scavenger hunt.

Family & Consumer Sciences
Med Instead of Meds classes off to a great start!
The Family and Consumer Sciences Department is happy to offer a Virtual Med Instead of Meds series to the community. This series teaches participants how they can learn to eat the Med way, utilizing hacks and flips to change their diet. Eating the Med way is a loose approximation of the Mediterranean Diet which has been featured in the latest Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Several Camden County Employees are taking advantage of the virtual class held over lunch for 6 weeks. We are glad to “see” everyone’s face/name once a week. If you would like to join in please visit Classes recorded so you can catch up at your convenience. 

For more information about upcoming classes check out our website at or contact Olivia Patchel via email at
Upcoming Events!