Greetings! The purpose of Trinity Memorial is to be the heart, hands and feet of God in the world ... work and play, word and action ... 
f rom the rector
No matter how we try to convince ourselves that this is the “new normal,” these are not normal times However, the opportunities raised for us by the physical distancing of the Covid-19 pandemic and the urgency of the pandemic of racism are taking their toll on our hearts and minds. We cannot continue to allow the cortisol to course through our bodies unchecked.

At the same time we cannot ever go back to the normal we knew when most of us were able to ignore the very real hatred and injustices that thrived all around us as we professed to be doing all we could to “love one another” and respect the dignity of every human being. We can no longer say, We didn’t know.
We have learned that our sphere of influence and responsibility – both physically and spiritually - is much larger than we accepted prior to the lock-down. We have learned graphically that even breathing the life-sustaining air we know as a necessity is shared by every other human being within at least 6 feet.

How do we cope?         Stay aware ...
Order the commodities you need and pay the delivery individual a fair price for their service. Then you can rest a bit knowing you have broken a small cog in the cycle of inequality.
If you go out, take every opportunity to express your gratitude to the people who serve you in any way – postal, medical, clerk … by phone or in person. Then allow yourself the moment of grace that God gives to those who keep the commandments.
Reach out by phone or letter to those who have no one to share space with or to those who need an ear to share listen. If you are the one who needs an ear, call me or Lynn or whomever you can count on to let you be you for a moment. Connection is a blessing for both.

Stop. Breathe. Pray. Connect … with God and with each other. Remember, we are in this together. Be not afraid.

Shalom, Donna+
News and notes ...

Thank you to everyone who sent cards and checks to Anja's book fund for college. We had a good time watching her surprised expression as she learned how much she is appreciated and cared for by Trintiy.

On Sunday 6/14 we observed Juneteenth, in part by my giving a very short background. I used the excellent resource of a sermon given by Dr. Charles Taylor in St. Louis MO, 2004. Read more …

Livestreaming: we ran a trial streaming on Sunday at 10:30 that showed us what we need to do to move forward. A piece of good news is that one of our members who moved away 2 years ago saw our Facebook announcement and tuned in. She thanked me later for the opportunity to join us. Susan also said she had some far-away friends join in. So, in our stated mission To work actively in the community to satisfy the physical and spiritual needs of our neighbors.”, we need to look at how we will accomplish this while in virtual reality. We will take time this Sunday to discuss the needs, implications and practical concerns after the 10:30 service. We do not have plans to stream or record the 9:00.
Many of us are loaded to the max with articles and information about either manifestations of racism or what White people ‘need’ to do to eliminate it. I vow to include only those pieces that are truly helpful our everyday understanding and use. This article may not sound like it if for you but the technique can be used for a conversation with anyone - parents and children, friends, spouse/partner, church members:  “Want to have better conversations with your parents? Here’s how…” by Sarah McCammon    R e ad more …

I mentioned that I am reading an excellent book for everyone with light skin. "White Fragility" by Robin DiAngelo starts at the beginning to lead us through why most people with light skin resist admitting we have entrenched racism. Her writing makes sense from the first words and keeps you reading. Then we can more easily have conversations. I realize the book is out of stock everywhere so I will wait until they come in. Meanwhile, if anyone is reading it on their electronic device, let me know if you want to talk. Donna:

One more ... This one may look daunting but if you remember that every journey begins with a first step, you may surprised at how many steps you've already taken as you look through the task list in "75 things to do" here Any one of them will spark your wondering as to why you hadn't seen it before. Remember, God is with you in the struggle. We are not alone.

St. James' Head of School, David Kasievich will join us on 6/21 at about 11:15 after prayers. You will be amazed to hear what St. James is up to. And Dave will be able to talk to us about what these days of change mean to the students at his school.
FREE online sessions via ZOOM
release Tension, enhance Energy, calm the Mind
Beginner to seasoned meditators welcomed. 
Registration & Information:
your life is not a problem to is a journey of discovery .
Worship leaders 6.21.20

Story: Rachel
Tech: David
Officiants: Donna, Rachel
Readers: Jim, Charles
Prayers: Sharon
Preacher: Donna Maree
Special guest speaker: David Kasievich

6 Remi C
8 Judith P
9 Miriam B
17 Ian MacMoran
28 James Warden
Zoom LINK for prayer gatherings Sunday, Wednesday, Thursday.
Sundays : 9:00 children ages 0-7 and their families
10:30 everyone welcome; hymns led by the TMC choir, prayers, sermon, coffee hour, all on Zoom
Wednesdays 9:00 Morning Coffee & Prayer
Thursdays 5:30 Evening Prayer
Prayer is the most powerful tool we have when we can't be there personally for friend or stranger ...

Please pray healing and suppor t especially for: Mark, Sarah W, Sasha, Shirley, Bill, Travis, Luca, Sallie & Jim W., Jack & Katie & Brad, Mike and Sandy, Lynn, Andrea, Susan W., Myriam & Eldridge, Peter, Bobby, Tim, Barbara & Roger, Corinne, Kate
Grace for those who have died and all who mourn
Stamina and creativity for all essential workers, especially teachers, clerks, IT professionals, trash collectors, medical personnel, delivery, bankers, restaurant employees ...
Our building is closed but the church is still open!
We continue to pray together and worship by moving our services online. We are also keeping our staff employed, repairing and readying for building rentals and and all activity to resume.
While our physical gathering is limited please do not neglect to provide for the work of the church with your financial contributions.
 You may send a check in the mail, make a direct payment through your banking online platform or click on the button to go directly to our secure online service.
Trinity Memorial |
Rev. Donna:
Donna 330.766.5904
Deacon Lynn:
Lynn 908.217.6365