Welcome to MACA's 11th Annual Statewide Conference!
Welcome to the last day of this year's conference!

Below are the Zoom links for today's presentations, including two workshop options for each session. You can find more information on today's offerings in the Attendee Packet (  

To access the presentations:
  • Click the respective Zoom link provided below.
  • When prompted by Zoom, please enter your name and email address.
  • Zoom will immediately provide a unique link for you to join the session.

The entire process takes a couple of minutes, so we suggest you login early before each session. For more information on accessing the workshops through Zoom, please refer to the Attendee Packet. 
Workshops - Choose one to join
May 20, 2021 1:00 - 2:30 PM EST
Tara Sagor, LMHC, CAGS
Director of Training and Trauma Response for Justice Resource Institute

This workshop is intended to provide individuals with concrete tools to support strong, attainable, trauma-informed practices when working with vulnerable populations and to practice interventions to foster adaptive functioning and coping for our clients and our coworkers through exposure to Psychological First Aid (PFA).

Dr. Sasha Svendsen, Child Abuse Pediatrician at the University of Massachusetts Children’s Medical Center
Joined by Sophie Kolchin-Miller, LICSW, Assistant Director Outpatient Services Worcester/Director of Trauma-Informed Care of Y.O.U., Inc.

Problematic Sexualized Behavior (PSB) in children is not a new issue, yet concerning trends noted during the COVID-19 pandemic have highlighted its increasing prevalence and difficulties in supporting the children and families impacted. There is a growing body of literature regarding best practices to address PSB, however these resources are somewhat scarce. Furthermore, the challenges identifying and referring all the children involved to these evidence-based trauma therapies is challenging. As community partners who work with children, we all have a role in recognizing and responding to these concerns and supporting families to access the resources necessary to promote health and resilience within these children.

Workshops - Choose one to join
May 20, 2021 3:00 - 4:30 PM EST
Dr. Jessica Griffin, Executive Director of the UMass Child Trauma Training Center
Dr. Jessica Wozniak, Manager of Clinical Research and Development at Baystate Medical Center’s Department of Psychiatry

This workshop will provide an overview of the LINK-KID referral system for youth who experience trauma in Massachusetts, which has successfully referred over 4,000 trauma-affected youth to evidence-based treatment and has identified that impaired caregiving comprises the largest number of referrals in the Commonwealth. As research indicates that safe, stable, nurturing relationships with caregivers can act as a buffer to traumatic events becoming toxic to the child physically and psychologically, supporting caregivers is critical. This workshop will give an overview of how professionals can better support caregivers in recovery, with useful tools and resources provided.

Kathleen Gust, Program Director & David DeCelle, Community Educator, 
at the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC)

This presentation will give an overview of NCMEC data and trends regarding the issue of online child exploitation and highlight the free programs and resources available to youth-serving and community-based organizations.

Tips for Zoom

  • New to Zoom or want to check your set up? You can test Zoom on your computer by joining this Zoom test meeting:
  • As you join all presentations, your camera will be off and your mic will be muted. If you are joining a Zoom Meeting, feel free to turn your camera on once you join.
  • If you are having trouble hearing or need to call in via phone:
  • Dial +1 929 205 6099
  • Provide the Meeting ID found on the registration confirmation page in the Zoom links above.
  • Additional support for Zoom can be found on the Zoom website.
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