November 24, 2020
Sunset from Missio's Campus
Follow the link above for the full article, excerpt below:
As followers of Jesus, we join in grief with the family of Walter Wallace Jr. and the community of West Philadelphia. And we pray for the communities of faith that they would not just pray, but actively engage and work for shalom in our city. May God bestow grace and mercy on all of us.
President and Professor of Historical Theology
Beyond chestnuts roasting on an open fire, and the commercial appeal of shopping for gifts, the Christmas season remains central to the life and ministry of churches. Carols, choirs and cantatas contribute to the festive spirit around the birth of Jesus Christ. However, with an ongoing global pandemic, where both public gatherings and choral music have been deemed a risk, many churches are still finding ways to worship in alternative forms. This conversation will explore ways to bring meaning to this challenging season and facilitate excellence in worship of our savior.
Jamar Jones (Assistant Professor of Music at the University of Texas Arlington, former Executive Director of Music at The Potter’s House of Dallas, TX)
Austin Woodlin (Director of Music at Enon Tabernacle Baptist Church in Philadelphia)
Nichole Collins (Director of Music and Arts at the Church of Christian Compassion in Philadelphia)
Growing Deep Roots In Philly and Beyond
A year ago Missio was planted in Philadelphia and now our seminary is establishing a multitude of Kingdom connections and growing deep roots in Philly and beyond. Our heartfelt passion is to equip, encourage, resource, serve and support missional leaders for the church of the 21st century.
These deeps roots will come through relationships - with spectacular alumni like you - and I am excited to connect with you as we continue building a department and a network that will reach our:
- 221 current theology and counseling students,
2,238 global alumni,
- A multitude of ministry leaders representing many denominations beginning in Philadelphia, reaching from New York to Washington DC and spanning the globe.
A shout out to Rev. Paul Zazzo (MDiv ’02) for his mentorship over the last two years which afforded me the experience and courage to step into this new role as Director of Students, Alumni and Church Relations. In these times of virtual learning, much of our planning involves prayer, petition, and creatively trying new ways to connect – virtual small group opportunities and one on one conversations have become rich times of deep connection. Gatherings with students over the phone or Zoom, inviting alums and church leaders to visit our campus, and meeting leaders at their ministry locations has been exciting.
Maybe it's the view from the seventh floor (see sunset picture above), my engineering background, the encouragement of my loving husband, parenting three awesome teenagers (ok, it's also quite challenging too!) or the ongoing joy of following Jesus - all have cultivated the love I have for planning and connecting with people in the Missio family and beyond. From our neighborhood homeless friend John (see picture above) who lives in a tent at 8th and Callowhill to my amazing fellow classmates and church leaders who are daily recounting stories of God at work, He is truly on the move in Philly!
It's a joy to join eight fellow students on a Student Advisory Council that represent the student body as both advocates and ambassadors of Missio. This diverse group of international and local students, theology and counseling students, and both men and women voice the praises and concerns of students to the leadership regularly - we just had a meeting on November 4th. In this amazing group is Nicole Showell (MAC ’07, MDiv ’21) who has recently taken on the role as our department administrative assistant. She is already bringing her heart for the Lord and compassion for others to our work together to plan and execute: student gatherings, written notes, phone calls and emails – we are connecting in many ways and with lots of heart in these times!
For Kingdom impact outside of the classroom, we have two amazing Missio Ambassadors, Rev. Paul Zazzo (MDiv ’02) and Dr. Clarence Wright (MDiv ’17) who network with ministry leaders and churches to reach potential students, donors and ministry partners. We would love to partner with you, here are some ways to get involved:
- Fervently Pray for the Seminary
- Invite Faculty as Sunday Preachers
- Request Faculty as Topical Speakers
- Host Panel Discussions/Webinars/Workshops
- Visit our Campus (it's possible to do this virtually via Zoom, too)
- Mentor Students at a Virtual Student Hangout
- Offer a Student Internship
- Refer a Student
- Financially Support our Students
- Actively promote Missio through your platform
If you're a student or alum: Join our Facebook Missio Seminary Student and Alumni Community
I praise God for reminders that the Holy Spirit is powerfully at work, even in times when we yearn to be together in person and must be safely creative. Please continue to pray for the work of the Spirit in all of our relationships and jump in - get involved, contact me, I'd love to meet you!
Director of Student, Alumni, & Church Relations
Do you know someone that feels a call to serve God? Missio will be hosting an Open House on December 10, 2020 at 7pm. Join us as we hear from Dr. Frank James, Missio Seminary President, as well as faculty and currently enrolled students. Learn how Missio is handling the COVID-19 pandemic and how we are continuing to care for our students. Registration is free, simply click the link to register for the open house.
Tis the Season to represent Missio! Treat yourself, a family member or friend to Misso paraphernalia!
Visit the online store to find a cozy sweatshirt, a warm hat, or a mug for your favorite hot beverage!
Student Spotlight: Rommy Setyananda
Recently profiled in our November appeal -
Racial discrimination and unrest is not new to Chinese Indonesian student Rommy Setyananda (MDiv ’21). He was born and raised in Jakarta and was the target of the May 1998 Indonesian riots where incidents of mass violence, demonstrations, and civil unrest occurred. The main targets of the violence were ethnic Chinese Indonesians – such as Rommy - who has faced the reality of racial discrimination since childhood.
Although his neighborhood was 99% Muslim, Rommy was raised as a cultural Buddhist, but felt hopeless with no faith guidance or education. Seven years old, frustrated and in tears, Rommy cried out: God, if you exist, send guidance! Less than a week later, a courageous pastor knocked on the door of his home and invited him to church where he heard the gospel message. Rommy considers this pastor a messenger from God who saved him.
Rommy earned a Master of Information Technology (IT) degree and became a highly successful business leader managing the IT departments at a large shipping company, hospital, and refining company. He gave up his successful career because he felt God was after his heart and had a different plan. Friend and alum Beny Krisbianto (MDiv ‘12) encouraged him to come to Missio and in February 2018 he arrived in southwest Philadelphia with his wife and two children, 10 and 15 years old.
Rommy has a passion for young couples and youth ministry where he served in Jakarta and now see this same population struggling in his Philadelphia church, most are immigrants. Currently, Rommy serves his church in the multimedia ministry and serves Missio by providing janitorial services.
Rommy says that he feels Jesus’ presence and follows by faith. He believes God prepares things for those who love him (1 Cor 2:9) and he wants to be a tool in the hands of God. His parents have come to know Christ as a result of Rommy’s faith and testimony and likely so will many more as he continues in ministry.
Missio prepares students like Rommy who will be equipped to multiply the gospel and be agents of racial reconciliation in communities around the world.
You are Invited to Borrow Library Books
Pastors and ministry leaders - you are welcome to borrow up to 15 books at a time from the Missio library for 6 weeks free of charge as well as access the DTL resources while visiting campus. In order to use this option, email library@missio.edu to schedule a Tues/Thurs slot to come in with our current limited hours and bring a letter from your ministry stating their name and role at the ministry. We have some great commentary series and resources that might complement your personal libraries.
New Acoustic Panels in Classrooms
These panels will allow students and instructors to hear each other without an echo — a huge blessing for the many discussions and prayers that will take place in these rooms in the future. Thank you faculty and their handy family members that placed the new sound-proofing panels in the classrooms.
From Our Missio Community
Theology 604 – Missio Seminary Brings a Class to Central Schwenkfelder Church
taught a one-week intensive seminar in Systematic Theology (worth 2-credits if taken as a class for Missio Seminary).
Rev. Tim Dubeau – CCCC Mideast Regional Pastor reports:
Dr. Todd Mangum, Clemens Professor of Missional Theology at Missio Seminary, stood before us … his first live, in person class after 8 months of “Zooming” … and enthusiastically began to deliver his lectures in Systematic Theology to about 15 participants. Our primary text was the Bible and our secondary was Millard Erickson’s Systematic Theology (2nd edition). Dr. Mangum’s enthusiasm for the topic was evidenced throughout 24 hours of lectures taught across five days. His thoughtful presentation served to undergird the more challenging concepts and bring greater clarity when needed. Some students took the opportunity to gain two Masters level credits by reading a minimum of 500 pages in Erickson, attending and actively participating in class and finally by writing a 10-25 page ordination styled paper to be graded. Others attended solely for purposes of enrichment. We met in a spacious room well equipped for teaching. In this Covid-19 “culture” tables were arranged for correct social distancing. Participants wore masks and took precautions when engaging together in conversation during breaks. Three people engaged with the class via Zoom.
This free ebook is based on insightful expertise during a recent webinar on leading through the pandemic and beyond.
Many fantastic job opportunities have recently been posted, check it out!
Missio Seminary
421 N. 7th St., Suite 700
Philadelphia, PA 19123
We are a Christian seminary located in Philadelphia, PA. Our focus on missional theology and missional training will help prepare you for ministry no matter where you serve.