August 2020 updates from SACC Texas
Welcome Johanna Evertson, new board member for SACC Dallas!
Coming out of Lidköping, Sweden, Johanna Evertson is a new board member for SACC Dallas. In her work for SACC Dallas, Johanna will focus on members and membership, making SACC Dallas a valuable partner for all members.

Become a member for 2020 and get 2021 free
We would like to remind you about this great opportunity to become a SACC Texas member. SACC Texas has decided that members that has already paid the membership for 2020, automatically will be members also for 2021. This will for some time also apply for former members that want to come back and pay membership for 2020. We hope that this will help some of our previous members to come back and register for 2020 and support SACC Texas for this and next year.

Thursday Aug 13, 2020, 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CDT
SACC TX-Dallas - Speaker series: CEO Spotlight - Hans Amell, DragonWaveX
SACC Dallas is proud to host Hans Amell, a global expert on organizational agility, for an executive webinar designed to help us understand how to reboot our businesses with the help of corporate agility. We will learn how to quickly and accurately identify problems, determine the best resolution, respond with agility and tackle the four biggest inhibitors of AGILITY.

Wednesday Aug 19, 2020, 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM CDT
SACC TX: Houston Live, COVID-19 and Implications
Houston Live, Covid-19 and Implications is a web series produced and edited by the Swedish-American Chamber of Commerce of Texas in Houston. New installments of Houston Live, Covid-19 and Implications are broadcast every other Wednesday at 11 AM CDT and feature leading professionals in business, consular affairs, wealth management, medical research, government, and more.

Thursday Aug 27, 2020, 7:30 AM - 8:30 AM CDT
SACC TX-Dallas - Speaker series: CEO Spotlight - Christoffer Svanberg, Skellefteå Kraft Industry Locations and Node Pole
Europe's biggest industrial project currently in the making in Skellefteå, Sweden: Success or failure? SACC Dallas is proud to welcome Christoffer Svanberg, CEO at Skellefteå Kraft Industry Locations and CCO at Node Pole in Sweden. Christoffer is working to attract industrial establishments to northern Sweden with a focus on electricity-intensive industries, such as data centers.