Boss Level: Cybersecurity and Online Gaming

Do you remember Pong? Or Galaga? Games such as these are now the stuff of old-school arcades. The graphics may have been a far cry from what you’ll see today, but there’s one advantage those games had: there were no cybersecurity worries when playing them. After all, they weren’t online like today’s gaming.

Online video gaming is meant to be fun. Yet, regrettably, there are risks once you connect to the internet. Your gaming account has value to cybercriminals. They might target your account to:

  • use your connected real-world money account to make in-game purchases;
  • steal virtual valuables which have real-world cash value;
  • trade your in-game items to their accounts;
  • sell your account to others;
  • scam others using your legitimate account.


These are not hypotheticals. One cybersecurity firm researching gaming found that the typical gamer has experienced an average of almost five cyberattacks. Worse, they didn’t detect it.

It doesn’t help that the games themselves make it easier for hackers. Take Fortnite. There are 100 players in one wave. Their usernames display right there on the screen when Scammer72 goes for the kill shot. In other games, bad actors might access usernames by going to the game’s high-score listings. Plus, this gives them an idea of who might have the most valuable account inventory.


Level up your gaming security

There are several steps you can take to game more safely. One is going to be familiar: use strong passwords. As with any of your online accounts, set up complex passwords or use a passphrase that's difficult to hack.

Also, don’t reuse a password you’re using elsewhere. That amplifies the risk of account breach when another account's credentials leak.

You can also enable multi-factor authentication. Many gaming platforms allow you to set up layers of protection. For instance, you would enter not only your username and password but also a code sent to your personal device or your email. This makes it more difficult for a hacker to get in. They need access to your physical technology or more than one of your accounts at once.

Finally, be wary of malware and phishing attempts. This could be an official-looking communication apparently from the game manufacturer or support. Or you might fall prey to a scammer via in-game messaging or chat. You might think it’s a user you know, but their account may be hacked. Or you make a new “friend” online who does not have good intentions. Keep best practices for any online activity in mind. Don’t click on links without first verifying the source.

We want you to be able to escape into video gaming for fun without worry.  Ask our IT experts to review your security.  We can check you’re not going to become the victim of a heist because you wanted to play Grand Theft Auto.

Contact us today at 940-282-0290.


Signs You've Chosen A Good Computer Repair Business

Maybe you have a computer issue that you’re trying to ignore, or you’re hoping your neighbor’s tech-savvy nephew can help you when he’s next in town. It would be easier if you had a computer repair business you could count on. Take the following as indicators you’ve found a good fix-it shop.

The first sign of a good computer repair shop? They can talk to you about your computer in a way that you understand. You want to work with IT experts, but you also want to know what they are actually doing. If you’re working with a tech guru who talks jargon, you may not feel as confident in the care you’re getting.

Also, look for a computer repair shop that offers a variety of services. Specializing is well and good, but it’s nice to have a single source of help that can address both your hardware and software issues. We recommend a store that can handle both areas.

It will also help if the store’s techs deal with viruses, data recovery, and physical damage. You don’t need to find one person who can do it all, although a good store will assemble a team that can cover all your concerns. They'll recommend ways to prevent issues in the future, too.

It’s another good sign when the techs at your store suggest ways to save money. You might be on a budget and selecting your repair shop based on price, but they could always have a low consultation fee, then suggest many costly repairs. Look for a shop that offers free diagnostics and provides an estimate in advance. You can avoid spending money on fixes that don’t make financial sense.

A reputable computer repair shop will also offer a warranty on their work. When a business gives you a year warranty, they expect their services to last that long. Getting your computer “fixed” and then having a similar thing happen a month later hurts, especially when the repair shop wants to charge you again.


Choosing your computer repair partner

Reading customer testimonials is a good way to vet a potential repair business. You can find out a lot from online reviews. You can find out how techs talk computers, after-repair support, or pricing reliability.

You’ll also want to check the shop’s hours and locations. It may not be too helpful if they have one location that’s open only Tuesdays and Thursdays. Your convenience matters, especially when we’re talking about getting your tech back up and running again.

Ultimately, you want to find a computer repair shop you can rely on. It helps to look for depth of experience and a proven track record. Consider costs, as well as convenience, too. Our technicians are standing by to provide services you can trust.

Call us today at 940-282-0290.

Brian W. Norby
(Owner of both BWN Computer
AND That Computer Man)

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