Welcome to RVCC Moments, a monthly electronic newsletter that provides information about the latest developments at RVCC.
Classes Back in Person this Fall

Register today for Fall Semester classes beginning September 1. We’re planning to be back in person and we can’t wait to see all of you.

Contact Admissions
908-526-1200 (Select Option 2)
Instant Decision Days

Take the steps to register for Fall Semester classes all in one day at our Instant Decision Days, July 14, 2-6 p.m., and August 4, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. The July event is completely virtual, but the August date will offer in-person and virtual options. Register today.

Contact Admissions
908-526-1200 (Select Option 2)

Admissions Information Sessions

RVCC is offering Virtual Admissions Information Sessions in July, including special sessions focusing on visiting students, early credits students, and the College’s Automotive Technology program.

Registration is suggested for all Admissions events.

Contact Admissions
908-526-1200 (Select Option 2)

Free Tuition for Qualified Students

RVCC participates in the New Jersey Community College Opportunity Grant Program, which offers free community college to qualified students. Eligible students receive free tuition and most educational fees for up to 18 credits a semester.
Honors College

The deadline to apply to RVCC’s Honors College for the Fall 2021 Semester has been extended until July 31. The Honors College offers students smaller, seminar-style courses with an interdisciplinary focus. Graduates of the Honors College have transferred to such highly selective schools as Georgetown University, Cornell University, Yale University, Pratt Institute, Johns Hopkins University and the University of Pennsylvania. Admissions to the Honors College is highly selective. Students who are not admitted to the Honors College may still take individual honors courses if they meet the defined entrance requirements for such courses.

More information:
Summer SAT Prep Courses

RVCC is offering in-person and online summer programs for teens and children, including in-person SAT Math and English preparation courses.
All-State Academic Team

RVCC students Danielle Marzigliano of Hackettstown and Samuel Cartagena-Sergenian of Somerset are among the 37 top community college students who have been named to the 2021 New Jersey All-State Academic Team.
National Challenge on Voter Participation

RVCC has joined more than 300 college presidents and chancellors across the country in supporting full student voter registration and participation in all elections through the ALL IN Campus Democracy Challenge.
Scientific Consultant on Book

RVCC Planetarium Director Amie Gallagher serves as the scientific consultant for a new children’s book, Dr. Seuss Discovers: Space, which was published in June by Penguin Random House. The rhymed, non-fiction 26-page book introduces very young children to our solar system.
Focus on RVCC Majors: Science, Technology, Engineering or Mathematics (STEM)

From positions in high-tech fields or research labs, to careers in manufacturing, electronics, medicine and more—if you’re interested in working in a STEM field, RVCC offers a variety of degree and certificate programs to start you on the road to your dream job.

Career Coach

Explore career options, find job openings in the region and help build your resume with Career Coach, a free, easy-to-use online tool available to the community that functions as your very own career counselor. You can access Career Coach anytime, anywhere, to explore hundreds of potential employment options.

RVCC has a preschool and childcare center open to children of students, faculty, staff and the community. The Children’s Campus offers preschool and childcare for children ages three months to five years. The Center is open Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., 12 months a year. It is licensed by the State of New Jersey and complies with all state licensing regulations.

Contact the Children’s Campus: