November 23, 2020
Peñasco ISD Weekly Update
Due to the rapidly-changing nature of the COVID-19 crisis, all school plans are subject to change based on orders from the governor and recommendations from scientific health organizations.
225 Turkeys Given to PISD Families
On Friday, November 20, 2020 a team of PISD staff distributed 160 turkeys to district families.

A special thanks to Allegra Montoya, Anthony Sandoval, Braden Chávez, Bryson Chávez, Joshua Hamilton, Kai Hamilton, Maxine Abeyta, Michael Noll, Monique Visarraga, Nadine Valasquez, Nicaea Chávez, Sandra Vigil, Stuart Hamilton, and Superintendent Lisa Hamilton.

The remaining turkeys will be distributed on Monday, November 23, 2020 from 3:30-5:30 PM
PISD Awarded More Dollars for Students
At a time when funds for the education of your children have been cut by state legislatures, Superintendent Lisa Hamilton and her team of administrators/leaders have sought additional funds to benefit the students of this district.

To date here is a list of grants that the district has received over the past two years:

Grant for Shade Structures. $9,151.00 
GEAR-UP Extension $33,518.00 
Community Schools Planning Grant $50,000.00 
Indian Education Act Grant $85,000.00 
Computer Science Expansion Grant $29,841.50 
Total for 2019-2020 $207,510.50 

Community Schools Grant $150,000
Extended Learning $180,000
5 Year Facilities Master Plan Grant $18,000
PreK Classroom in a Box $16,000
Taos Community Foundation $7,500
Indian Education Act Grant $90,000
Total for 2020-2021 $461,500

The funds received have allowed for afterschool programming; tutoring; additional support positions such as the Community Schools Coordinator, Michael Noll; classroom resources; and high quality staff development of district educators. One project that is under development is the addition of shade structures which need to be designed and installed.

We are committed to go above and beyond for students and will continue to seek additional funds through a variety of competitive grants from local, state, and federal funding sources and donors.
Native American Heritage Month Resources
To celebrate Native American Heritage Month, PISD has created a page of resources for teachers, students, and families. These resources are not focused only on the month of November but are relevant all year. All links have a focus on Picuris, Pueblos, and New Mexican tribes and nations. 

Two Internet Surveys
General Internet Issues
The district is working to help all families get reliable Internet access. If you do not have Internet access or if you are not happy with your current Internet connection, please fill out this survey:

HughesNet Issues
The Peñasco district is receiving many complaints about HughesNet satellite Internet service. If you have HughesNet, please fill out this short survey to help the district find a solution to these problems.

If you cannot access the survey for any reason, feel free to contact Community Schools Coordinator Michael Noll (, 575-779-1466) with the following information:
  • If you do not currently have Internet access
  • Your Internet provider (if you have one)
  • Reasons for your disatisfaction (qualify of the connection, cost, or any other reason)
School Closure
Due to the critical COVID 19 situation in our state, Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham has issued a shelter in place executive order starting Monday November 16th through November 30th.

Therefore our campus is closed to all students and staff. Classes will continue remotely. We will continue food service. After November 30, the shelter in place order will operate on a county by county basis. We will let you know if limited campus operations may resume at that time. Stay safe, stay at home. 
Guitar Lessons for Students
Is your child interested in guitar lessons through Community Schools?

Contact Mr. Duran ( or Michael, 575-779-1466.
Check out the School Podcast
Have you seen the awesome videos our students and teachers are creating for the school podcast?

PISD Employment Opportunities
Currently Hiring one position:

  1. Head Cook for the Supper Program

If you are interested in working as a substitute teacher, contact Superintendent Lisa Hamilton (
Easy Link to Get Kit Carson Internet
Kit Carson now has an online form in order to get Internet at the $29/month rate for students.

If you have trouble getting Internet, please contact Community Schools Coordinator Michael Noll:, 575-779-1466.
Have Questions or Concerns?
Let us know.
The district has set up an email address specifically for questions and concerns:

If you have suggestions for the newsletter, contact Michael Noll:, 575-779-1466.