C i t y o f S o l a n a B e a c h | S e p t e m b e r 2 9 , 2 0 2 2 | |
Pledge to Rideshare for Clean Air | |
Join the cause and Pledge to Rideshare for Clean Air during SANDAG Rideshare Week, October 3rd through October 9th. Pledging is a free and easy way to demonstrate your commitment to reducing your environmental impact. Incorporating rideshare into your daily routine is one small change that helps positively impact air quality in the San Diego region in a big way.
Participate in Rideshare Week 2022 by choosing to carpool (including Lyft Shared and UberPool), vanpool, bike, walk or ride transit. Ridesharing can be done on your daily commute to work or school, to a social event, or to run your everyday errands. Choosing to rideshare, however frequently, you save money, reduce roadway congestion and improve the San Diego region’s air quality. Remember, small changes make a big impact! When you choose sustainable transportation you are making the San Diego region a better place for all.
Share a photo while ridesharing between October 3rd - 9th and tag #RideshareSD on Instagram, Facebook, or Twitter to be entered for the chance to win a prize. Ridesharing is convenient, saves you money, and helps the environment!
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Scare Away Hunger Peanut Butter Drive | |
The City has partnered with the North County Food Bank to host the Scare Away Hunger Peanut Butter Drive. During the month of October, we encourage you to support the Scare Away Hunger Peanut Butter Drive by donating unopened jars of peanut butter to help feed local children living in poverty.
Why Peanut Butter? Peanut butter is an excellent source of protein for children and families. It is popular with kids, it’s shelf-stable and one jar can provide more than 12 sandwiches. Peanut butter is very expensive for the Food Bank to purchase. That is why this year’s peanut butter food drive will be instrumental in helping stock the Food Bank’s shelves with this nutrient-rich superfood for local families in need.
There are two ways you can participate in the Scare Away Hunger Peanut Butter Drive. You can drop off donations at City Hall, located 635 S. Highway 101, or you can make a donation securely online through the Virtual Food Drive platform. Scare Away Hunger Peanut Butter Drive will run from October 1st till October 31st. All donations will be distributed to North County families in need through the Food Bank’s direct food distributions and through our nonprofit partners’ hunger-relief programs.
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Community Events & Programs | |
Bulky-Item Cleanup Day!
Saturday, October 1, 2022
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Bulky-Item Cleanup Day is this Saturday, October 1st. The onsite Bulky-Item Cleanup event will be from 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM in the La Colonia Park parking lot at 715 Valley Avenue. This event will have a bulky item disposal station, free garden mulch available for self-load/self-haul, certified shredding trucks that will shred all items on site, and will also be collecting unwanted electronic waste and old batteries.
Residents can also participate by scheduling a curbside pickup, which allows residents to place trash, green waste and four bulky items at the curb. Registration is required by calling (858) 350-8544.
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Friends Night Out
Tuesday, October 4, 2022
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Join us at the Solana Beach Library’s Friends Night Out on Tuesday, October 4th from 6:00–7:30 PM. The guest speaker will be our very own City Manager Greg Wade, who will speak about current city projects, plans and policy issues. Mr. Wade will be available after his talk to answer questions about matters related to and affecting the Solana Beach community.
No RSVP is required. Friends Night Out will be held at the Solana Beach Library in the Cove room, 157 Stevens Avenue, Solana Beach. Free parking is available in the Earl Warren Middle School lower parking lot. This event is hosted by the Solana Beach Friends of the Library.
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Solana Beach Fire Department Open House
Saturday, October 15, 2022
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The Solana Beach Fire Department invites you to their annual Open House on Saturday, October 15th from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. Come on over to the Solana Beach Fire Station located at 500 Lomas Santa Fe Drive and see where the City's Firefighters work and live.
They have a fun day planned with live music, food, fire apparatus, a haunted Halloween ambulance, sidewalk CPR and more. You can even get a guided tour through the fire station by one of our Firefighters. Come on over and enjoy the fun!
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Age-Friendly Community Action Planning Sessions | |
Are you a Solana Beach resident who is 50 years old, or older? If so, please join us for the second series of interactive community discussions. Come hear about the feedback received thus far and and provide your own input to create a vision, goals, and action steps to create an age-friendly community for all. The Action Planning Sessions will be held in-person and virtually in English. A session will also be offered in-person in Spanish. Solana Beach residents and service providers are invited to attend and requested to RSVP to Brenda Bothel-Hammond at bbothelhammond@sdsu.edu by October 21, 2022.
English Sessions (Virtual): Tuesday, October 25th, from 3:00-4:30 PM
English Sessions (In-Person): Thursday, October 27th, from 9:30-11:00 AM
Spanish Session (In-Person): Thursday, October 27th, from 6:00-7:30 PM
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Temporary Public Arts Program Call for Artists
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The City and its Public Arts Commission continue to accept application for the City's ongoing Temporary Public Arts Program. The Temporary Public Arts Program is a unique opportunity for artists to showcase their works of art in a high-traffic urban and ocean-view environment attracting Solana Beach residents as well as tourists from around the world.
Artists are invited to submit sculptures of various sizes for consideration for a one-year exhibition. The program aims to select five (5) pieces to be displayed at highly visible, designated temporary public art sites throughout our beautiful coastal community. If selected, the artist will receive a $1,500 stipend for each sculpture. Submission deadline is Wednesday, October 19th, at 5:30 PM.
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Be advised that, at the Council Meeting on September 14, 2022, the City Council voted to continue to hold all public meetings, including City Council and City Commissions, virtually through September and further voted to return to in-person meetings beginning in October. City Council will return to in-person meetings beginning with their meeting on October 12, 2022, in Council Chambers at City Hall. All meetings are also subject to cancellation. Please refer to the City’s website for updates on whether meetings will be held virtually or in person. | |
City Council
Upcoming Regular Meeting:
Wednesday, September 28, 2022
(Virtual Meeting)
Next Regular Meeting:
Wednesday, October 12, 2022
(In-Person Meeting)
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Please visit the Public Meetings webpage for meeting zoom links, directions on submitting a public comment, or for more information on public meetings. | |
Current Employment Opportunities
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Come join the City of Solana Beach Team and discover how you can make a difference. The City is currently recruiting for the following positions: | |
Visit the City’s Career Page to learn more and to submit your online application! | |
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