This month our directors have been participating in workshops both in the UK and across the Levant. Earlier this week CBRL's director, Carol Palmer, attended a three-day workshop in Lebanon for a workshop on 'Heritage for Global Challenges', hosted and funded by
Praxis: Arts and Humanities for Global Research, a project based at the University of Leeds. Whilst on a recent trip to the UK, CBRL's Jerusalem Director, Toufic Haddad, gave a seminar to a full house at King's College London on the true impact of Trump's Peace Plan for the people of the Middle East. You can tune into a Podcast of this seminar
Also this month, the last signature was added on a Memorandum of Understanding between CBRL, the University of Sheffield, and Jordan's
National Agricultural Research Center (NARC) to develop future collaborative research 'in the field of cultural and scientific aspects of food systems, agriculture, conservation and biodiversity'. The photo above shows Carol Palmer signing this document on behalf of CBRL with Khaled
Abulaila from NARC, witnessed by Firas Bqain, CBRL's operations manager in Amman. We're thrilled by the opportunities for mutual benefit that this MoU opens.
This evening, in partnership with the
Palestine Exploration Fund and
SOAS's Centre for Palestine Studies, we will be holding a lecture given by Salman Abu Sitta on his research on the 1871 Survey of Western Palestine. We hope to share an audio recording of this lecture with you next month.
This March CBRL will award travel grants to support postgraduate scholars to gain practical experience of fieldwork investigation, develop specific research interest in the region and to meet a variety of active researchers. This scheme is entirely funded
thanks to the generous donations of our members and friends. Please consider donating to support this valuable area of our activity. Donations of all sizes will be gratefully received. You can read more about last year's recipients here.
Earlier this month, the
MaDiH project had its soft launch on CKAN, an open-source open data portal. One of the aims of the MaDiH project is to provide the public, heritage professionals and researchers with a national repository of information on datasets to record cultural heritage held both inside and outside Jordan.
Read more about this latest development here.
The call for papers is now open for this conference taking place in Nicosia, Cyprus from 6th - 7th November 2020. Organised by our friends at the Cyprus American Archaeological Research Institute (CAARI) and the British Museum, more details can be found here.
In this blog post, Mazen Iwaisi, one of our 2019 CBRL Postgraduate Travel Grant recipients describes his research that breaks disciplinary boundaries between archaeology and politics to analyse the concept of politicising space in landscape archaeology in Palestine during the Oslo period.
Read more here.
2019 CBRL Fellow Michel de Vreeze discusses how his research uses ceramics to track profound societal changes in the Levant during the Early Bronze Age II when urbanisation and large-scale cash-crop production fully developed in the region for the first time. Here he discusses his particular interest in uncovering how these changes occurred in the Northern Levant. Read more.