An Act of Kindness Goes a Long Way!
As Christmas draws near, my prayers are drawn ever closer to the contemporary and timeless message delivered by the angels on that first Christmas, “Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace to those on whom his favor rests.” (Luke 2:14). “Peace on Earth.”
On that first Christmas, Jesus came to bring peace to our world, to our hearts, to our neighbors.
Suggested offerings that can help bring “Peace on Earth” to vulnerable families in need:
• $1,000 keeps a family struggling to live on unemployment benefits secure in their home.
• $500 provides five counseling sessions for an uninsured mom suffering from depression.
• $250 buys dinner for 10 shelter residents for a week.
• $100 provides free, confidential services for individuals affected by an unexpected pregnancy.
• $75 purchases one monthly food package for a family enrolled in a food cooperative.
• $50 allows a shelter graduate to buy new sheets and towels for their new home
• $25 provides three days of food for a hungry household in crisis
Click here to make a donation online and designate your gift to a specific ministry. Or send a check to Catholic Charities, 2601 W. 4th St, Wilm., DE 19805. Please note your gift designation on the memo line of your check.
May the blessings of the newborn Savior and the message of the angels, “Peace on Earth” be with you this Christmas and throughout the New Year.