Your Invitation to Annual Meeting
League of Women Voters of Kent
Saturday, June 5, 2021
ONLINE ~ 9 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Thank you for your membership this year as we've navigated a very challenging time. Your support--through dues, donations, committee work, board commitment, diversity work, technical support, legislative advocacy and awe-inspiring voter services--has made 2020-21 memorably positive. 

The LWVK Board so looks forward to seeing you at the Annual Meeting. And we have a great featured presentation by a League member and her WKSU colleague!

Everything you need to know is in your Annual Meeting Packet. You can download and print out or access the packet here online at our website:

  Please RSVP by June 1 through a registration link in the packet. If you need technical assistance for the RSVP or the zoom, call 614-407-6088 or email

To make the process of finding the Zoom link for June 5 easy, we are including it below. You will also find it in the packet and you will see it in upcoming newsletters and emails. 

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 843 1061 8936
Passcode: 052080
One tap mobile
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    +1 646 558 8656 US (New York)
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    +1 669 900 9128 US (San Jose)
    +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma)
    +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
Meeting ID: 843 1061 8936
Passcode: 052080
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We'll be using the consent agenda process during Annual Meeting. What you need to know if you want more discussion.
The LWV Kent Positions are grouped together to be acted upon with one motion and one vote through a procedure called consent agenda. Consent agenda is being used because all of the positions were considered and discussed at the Positions and Priorities meeting in February, and most of the positions have been topics for information and discussion at meetings throughout the year.

Any member in attendance at the Annual Meeting may request that any or all positions be considered and discussed separately and removed from the consent agenda.

Requests for removal will be honored at the meeting; however, if possible, please contact Debbie Barber at in advance of the meeting to make your request.

Unless there are nominations from the floor, we will vote on the entire slate of nominees as presented.
LWVs Kent and Northern Portage have a new joint updated land use position

The updated Land Use Position for LWV Kent and LWV Northern Portage has been adopted by the organizations' boards.

Updated Position

The League supports the development of a countywide comprehensive plan that incorporates principles of sustainable growth and is consistent with existing land use plans of local governmental subdivisions. Read the entire position here.

Thank you to the Land Use Update Committee

The committee invested significant time under current Chair Renee Ruchotzke and former Chair Lis Regula. Committee members included: LWV Northern Portage President April Secura, Marty Sickinger, Stacy Yaniglos, Barb Tittle, Jane Krimmer and Chris Mallin. Thanks to all members who participated in the survey and the consensus process.
REAL TALK takes up racial equity in the justice system
REAL TALK invites the public to a 2-part online racial justice series, Is Justice Truly Blind? Examining the Courts for Racial Equity: From Arraignment to Reentry on Wednesday, June 2 and 9, 2021, 7pm. This series examines how race, poverty, structural racism and racialized bias impact the judicial process and outcomes for people of color from bail to sentencing to reentry. The program features Northeast Ohio judicial leaders, support agencies and formerly incarcerated Ohioans who are actively addressing racial disparities, reforming the criminal justice system and rebuilding communities. Hosted by REAL TALK, the series is co-sponsored by WKSU, The University of Akron School of Law and The Freedom BLOC (The Black Led Organizing Collaborative).

June 2, 7 p.m. - Focus is on how defendants must navigate a complicated criminal legal system with a troubled pattern of racial injustice and systemic inequality

June 9, 7 p.m. - Focus is on the challenges and barriers that defendants and formerly incarcerated Ohioans face as they transition back into society
To register and see speakers, click here. To see these segments after the scheduled dates and earlier ones on voting rights access and education, go to the REAL TALK website.

REAL TALK is a multi-League (Hudson, Akron Area, Kent and Greater Cleveland) diversity, equity and inclusion program designed to fully examine, dissect and dismantle systemic and institutional discrimination and oppression based on race, sexual orientation and gender identity, mental and physical ability, socioeconomic status, gender and age. The online events are free and open to the public.
WELCOME to the newest members of the League of Women Voters of Kent: 
Kathy Myers and Maxine Butler.

First report from the revitalized Observer Corps on the LWV Kent website
The Board of Education of Kent City Schools was the first local government entity that a LWV Kent Observer Corps member attended after the launch of the revitalized program. Click here to read. When you visit our website's home page, you'll be able to click from the left side navigation to go directly to the latest reports.

What does an observer do?
An observer routinely attends local governmental boards or committees (e.g., Portage County Commissioners, local city council) just to watch and report on the proceedings.
Why do we do this?
To encourage good government by monitoring compliance with open meeting laws by listening to discussions, observing decision-making, and reporting to the League for action, if appropriate. Action on issues is a separate LWV activity.
How will you know what to do?
Observer training will be provided virtually before your first meeting as an Observer Corps member.

Sound interesting? Sound like you might want to become an observer? Questions? Want to volunteer? Contact Jill Hazelton and Jen Kinney here

Last chance to join up with the League Book Club for this program year!
The League of Women Voters of Kent Book Club will have its final meeting of the program year on June 2, via Zoom at 1:30 p.m. All are welcome to join. Email Jane Preston Rose to receive the Zoom link or for answers to your questions. 

June 2 and July 7 - A Promised Land by Barack Obama

LWV Kent President Debbie Barber talks about the League Day of Action with Portage County NAACP President Dr. Geraldine Nelson-Hayes. Both organizations are reaching out to voters to keep legislators accountable to reforming the districting process in Ohio. Record-Courier photo by Lisa Scalfaro.
LWV Kent Day of Action to end gerrymandering
Our April 29 Day of Action to bring awareness for support of redistricting didn't go unnoticed in the Kent area with coverage from the Record-Courier and The Portager.

RC reporter Diane Smith and photographer Lisa Scalfaro met up with Leaguers at North Water Brewing to check out the salamander buttons and talk about redistricting. The photo here is of the button designed by LWV Kent Member artist Bill Peck.

LWV Kent President Debbie Barber urged voters to contact their legislators to get the redistricting commission process that voters overwhelmingly endorsed underway. LWV Kent is getting support in the project from LWV Northern Portage and the Portage County Branch of the NAACP. April Secura, president of LWV Northern Portage, and Dr. Geraldine Nelson-Hayes of the NAACP were part of the event. Also on hand were LWV Kent members who organized the Day of Action: Peck, Jackie Peck, Joanne Dowdy, Jill Hazelton and Chris Schjeldahl. Read the Record-Courier piece here
THANK YOU to Little City Grill, North Water Brewing and McKay Bricker Gallery and Framing, all in Kent, for supporting End Gerrymandering advocacy on the Day of Action. You can still get a button by visiting these locations or emailing
NO All Member Meeting June 10!
The June 10th All Member Meeting has been cancelled. We'll be back in touch with information for the next AMM online on July 21. See you at Annual Meeting on June 5!

Voter Girl is back in person this November; looking for leaguers or community members to teach
You heard right! The Voter Girl Project is set for Saturday, Nov. 13, 2021. And at the perfect place! Camp Ledgewood, one of the camping properties operated by the Girl Scouts of Northeast Ohio, LWV Kent's partner in the project.

The various centers, lodges and cabins at Ledgewood will allow for smaller classes in separate buildings thus allowing for safety measures.

The project team is in need of teachers for several of the scout levels. If you are interested in teaching a set curriculum that helps scouts earn civics badges, contact the co-coordinators, Sherry Rose or Amie Cajka at

What's your stake in ending gerrymandering? Join this online event June 3
Ohio recently voted on two ballot issues to change the way our state and congressional districts are drawn. This year, Ohio redraws the lines. How do the ballot issues change the process for mapping Ohio's districts? How might it impact our votes? Learn more and discuss redistricting in this Zoom Popular Education event with Communities United for Action, Common Cause and the League of Women Voters of Greater Cincinnati. Register with CUFA for the event here.

Thursday, June 3, 2021 at 6:30 PM EDT – 8 PM EDT
Free · Duration: 1 hr, 30 min
Open to anyone on or off Facebook

  • Catch up with the virtual REAL TALK sessions on health care equity, voter access and education equity. Click here.