Sunday Mass Protocols
Welcome Back!

We are so excited to welcome everyone back to Sunday Mass this weekend! Please view the guidelines below that the Parish has put in place in order to keep everyone safe! There will also be posted signage in the plaza and the church.

General Guidelines
  1. The Masses will be live-streamed to accommodate those who are unable to attend Mass in person.
  2. We ask those who are not feeling well to refrain from physically attending the celebration of the Mass, for their well-being and that of the larger worshiping community.
  3. We advise those who are vulnerable due to their age or a weakened immune system to refrain from physically attending the celebration of the Mass, for their well-being and that of the larger worshiping community.
  4. Parishioners will have their temperatures checked by Health Ministers before entering the church with a Non-Contact Forehead Thermometer and if your temperature exceeds 100.4 degrees Fahrenheit you will be advised to refrain from physically attending the celebration of the Mass, for your well-being and that of the larger worshiping community.
  5. Our total capacity is 100 people in the church with 100 additional overflow seats in the hall. In the event that the overflow in the hall fills, standing room is available in the parish plaza.
  6. Parishioners will be accommodated on a "first-come first-served" basis. 
  7. Parishioners should maintain a 6-foot separation from the nearest family.
  8. Families are permitted to sit together.
  9. The measured 6-foot separation in the pews is based on one individual sitting in a particular location. Parishioners should distribute themselves throughout the church, seating themselves where the pews are marked with the blue "Sit Here" signs. This ensures at least a 6 foot separation between parishioners.
  10. If a family seated together is within 6-feet of an unoccupied location please choose a different location.
  11. Parishioners should wash their hands prior to arrival and will be expected to use hand sanitizer as they entered the church and before receiving Holy Communion. Please only use one pump of hand sanitizer.
  12. Parishioners are expected to bring and wear a face mask while physically present in the church building.
  13. Parishioners should note that the “Cry Rooms” are closed.
  14. Because the offertory collection and the procession of the gifts are suspended until further notice, a collection box will be placed in the vestibule of the church and the hall for individuals to place their gift.

  1. The celebrant and ministers will be free to remove masks when ministering at the altar, ambo, music lectern and while in the sanctuary.
  2. The liturgy, in general, will be celebrated per the Roman Missal with the exception of the distribution of communion which will take place after the final blessing.
  3. The procession of the gifts is suspended until further notice, per Diocesan Directive.
  4. There will be no hand-holding during the “Our Father”.
  5. The “Sign of Peace” will be a reverent bow.
  6. Communion will be distributed by the celebrant and EMoCs from behind a Plexiglas shield.
  7. Parishioners should line-up in the center aisle and maintain a 6-foot separation while waiting to receive Holy Communion. There are blue marks on the floor to show where you should stand while in line.
  8. Parishioners should remove their mask, use one pump of hand sanitizer, and place your hands under the Plexiglas shield to receive Communion.
  9. While receiving Holy Communion, please watch your step so that you do not trip on the base of the shield..
  10. Parishioners should consume the Host in front of the minister and then, once consumed, put their masks back on.
  11. Parishioners should depart immediately after the reception of Holy Communion.

We know this is a lot but the rule of thumb is to use your best judgment to stay safe. This list may be updated as time goes on. Thank you for your patience.
We look forward to seeing you this weekend! God Bless!