Dear all,

Today, LQ is participating in #GivingTuesdayNow, a global day of unity and giving. Now more than ever LevittQuinn urgently needs your support. During this time, LevittQuinn's physical office is closed to the public, yet our dedicated staff continues to provide needed services remotely. In fact, they haven't missed a beat. LQ is:

  • continuing to conduct remote intake and legal assessments,
  • helping to calibrate client expectations and provide guidance via much needed counsel and advice,
  • preparing court documents and assisting with service and filing, and
  • going to court to ensure fair outcomes for our clients in cases involving domestic abuse.

We are living through a time unlike anything we've experienced in recent memory and today you have an opportunity to make a gift to make a difference.

The LQ family is people who want to do something to help and who have always stood with us. We need your support today, and we need your help to spread the word. Please tell your friends and family why you believe in LQ's mission and encourage them to support us too!

Thank you for being a part of the LQ family.

Rising to the challenge together, we can continue to make a difference.

Each day we learn more about how the global pandemic and its aftermath are impacting people in the diverse communities of Los Angeles County where we live and work. LQ staff share a few of their stories.
Lucia Reyes, Director of Legal Services
“Families seeking to finalize adoptions of neglected or abandoned children are now in limbo due to restrictions the court implemented in response to Covid-19. Court hearings are being set six to nine months out and families are having a hard time getting critical information. We are helping to bridge the gap with the court so these families will have what they need to be ready when their hearings come up.” This is why your support today is so important.
Becky Miller, Supervising Attorney
"A woman called about a divorce petition she received. She knew it was important but she did not know what to do given what she heard about the court closures. We set an appointment to remotely prepare the paperwork she needed to help her avoid default." This is why your support today is so important.
Nalleli Sandoval, Staff Attorney/Community Engagement Coordinator
"A woman who experienced serious physical and sexual abuse filed her own restraining order request but, became so confused by the Covid-19 related court process, that she got stuck and wasn't able to move her request forward. I stepped in to represent her. We've had one brief hearing with another coming up in a few months. We will stick with her until this gets resolved." This is why your support today is so important.

LevittQuinn is known for working with our partners to offer practical and timely legal education. Joining with The Reape-Rickett Law Firm, LQ will offer a series of free webinars designed for non-lawyers to give them the information and guidance they need to plan for and address their family law issues.
LevittQuinn is a recipient of the GuideStar Platinum rating for our commitment to transparency.
Our Founders (L - R)
Grace Quinn (1915-2006)
Ethel Levitt (1911-1995)
Ziva Sirkis Naumann

1557 Beverly Blvd.
Los Angeles, CA 90026