Weekly Saints' Alive
This Weekly Newsletter provides quick reference information for the members and friends of All Saints. We invite you to find full descriptions, flyers and lots of other information at the:
All Saints Facebook Page - facebook (link)
Website - allsaints (link)
November monthly Newsletter (link)
Other future events and details can be found on our Parish website calendar or on Facebook. The calendar can be found on the link below:
Welcome to virtual worship for this, the last Sunday after Pentecost, or Christ the King Sunday. (Sort of like New Year's Eve for the Church year and we will make it a bit of a celebration before we plunge into God's darkness and the season of the prophets and signs and portents....  Advent.)

You may access the texts for this week by following this link:

This week the prophet Ezekiel - with some major edits - speaks of sheep and shepherds and David and things to come. Paul uses some long sentences to both praise and encourage the residents of Ephesus,and Matthew's gospel delivers the parable of the sheep and the goats along with a mistranslation of the Greek word autous which undermines the real meaning of the parable. 

This is also our Commitment Sunday, when - at least symbolically and in many cases, virtually - we begin the process of gathering our pledges for the coming year. 

Our readers this week are Deb Shupe (Ezekiel) and Lisa Herlihy (Ephesians) and Cheryl Thompson is our prayer leader.

Since the adult formation lecture will begin after the service (approximately 11:30) we will open the Zoom room at 9:30 to allow people a bit more time to visit with each other. Feel free to bring coffee. And, please remember that consecrated wafers are available in the brick church, on the altar, for you to take home and consume during the eucharist. 

To join the service by pc, laptop or smart device, click on this link:
If you are asked for a password, enter 014954
(You may join directly through the Zoom app by entering the Meeting ID: 715 310 766 and then the Password: 014954)
To join by cell phone (audio only)
Call in number: 1-301-715-8592 When asked for the access code, enter: 715310766#  WHen asked for the password, enter: 014954#
To join by landline:
Dial: 1 301-715-8592   Meeting ID: 715 310 766  Password: 014954

Link to our bulletin >>> Bulletin

Communion Wafers are Available for Wednesday Morning and Sunday Eucharists

I have consecrated - i.e., blessed, set aside for this single, spiritual and sacred purpose - an ample supply of wafers and have placed them in small plastic bags. The bags will be in marked baskets - gluten free, 1, 2 or 3 - and those baskets will be placed on the altar in the brick church. They are available now for you to pick up in advance of the next Eucharist. Please take the quantity you need. (If you have more than three in your household, please utilize whatever combination will work for your family). 

A word about the wafers and how they should be handled. In short, with reverence. Which, to begin with, means to not handle them more than necessary. When you arrive at home, find a good spot to place them where they will not be disturbed by daily routines.  

And lastly, please do not take more than you need for more than a service or two. We will try to keep a supply on hand, but the bishop has asked that we not consecrate too many. So, be mindful of others who will want to receive them as well. Many thanks. I look forward to sharing communion more fully with you in our virtual gatherings.

From the Rector...
Some of you have received an email from me asking for a favor (or in some cases, for gift cards). I am not sending those emails to you. Someone is phishing or spoofing using an email that contains my name and position and sometimes mentions All Saints.

Please ignore those messages. It is not my MO to make direct appeals to individuals via email. Communications about special needs or other fundraising efforts will always come through our official channels and be directed to the congregation at large. 

If you receive such an email and have any suspicions whatsoever, do not open it or hesitate to contact me to report it. 
Many thanks.

Fr. Ken+
The latest Adult Formation offering is the lecture series Understanding the New Testament by Dr. David Brakke, based on his book. Dr. Brakke is the Joe R. Engle Chair in the History of Christianity and a Professor of History at The Ohio State University. Each lecture is about thirty minutes in length and will be followed by discussion of the material presented... at least as our starting point.
We convene on Wednesday mornings at 9 AM with a repeat on Sunday morning at 11:30. Here are the links:
If asked for a password, enter 015568

If you are asked for a password, enter 014954

A study guide will be provided to each attendee (PDF format via email). We hope that you will join us. 
Angel Tree news. The Angel Tree in the church has no more tags. Please sign up using the virtual tree (link below). We have 70 tags this year, so you can see the need is great. Please leave all unwrapped gifts at the back of the church NO LATER THAN Monday, November 30, 2020, since the Angel Tree program is running a bit early this season. People are WELCOME to sign up for more than one tag - it's a lot of tags for a small congregation, and each one represents a child that won't get a gift if it doesn't get spoken for!

Link to virtual Angel Tree sign up >>> VirtualTree

Thanks so much for your help!

Amazon Smiles If you'll be doing your holiday shopping online, please choose All Saints Episcopal Parish on Amazon Smiles. A percentage of each purchase you make will go toward funding for our Outreach programs. Consider making your Angel Tree gift purchases online through the Amazon Smiles program.
Project Echo Turkey Trot It's time for the 9th annual Turkey Trot!!! This year, our 5K is a virtual event. Run or walk, when and where you choose, any time between November 21st and December 5th.

Post your photos to social media with the hashtag #EchoTrot2020. Register NOW at www.projectecho.net or directly on the active.com site, https://bit.ly/3pufk9g. Let's make this our most successful year yet!!!
An invitation from The Worship Commission
Giving Thanks Vespers Service

In Paul's First Letter to the Thessalonians, we are reminded to:
'Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.'

Giving thanks is not limited to one day each year, but we are especially thankful for myriad blessings on Thanksgiving Day in this unusual year. To set our hearts on the path of thankfulness, on Wednesday, November 25th at 8pm, please join us on Zoom for a short (virtual) Vespers service to acknowledge and celebrate everything for which we are thankful. We will incorporate the Parish Family Commission's 'Giving Thanks' project into our worship, so this service will be especially meaningful if you participated by submitting a panel for the collage. 

Save the date and time: Thanksgiving Eve, Wednesday, Nov 25, 2020 at 8pm. The login information and Zoom link will be forthcoming in a parish email. 
Advent 2020 “Saturday Night at the Movies”

Advent calls us to “trust in the slow work of God.” Its themes include anticipation, preparation, prayer, expectation & hope.

Join the Regional Deacon for 3 movie nights this Advent that touch on these themes. We’ll gather (virtually, of course) on 12/5, 12/12, 12/19 beginning at 7 PM to watch a movie & hang out afterwards to discuss. Details for participating will be announced closer to 12/5.

12/5 – “The Bishop’s Wife” (1947), starring Cary Grant, Loretta Young, David Niven – a sweet, humorous story about an Episcopal bishop’s prayer for help & God’s unexpected response.

12/12 – “A New Christmas” (2019), starring Prashantt Guptha, Grace Wacuka, Swati Bhise – this contemporary story shows that angels aren’t always supernatural. A film student from Kenya meets a grieving med student who’s estranged from his wife. Kioni persuades Kabir to show her New York’s Christmas decorations. In the process, he rediscovers the magic of the holiday season & sees a path to get his life back on track.

12/19 - “War Room” (2015), starring Karen Abercrombie, Priscilla Shirer, T. C. Stallings, Alena Pitts – a couple with seemingly everything going for them is really very divided Wife Liz’s bitterness over their situation is understandable. Enter Clara, an older woman of strong faith, who teaches Liz to pray for her family & trust that God is at work. See this family’s life transformed as they learn to pray for each other’s wellbeing.

Regional Lisa+
Christmas Market news The ECW will host a modified Christmas Market from 1-4 p.m., Saturday, Dec 12, in the Parish Hall parking lot. This just-for-you exclusive event will feature wonderful items created by ECW members and other church members who want to contribute their own hand-crafted items. Items will be in clear containers (clear plastic wraps and zip-lock bags, for example) and clearly labelled contents, with prices marked. All prices will be in whole dollars, no cents.

If YOU want to donate items, please leave them by the baptismal fount in the church AND contact the Munns at njoydancin@aol.com or 410-286-7586, so they may pick them up as soon as possible. Items will be priced before the Market. They will accept donations (especially food) to sell the morning of the sale at the parking lot between 10 a.m. and noon.

Thank you for being loyal supporters of the ECW and members of All Saints Church!
Upcoming Skills Extravaganza Shows

A Poker Revival- Tomorrow!

I enjoy playing poker. Not that I am especially good at it, or that I enjoy risking large sums of money (I am a penny ante pro, and if you don't know what that means, then perhaps you need to read on). But, I do enjoy the competition and the unpredictable nature of the game, as well as the satisfaction of having a particular strategy work out - especially when I play with good friends.

But, I also think that poker has suffered of late and I'll use a musical analogy. 

Stud poker and Texas Hold'em, particularly with the advent of in-table cameras, have become standard bearers for the game. But, to me, they have made poker something akin to opera: lots of glitz, big production values, elite players competing in expensive venues; all of this rendering the game largely inaccessible to the average joe on many levels. (Besides, stud poker is boring.) I think the game needs to remember its more modest roots. So, I want to help us forget Don Giovanni and the Met for a while, and focus on who is playing the Rams Head, or the 9:30 Club, or that unknown artist performing on that indy XM station. I want us to go back to the streets of Chicago, New Orleans, Nashville and Harlem... live a little. 
So.... I will happily share a sampling of some of my favorite poker games, from Spit in the Ocean to Broderick (that's right, named for the star of Highway Patrol) all the way to the more exotic games like Roll Your Own, Mississippi 3-Pass, High Chicago and Baseball. These are games that will test your courage and cunning, and your memory, as rules will change as often as the wild cards and the outcome is always in doubt until the last drop or turn or roll. 

I'll supply the cards and the chips. So, turn mother's picture to the wall and take one last shot of courage before we sit down to some serious cards...

Join by clicking here:
Password: 844126

OR Use the Zoom App 
Meeting ID: 83771253857;
Password: 844126
OR, call from any phone: +1 301 715 8592
Meeting ID: 83771253857
Password: 844126

Patti's December 5th Christmas designs presentation will focus on your Christmas decorating. More information coming soon!

Brighten your holiday season with your own creations, thanks to Patti's guidance. We have so much to be thankful for, especially as God is bringing us through this pandemic and closer to each other.

Conference Call for Prayer, Thursdays 7- 8 PM, Dial-In-Number: (701) 802-5452, Access Code: 4672453. People are welcome to contact either Barbara or me with questions, prayer requests, etc. Our contact information is: Prayer Warden, Barbara Brown, barbara_brown1@verizon.net; Deacon, Rev. Lisa Siciliano, elizabeth.d.siciliano@gmail.com 
Virtual coffee shop  We gather virtually for coffee, tea and conversation on Thursday mornings. The Coffee Shop opens at 9 AM and closes at 11. Pop in anytime and stay as long as you like.
To access the coffee shop on your pc, laptop or smart device, just click this link: 

Or... If you have the Zoom app, open it and enter the Meeting ID: 878 1395 1329 and then the Password: 027593

Or...you can also join us on your cell phone (audio only) 
by dialing 1-301-715-8592. When prompted, enter the access code: 87813951329#  and then the password: 027593#  
Thanksgiving Baskets
A time-honored All Saints tradition is to provide “Thanksgiving Baskets” to individuals and families who would not have a bountiful Thanksgiving meal. If you would like to join in this tradition, please send a check to our Treasurer at the church address, or make a donation via Easy Tithe at the Parish website. The amount for each basket is $50. Whether by check or online, please note that the contribution is for “Thanksgiving Baskets”.
Parish buildings are not open now. Only individuals specifically authorized for an essential service may be in them (e.g., Heartfelt food packing). Those authorized individuals must wear masks, must practice social distancing and must sanitize touch areas as they enter and as they leave. This is not a matter of personal choice and applies to everyone including volunteers, business suppliers, and contract personnel. If you note a deviation, you may politely remind the individual. If you are not comfortable doing that or doing so doesn’t correct the problem, please contact a church officer. A sign in sheet Is at each entrance. Please fill it out with your name, date and time in/out of the parish hall. Thank you.
Reminder From the News Team. Info and flyers to be published in the December monthly newsletter needed to be received via email by Tuesday, November 24. Please send information to allsaints1692@allsaints1692.org AND allsaints1692connections @gmail.com. This allows time for editing and clarification when needed. Please submit your event in the form you wish it to appear and complete. Example: If it's a cooking show, please include the recipe with the copy.
All Saints Coronavirus Helpline

Birthdays In November