31 July 2020

Brought to you by  Australian & New Zealand Olivegrower & Processor
Today's Top Story

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission has proposed a possible federal takeover of the water markets in the Murray-Darling Basin, licensing of water brokers and new robust rules and oversight in order to ensure the $1.5bn water market operates fairly. But the report, which delivers a scathing assessment of how the markets are operating, does not support a return to the old system that existed before the Murray Darling Basin plan, where water entitlements were tied to land.
A woman was condemned online for refusing to wear a mask while entering a Bunnings store over the weekend.

It's mandatory to wear a mask outside the home around metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire and you'll risk a $200 fine for failing to do so. While Victoria Police say the "vast majority" of people are complying with the requirement, we've seen some viral videos of people refusing to wear a mask in public or when entering a private business where masks are a condition of entry.

So keep doing what you need to do to keep your business, property and people COVID-safe!

Leeton mayor Paul Maytom believes a lack of commonsense has led to orange juice being handed a poor health star rating. Last week The Food Regulation Forum, which comprises of ministers from every Australian state and territory, decided to remove the five-star health rating from orange juice labels against the loud cries of the citrus industry and federal minister for agriculture, David Littleproud.

The system now sees diet cola receiving four-stars, while pure, fresh orange juice gets just two-and-a-half stars – a situation similar to that of our own pure, natural olive ‘juice’.

In a very timely article published this week, APAL Technical Manager Rose Daniel and biosecurity expert Dr. Kevin Clayton-Greene explored what happens when a hypothetical plant pest enters Australia, and how that might impact on the Australian apple and pear industry. Just as relevant to our industry, particularly given the threat of Xylella fastidiosa, it’s a valuable read.
Have your say on Draft Export Control (Organic Goods) Rules 2020
The Federal Government is improving Australia’s agricultural export legislation as part of a wider initiative to strengthen Australian agricultural exports and market access, making the laws more relevant, responsive and efficient. They will continue to provide the same level of regulatory oversight, remove duplication and ensure consistency across commodities where possible. This will help both exporters and primary producers.
The Consultation Draft Export Control (Organic Goods) Rules 2020 (draft organics rules) sets out the operational details on how exports of organic goods will be regulated. Once finalised, the rules will replace the existing regulations and orders. Commodity-specific export requirements will continue to be found in separate rules.
Your input is sought on the process, with a consultation process open until 7 August. You can provide feedback on the draft organics rules here and find out more about the process to improve agricultural export legislation here.
… and seasonal workforce requirements

Hort Innovation is conducting research on the seasonal workforce in the horticulture sector, and the impacts of COVID-19, via a quick grower survey to guage their requirements. In particular, they’re keen to know the challenges you are facing to access seasonal workforce as a result of COVID-19, and the impact of border closures and restricted mobility. The information gathered will play an important role in understanding and addressing industry labour requirements into the future.
Responses are requested by next Friday, 7 August and the data collected will remain strictly confidential.
Access the survey here.
New South Wales/Victoria border restrictions tightened

The NSW Government has established a strict new border zone, tightened permit conditions and increased enforcement powers to further restrict entry to NSW for Victorians.
Under new border entry rules in force from 22 July:
  • changes have been made to the eligibility criteria for permits
  • a border zone resident has been redefined
  • people will have to re-apply for a new permit to enter NSW from Victoria. 
Agriculture remains classed as a critical service and individuals working in these industries can apply for a permit to cross the NSW-Victorian border, however:
  • all critical service workers (except freight) are required to self-isolate when not providing their critical services.
  • seasonal workers coming from Victoria are prohibited from entering NSW
  • commercial freight workers entering NSW are required to have a COVID Safety Plan and must comply at all times.
More information here or contact the NSW DPI Primary Industries Liaison Team at
An enclosure wall that protected three buildings at Khirbet Um Al Ghozlan in Wadi Rayan, some 14 kilometres west of Ajloun, indicated ancient olive production, according to an Australian archaeologist.

Proof of Bronze Age olive oil production – fascinating stuff!
COVID-19 Awareness Training for Tourism Businesses
The South Australian Tourism Commission has launched COVID-19 Awareness Training for business owners and employees in the tourism sector. This free 30-minute training covers what you need to know to prevent and control the spread of COVID-19, as well as give customers "COVID-clean" confidence. A certificate will be issued upon completion of the course, which businesses can display in their premises and/or use in promotional material.
Users must register, but registration is open to anyone – sign up here.
SA: 2020 South Australian Premier’s Food and Beverage Industry Awards
Entries for the 2020 South Australian Premier’s Food and Beverage Industry Awards are now open, with this year’s theme Sharing our Stories. The awards seek out and recognise excellence and innovation across all areas of the food and beverage industry in South Australia, providing producers with the opportunity to celebrate and share your success with your team, your customers and your industry. For winners and finalists the awards are a brand differential, and a powerful recommendation for their products in domestic and export markets.
Find out more and enter here.
Financial counselling support for small regional businesses

The Rural Financial Counselling Service (RFCS) provides financial counselling to help eligible small businesses understand their financial position, identify options and implement plans to improve their long-term financial viability. The funding also helps small businesses to access the immediate assistance they need to keep afloat and navigate the road to recovery.
Talking to a rural financial counsellor through the service is free and confidential, and counsellors are located within key agricultural communities across all states and territories of Australia.
Find out more here or register now by calling 1300 771 741.
Energy Efficient Communities Program - Small Business Grants

The Energy Efficient Communities Program - Small Business Grants provides small businesses with grants of up to $20,000 to improve their energy efficiency. Grants may be used for equipment and component improvements, energy audits, feasibility studies and/or energy use and emission monitoring. 
These grants are for $5,000-$20,000 with NO contribution required from the applicant. Applications close on 26 August and are judged on a first-come, first-served basis, combined with the relative merits of the project.
More information and apply here.
MAIL DELIVERIES ARE CURRENTLY SLOW – don’t wait to get your entries in for the Australian International Olive Awards 
There’s now just over a month until entries close for the 2020 Australian International Olive Awards (AIOA), so if you haven’t entered yet – get moving! This year will judging undertaken internationally by panels in seven countries across the globe, providing an unprecedented opportunity for recognition and the marketing benefits that follow.
Along with medals, trophies, industry recognition, promotion and increased sales, the AIOA provides organoleptic appraisal for EVOO status and eligibility for OliveCare® accreditation. Each entry will also be featured in the 2020 Results Book, a high-quality publication provided to all entrants, judges and media, providing a great marketing tool for all medal and award winners.
Key dates
Entries close: 4 September 2020 at 5pm CST 
Winners announced: 5 October 2020 via email; online Awards Presentation event in mid-October as part of the AOA 2020 Virtual Conference.
Full competition details and entry forms are available on the AIOA website:
*Don’t forget that AOA members pay heavily discounted AIOA entry prices, so check your 20/21 membership invoice has been received and paid before submitting your entries. If in doubt, contact Liz Bouzoudis on 0478 606 145 or
Webinar: Scaling up your business in Japan - how and why? 
Austrade and Japan External Trade Organisation (JETRO) invite you to join this webinar, the first in a series of webinars bringing together critical market information, government and peer support, founder insights and case studies of Australian companies succeeding in Japan so you can 'fast track' your success in the market. 
Details: 4 August, 2-3pm AEST – free.
More information and register here.

Speaking a combination of Arabic and English, board members of the Arab American Cultural Center of Oregon and volunteers handed out the first of 75 bags of olive oil, tea, lentils, rice and other goods on Saturday.

We’re obviously not the only ones who think olive oil is one of life’s necessities …

Following the Mediterranean diet and other healthy lifestyle habits helps people maintain a normal body mass index and, in turn, lowers the risks of developing dementia later in life, researchers found.

18-Jul-2020 By Elaine Watson

A recent study showing that four out of five samples of commercially available avocado oils were either rancid or adulterated generated a few negative headlines, but probably passed most consumers by. But it should serve as a wake-up call for industry, which urgently needs standards as the category continues to grow, says co-author Dr Selena Wang.
Friday Olive Extracts – send us YOUR news
With 2020 now well underway Friday Olive Extracts  (FOE) continues to bring all the latest industry news and events to your Inbox every week. THE place to share olive industry news, event details and reminders, our industry e-newsletter keeps growing in popularity and we now have nearly 4000 subscribers across the globe. If you’re not one of them,  you can sign up here.
And please remember that FOE is YOUR e-newsletter, so we’re keen to receive your news and help spread the word. Just email your information to Editor Gerri Nelligan at - it’s free, and the best way to reach your fellow industry members!

Back when olive oil production was done with presses, the term described the first press of the fresh fruit. Now it's a meaningless buzzword emblazoned on bottles everywhere.

21-Jul-2020 By Nikki Hancocks

A plant-based diet is beneficial for blood pressure but the nutritional quality of the foods is equally important, according to an international study of nearly 4,700 participants.

And for more insight on the topic:

14-Jul-2020 By Elaine Watson

Perceived health benefits remain the #1 purchase driver for plant-based foods according to new consumer research from innovation consultancy Mattson, although environmental factors, taste (in the case of plant-based dairy), and the sense that ‘I feel better when I eat plant-based foods’ are all gaining in importance.

Choosing EVOO over butter is surely an easy one!

Lands devoted to organically cultivated olive groves in Spain increased by nearly five percent in 2019, according to the latest analysis from the country’s Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food.
What's On

31 July 
Entries close, 2020 Royal Adelaide Extra Virgin Olive Oil & Table Olives Competition – Adelaide, SA

10 August
Entries open, 2020 NZ EVOO Awards – Wellington, NZ

24 August 
Entries open, 2020 WA Olive Awards – Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition

29 August
Results announced, Golden Olive Awards – Vic, Australia

September TBA
World Team Tasting Championship

4 September
Entries close, 2020 Australian International Olive Awards

4 September
Organic Regenerative Conference 2020 – Wellington, NZ

11 September 
Entries close, 2020 Hunter Olive Show – Hunter Valley, NSW

11 September 
Entries close, 2020 NZ EVOO Awards – Wellington, NZ

11 September
Entries close, 2020 WA Olive Awards – Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition

5 October
Results emailed to entrants, 2020 Australian International Olive Awards

10 October 
Awards Dinner, 2020 NZ EVOO Awards – Wellington, NZ

10 October 
Olives NZ 2020 Conference – Wellington, NZ

10 October
2020 NZ EVOO Awards – Wellington, NZ

19 October
Results emailed to entrants, 2020 WA Olive Awards – Extra Virgin Olive Oil Competition

22 October
Awards Presentation, 2020 Hunter Olive Show – Hunter Valley, NSW


23-25 March
Soil CRC Participants Conference

7-9 June 
Hort Connections 2021 – Brisbane, Qld

15-17 October 
AOA National Olive Conference & Trade Exhibition – Devonport, TAS

To include your event, or update your existing event details, email FOE editor Gerri Nelligan at
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 Olivegrower Communications:
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June Issue
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